Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Spotted: Palm Pre GSM

With the Palm Pre CDMA on the shelf for about a month now. Words on Pre GSM availability still unknown. Recently, the Palm Pre GSM was spotted at Vietnam. Let’s check out the YouTube video.

To infinity and beyond

I totally dig science-fiction. 

Not Star Trek science fiction (a little too nerdy, and gadget filled for me),

but more

Orson Scott Card,

The Giver

and Gattaca


science fiction. 

Ryan is a big fan and I’ve realized I am, too. 

And mostly, I think it’s either you love it or you don’t. 

I love future-istic,




utopian society stuff. 

I like the What If and Could It Happen of it all. 

I love Time Travel (because what would be cooler than that?)


I love the way this genre examines human nature and ethics and morals

by making humans more able and powerful. 

I love the escapism of it all. 

My dad doesn’t.  My friend who read The Road,

recently, doesn’t.

Which camp are you in?

Monday, June 29, 2009


It’s all I seem to do around this blog.  Sorry.

Ryan, hopefully, had a fun Father’s day.  I’m so not as good as he is at celebrating events.   Gabe carried this tray up the stairs, to our room, for a breakfast in bed surprise.  Picture 042

(He probably didn’t realize that for his Keep-Things-Pristine Father, the fact that he didn’t drop the tray was the biggest present of all). 

It’s so nice when he doesn’t have meetings, so besides that and the dinner of grilled sandwiches, chips, and banana pudding dessert, it wasn’t much of a day. Picture 043

We sure do feel lucky that he’s the Dad around here, despite our laid-back efforts.

Jessica, takes pictures of the food on her dates with Ryan.  Look at how pretty it was:Dinnerdate

We’ve had a few fun evenings out:  to Shock games with the Nebekers, to dinner at a local French cafe, to SYTYCD get-togethers (wasn’t last week’s kind of lame?). 

I also got to hang out with blog friend, Andrea, for a day and a half.

 Picture 063(Jessica A., also blogs with Andrea and wanted to get in on the fun.  Why do I look so shiny and tired?) 

It was so fun.  I dream of that kind of visit with all of you blogger friends—SO fun to ask all the questions that I always wonder about and get lots of back story.  She was a champ—mostly because she let Seth crawl ALL over her during the entirety of Sacrament meeting.  And ate my 4000 strawberry dishes (post about strawberry picking to come).

Emma and Gabe, had the THRILL of setting up this fort (see “shanty town” in the background):


and having a Late Night of games, treats and keeping up the neighbors in the Hunter’s backyard.  Who officially win as Funnest Neighbors Ever.

Remember last year’s photo at Silverwood?

Picture 008

The sad faces were a result of me (pregnant) and Jane (too short) being left off the Big Rollercoasters at our local amusement park.

Well…replace it this one:silverwoodI was happily un-pregnant and Jane was more the 42 inches tall, so we took this picture on our first Big Kid ride.  She was truly scared out of her mind, but determinedly went on a few more…even ones Emma was a little too chicken for.  When asked later what her favorite part of the day was, she replied:  “Riding the Big Rollercoasters with Emma and Gabe”. 

Seth, who a friend dubbed Perma-Grin yesterday:

 Picture 050

seemed to have a great time hugging people at Silverwood.  Here with Odie:

Picture 054 

and Jane (who wanted no part of the Little Kid ride situation, but was cajoled into accompanying him on the helicopters):


Picture 047

Faith, was a trooper at Silverwood, despite her refusal to nap in her stroller.  (Side note:  isn’t that so the problem with sleep-trained, Babywise kids?  They sleep like crazy at home, but have such a hard time doing it in your arms, carseat, stroller, etc.)  She loved the water at the wave pool:Picture 061

Today, she apparently sat herself up (as opposed to being plopped down), in her crib today, because this is how we found her after her nap:

Picture 075(I know.  So cute.) 

Okay, now we’re caught up.  I promise some deep essays, hilarious personal foibles, and recommendations sometime soon.  Especially if some of these kids that seem to require parenting 15 hours a day would disappear.

Mad009 Report

So this is what I feel like about the event

Day 1 / Friday 26

- Design Interaction Masterclass: I couldn´t go because of work. It was about prototyping and things like that.

- LaDespensa: Neither did I go. This is a Spanish Agency centered in video and advertising.

- GrupoW: Nice! I have always thought tha GroupW abuses of using video websites, specially as the y haven´t the same speed as Europe (Mexico). Some of their sites have excesive preloading times. Anyway, I liked very mucha their interactive sites, their advergaming, the making of of the projects, and yes, yes we flash!!!

- Interbrand: Very interesting, they made a seminar in DMSTK some time ago. I didn´t know they had done the trademark of Mad009. Very serius and corporative. It is quite curious the alliance between DMSTK + Interbrand, can be a great one! They´re planning exporting the format of the event to Lisboa, London and some place more I miss.

- Herraiz & Soto: One of my favorites related to interaction. In the past they were the best hand to hand with DoubleYou, but this one lost a lot when Borgström left them. They talk about making Rock and Roll and having fans instead of customers (as Apple). Also they talked a lot about where is the advertising market going. They defend and promote technology. Great!

- Antoine et Manuel: These two amusing french people have lots of talent and many many jobs, some even in the Louvre. I´m happy to have news from our neighbours. They had some problems with the English but it was great when they talked about the money they got and things like that.

- Alex Trochut: Designers were really enthusiastic with this boy. It was interesting to hear about his trayectory and his family. Alex Trochut or how to become an artist, I would say. I think he´s got much more work than what he showed. Anyway his speech was about his progress.

- Johny Kelly: A last-minute exibition cos he was the substitute of n Hilman Curtis que estaba enfermo. He is the author of Procrastination and The Seed. Told us about the making of of his motion graphics. He even tried to record the noise of lobsters boiling!!! Saturday we had the opportunity to have meal with him and he told us how is it to work in London.

Day 2 / Saturday 27

- Laura Meseguer: I couldn´t go because of work. She´s a tipografist talking about which type to choose and when.

- DNX Group: If you follow Mad009 impressions he is being critizised. This is because he talked about a university that he wants to place in Spain. People misunderstood him and thought all he wanted to do was selling a Master. But it wasn´t, cos everything comes from a fundation. Anyway, he also explained about a travel he made around Europe and America getting in touch with the best Interaction and Design Colleges.

- BaseMotion: For me the best. They talked about workflow, creative phases, interaction customer-agency. The works Perspectives and Telex are really good!

- Agency Republic: I think this man know a lot about advertising, but I´m not sure Augmented reality is the best way to make an exhibition. His theme was creativity, with a lot of examples. His voice would be something like: - Believe!

- Domestika: From the organizers of the event, I couldn´t attend.

- Waskman: Last year was the best. This time they took the Marketing Director of Vodafone Spain so as to see the customer´s point of view. This is an agency making events and promotions, really funny. It´s amazing how they use advertising laterally (using bloggers or news).

- Trevor Jackson: This was an interview with this multidisciplinar artist-designer. Nice format.

- Pentagram: Great works but I missed a bit more rythmical exhibition.

What can I tell about the organisers? It was good. This year you could see two screens instead of one. More media. Masterclass (special class about tipography and interaction).

Actually this is a multidisciplinar event in touch with Design, Motion, Art, Interaction, Music, and at the same time answering some important questions everyone of us have: Workflow, how to make things? Why? Where is all these going? etc.

Johnny Kelly and Comet

The event organisers´


Clam It

Why exactly are clams so happy?

Explanation: I keep hearing that so-and-so was "happy as a clam." I've seen clams before. They don't look very happy to me. Most of the time, they look breaded and fried, actually. Do they enjoy that? I guess I wouldn't mind being deep fried, assuming I was subsequently tossed in Buffalo sauce. Maybe that's just me.

Anyway, speaking of being happy, I am happy. Why am I happy? Because I am going to be on vacation! That's why! I'll be back in a week or so with the statusey goodness you've come to expect from me (and my team of trained monkeys). See ya!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Benim pasta siparişi yaptığım müşterilerimden Aliye Hanım internette birçok alışveriş sitesi olan bir bayan.Beni arayıp internetteki sitesindeki değişik hediyeler kategorisine benim kurabiyelerimden resimler koymamı ve buradan siparişlerimi değerlendirmemi teklif etti.Bende henüz bu yoğunluğa ve sorumluluğa hazırmıyım bilmiyorum.
düşünme aşamasındayım:)

Aliye Hanım için bir arkadaşının kızına hediye olarak sipariş verilen kurabiyeler.Modelleri tek tek Aliye Hanım seçti.Özelliklede melek figürünün olmasını rica etti.

Happy Birthday 2 AhYee

Happy Birthday To ah Yee. yeah... another Birthday Celebration~. May you wish come true.

The Moment Birthday girl made her wish and blowing the candle.

that Shin Lee, AH YEE the birthday girl , Sok Kim, and Yuki.

Daimaseng with his cam, Shin Lee brother. Donz and the Cake.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Bienvenida a mi dieta


Doğa hanım yaklaşık 3 hafta sonra dünyaya bir kız çocuğu getirecek olan, iş arkadaşı pınar hanım için sürpriz bir baby shower partisi hazırlamış.Bana da her detayı en ince ayrıntısına kadar düşünülmüş bu sürprizin pastasını yapmak kaldı:).
Pastamızın alt katı bol çilekli üst katı ise bol çikolata ve fıstıklı olarak hazırlandı.
Pınar Hanıma doğacak bebeğine sağlıkla kavuşmasını dilerim.

Sometimes You Just Can't Tell

So, is this a tragedy or can I start making up jokes?

Explanation: Michael Jackson passed away yesterday at the age of 50. It's a bit unusual for someone to spontaneously drop dead at that age. Then again, it's closer to normal than most of the other things Jackson has done in his life. I'm torn. Are people upset about this? Will they be insulted when I start making up stupid jokes about how he's dead by cleverly altering his song lyrics? Is it too soon? Do we celebrate him or mock him? I'm just going to have to think about this one.

While I'm pondering, you can witness the debate in the comments on this page. It's either very inappropriate or very funny.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mad09, there we go!

If you are in Madrid tomorrow and you´re interested in Flash and Design, you should attend to MadInSpain09, this is a Spanish event from Domestika related to Design, Motion, Interaction, Web, events...

I´ll be posting about the event from my iPhone so us to keep you updated

Courtesy of Roy G. Biv...

Rainbows galore! Oh boy!

Explanation: On the long drive home from Poughkeepsie, thanks to some serious rainstorms in the area, we drove a good bit of the way with direct sunlight from the west and rain storms over us and to the east. Those types of conditions led to some beautiful rainbows. Of course, my camera was in the trunk under a pile of baby equipment, so I was reduced to just enjoying them at the time. Well, as much as I could without accidentally rear-ending the car in front of me.

The light necessary for a rainbow when the sun is low in the sky makes for some interesting photo opportunities. This is one of my all-time favorite photos (from the internet, not me) of a rainbow over Seattle:

Of course, the scenery over the New Jersey Turnpike wouldn't have been quite the same.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Minik kaan ın sevdiği ve en çok oynadığı oyuncak ayısını Duygu Hanım pastamızda görmek istediğini söyleyince böyle bir sevimli ayıcık ailesi ortaya çıktı.Miniğede sağlıklı,huzurlu sevdikleriyle geçireceği uzun bir ömür dilerim.

R.I.P Micheal Jackson.

There goes our King Of Pop -Michael Jackson.
Now he's become a Legend. so i decided to share 2 of my favourite MJ song.

You're Not Alone. my all time favourite.

Earth Song - Earth Song. another song that i like.

Wingy Wednesday

It appears my days of Hots are over.

Explanation: Back in the day, between barefoot walks to school uphill both ways in the snow, I used to be able to eat the "Hot" wings at Planet Wings. As I can still eat their "Medium" wings with no heat issues whatsoever, I thought it would be fun last night to try the Hots again.

Well, it is with deep regret that I announce my immediate retirement from Planet Wings Hots today. Too much heat, not enough flavor. I'm just going to have to stick to the Mediums, I guess. This is a sad day in my world.

On the bright side, however, my daughter made her first ever trip to Planet Wings last night! Bring on the next generation of wing eaters!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Misspellings Make Me Happy

I have tenyear!

Explanation: Today is my tenth service anniversary at work! I now have tenyear! I'm unfireable! WOO-HOO!

This also happens to coincidentally mark the tenth anniversary of the first time I ever met a Bosnian.

I guess you take the good with the bad, huh?

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Storm is coming: BlockBerry 9500

I can’t help it but to post this sales banner here. A mobile manufacturer in China, Huff-Comm, has produced a Blackberry Storm clone, called Blockberry 9500. The Storm knock off is powered by Windows Mobile 6.1, is equipped with a 3.2 inch touch-screen display, FM radio and GPS. The BlockBerry 9500 is offered in 6 colours and has 3G/EDGE connectivity. The header says, "Obama has BlackBerry, I



Explanation: This was part of the buildup for the exciting release of the new rooftime.net site! Completely redesigned from the bottom up! Well, actually the redesign was from the bottom to the middle, with some of the top and parts of the old bottom. It was definitely redesigned a bit, though.

Of course, the site isn't perfect yet, but it's getting there. The important thing is that you are now able to register for the Poughkeepsie area's premier charity volleyball event! What are you waiting for? Go now!

Ambassadors for Christ

Originally uploaded by micahofmatthias

This is from Darrell L. Guder's Bible study called "Ambassadors for Christ;"it's kind of a long and weighty quote, but definitely worth chewing on a bit:

Seen through the lenses of the gospel, the world is desperately in need of reconciliation. Certainly we would confirm that diagnosis-the news reported in any daily paper would document humanity's need to be reconciled. But the human diagnosis will not identify the problem as our need to be reconciled with God. We focus upon the brutal divisions that make nations, tribes, religions, and cultures into each other's deadly enemies. We struggle to find human resources to bring about the reconciliation for which we all long. The gospel defines creation's distress as the result of our separation from God. It is not merely a matter of human resources but of divine intervention. So, the gospel announces that God has intervened. Our separation from God and each other has been overcome, the chasm bridged, the opposing factions brought together. Our message starts with the assurance that in Christ there already is a new creation. The work of reconciliation was accomplished at Calvary, Easter, and Ascension Day. Thus, our calling to the role of ambassadors is a consequence of what God has already done. As ambassadors, we are called into royal service, to bear this wonderful message to the world: your distress has been resolved, your rebellion overcome, your separation ended. Nothing more needs to be done before the reconciliation can take place-except that we should accept and receive the gift of forgiveness and healing that seal our reconciliation. The unlikely ambassadors who make up the church of Jesus Christ are sent out to the world to make plain that God has transformed our plight on the cross of Jesus. We are to invite the world to receive what is already available and to claim what is already true. Of course, this means that the church itself must live out this wonderful reconciliation in every dimension of its life. So the call to be reconciled is still addressed to the church as well, so that we can embark upon the embassy to the world that is our calling: "Be reconciled to God" (5:20).

(Link was from Sets-n-Service)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Durian Buffet! Eat All You CAN!!!

i LOVE LIEW LIAN!! Durian.. and today we went for a DURIAN session in SS2. and i being told is Buffet Style.. which mean.. EAT ALL YOU CAN!!! OMG!! how exciting i am.

Can you see the Banner?? EAT ALL YOU CAN!!! OMG.. really? for only RM10??? see the small sign?? Bao Shan Bao Hoi sunmore. wah......

Meow Mountain King.. Eat jor voice will meow meow sound?

surprizingly.. that is NOT the only stall of Durian Buffet.. others stall around there.. ALSO got BUFFET!!! eat all you can!!!. OH MY GOD.. my Father Gonna Love this place.

the place where we had our Durian Buffet. Eat Eat Eat~!!! Like lucky draw.. hope to get a NICE durian. hahahaha. D24? MeowKing? RedPrawn? RM10 wor.. do you think u going to get that? hhehehe

Branded Premium Durian placed here.. these is not included in the "Eat All You Can Package" hehehe.

Durian 代言人 wannabe?? hmph....

more photo abou the durian Stall.

Guess what. i'm Overheat, ah du voice, yeah.. i'm HOT!!! gosh.. need to coold down jor..