Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oasis Harmony Kindergarten Opening Ceremony.

Received a call from my sister few weeks before.. "can you come down to Seremban to be my photographer? snap some picture for our new kindergarten opening ceremony". wow... wat a surprise.. ok.. sure thing. so.. here i am in Seremban .

When i go inside.. wow... nice decoration. gotta admit that i just love the environment feel. comfy ~

More candid shots in the Oasis Harmoni Kindergarten Open day...

Guess they love it here. lots of laughter and fun here. you know.. kids.. just simply love their smile .

Think.. Think.. What's the next move? let me refresh wat did the teacher said ya.. erm.. think think think..

Trust me.. is lot's of fun here. you will love it.

More details about Oasis Harmony Kindergarten.

Oasis Harmoni Kindergarten.
No.898 Jalan TBK Utama,
Taman Bukit Kepayang
70200 Seremban



Friday, October 30, 2009

Walk & Snap Around Kuala Lumpur

Under Tress. About to start the photography walk around.

walk and snap till inside a KL church..

passing by Pudu Bas stop.. risking life to take pic, anytime will being hit by KOTARATA bus.

saw a funny postcard inside central Market. hope the shop owner won't send him to Zoo Negara.. cause that's not in our schedule today.

i think i saw a fairy tales creature.. the Pegasus.. Flying Horses.

and a Old street with colorfulness new Paint

and we walk till the KL tallest National Flag.

and wait for the clock tower to glow..

Streets starting to glow...

and we watching the clock tower surrounded by darkness and start glowing with it lights.

and we KLCC become our last shooting place of the day.

This Week with Henri Nouwen – Two Sides of One Faith

This Week with Henri Nouwen – Two Sides of One Faith: "

Van Gogh“Our faith in God who sent his Son to become God-with-us and who, with his Son, sent his Spirit to become God-within-us cannot be real without our faith in the Church. The Church is that unlikely body of people through whom God chooses to reveal God’s love for us. Just as it seems unlikely to us that God chose to become human in a young girl living in a small, not very respected town in the Middle East nearly two thousand years ago, it seems unlikely that God chose to continue his work of salvation in a community of people constantly torn apart by arguments, prejudices, authority conflicts, and power games.

Still, believing in Jesus and believing in the Church are two sides of one faith. It is unlikely but divine!” – Henri Nouwen


All Things

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)  

Friday Proverbs: A Little Slumber

Friday Proverbs: A Little Slumber: "

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.

- Proverbs 6:10-11



Thursday, October 29, 2009

#1 With a Bullet

#1 With a Bullet: "“The first care of every Christian ought to be, to lay aside all reliance on works, and strengthen his faith alone more and more, and by it grow in the knowledge, not of works, but of Christ Jesus, who has suffered and risen again for him.”

- Martin Luther, Christian Liberty


John Hosier on: Simplicity & Generosity

John Hosier on: Simplicity & Generosity: "From a talk John Hosier did on 'remembering the poor' at CCK Brighton.

'If we reject materialism and asceticism it seems to me we are left with the biblical way of generosity, which in turn is linked with simplicity. Simplicity is not to be understood in 'nothing' but 'enough.' When we consider the needs of the poor, and indeed the needs of world mission, then there is a challenge to generosity - something that can always be increased as we simplify our lifestyle.

This is a sensitive area, for simplicity can easily become pharisaical when we begin to bring our opinion and judgement to bear on how others should simplify their lifestyle. (And particularly pharisaical if others should suggest how we might simplify our lifestyle!) The reality is that we are all extravagant in different ways. Voluntary simplicity of lifestyle is a way to increase our generosity.'



Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Firefox update + Flashplayer installation

At least in Europe, this is what you find when updating your Firefox version

Once you follow the link you go directly to Adobe. They have placed there the McAfee Security Scan with the FlashPlayer. Truely, I don´t like this, I have my own antivirus.

Last step: Installation

Monday, October 26, 2009

What should have Flash CS5 Code Snippets panel?

They have talked a lot about the possibility of making iPhone apps from the new upcoming FlashCS5. Good news!

Anyway, we can´t miss the point about designers moving to programming or just designers using Actionscript 3. So this is the question:

If you were a designer what would you like to have in the new Flash CS5?

For this the Code Snippets Panel is really a great answer. I am sure many designers have already used this kind of panels (Gaia Framework, Event Generator, Quesy Tools, Kuler). You just install an .mxp and all it´s done! Easy! With no code.

So, what should Flash CS5 have in Code snippets Panel to help designers?
This is my whish list:

- Preload: Instead of making it coding, a simple preload could be prepared for this
- FullScreen: Liquid Design configuration. I could be included a FullScreen Background image option, so when you change your browser width or height you would see it ok. As SWffit does
- Google Analytics: We´ve seen it as a .swc, a panel would be good also
- Gaia Framework: I think this panel is done for programmers, it should be even more easy. Just think you are a designer and you don´t know nothing about code
- Loading external swf
- Motion pannel: Somethin as Greensock does or editing the new possibilities of bones animations
- XML Load
- Sound Load
- Load BitMapData
- Forms, could be included the connection to a php, Email checking, etc.
- SWF Object and SWF Address integration
- A menu builder
- 3D integration (PaperVision, Away3d)
- Text Formatting (as panels in Photoshop do)
- Banner Creation: With things that designers need (Clicktag, invisible button, etc.)
- Image Gallery

Much difference?

Much difference?: "
Fred Sanders reflects on the death of Paul Tillich -- liberal theologian, serial adulterer -- here. Sanders recounts:

After his death, [Tillich's wife Hannah] returns home and opens his locked drawers. “All the girls’ photos fell out, letters and poems, passionate appeal and disgust. Beside the drawers, which were supposed to contain his spiritual harvest, the books he had written and the unpublished manuscripts all lay in unprotected confusion. I was tempted to place between the sacred pages of his highly esteemed lifework those obscene signs of the real life . . . .'

If there could be placed between the sacred pages of our theological lifework the obscene signs of the real life, would there be much difference between Paul Tillich and us, really?

'Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.' 2 Timothy 2:19



Thursday, October 22, 2009

An R & R Rebus

(Do you know what a rebus is?  It’s a piece of writing where some words are represented by pictures.  They were my favorite part of the Friend growing up.  Yours,too?  Well, here’s the post for you:)

1  are going on a trip WITHOUT

29 !!!

Minnetonka Cave  is coming to stay with them for the whole week.  Isn’t Minnetonka Cave a saint?


We are  going to to see NewEnglandFall .

Our trip starts in Connecticut to see Ryan’s sisterPicture 121 (and Carter and Jake, too).  Then we are going to Boston, to walk thefreedom-trail and eat LOTS of food (because in my solicitation of advice for Boston, mostly people just talked about the food.)  I get to meet

(blog here) for dinner!  Then we are going to New%20York%20City.  My cousin the little family lives there.  The thing I’m most excited about is this: Wicked , on Broadway!  After New%20York%20City, we are driving to Amish country.  (We’ll be in a rental car, not a horse and buggy.)  That night we’re being hosted by (see her blog here.)  Then back to CT, to hang out a little more withPicture 121.

Did I mention it’s just 49

All by our little lonesome?

Excited, much?