Thursday, September 29, 2011

Well done, President Obama

I just received an email from the White House's Office of the Press Secretary, of which I made a screen grab and post below:

Click on the image for full size. The text is:

Statement by the Press Secretary on Conviction of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

The United States condemns the conviction of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. Pastor Nadarkhani has done nothing more than maintain his devout faith, which is a universal right for all people. That the Iranian authorities would try to force him to renounce that faith violates the religious values they claim to defend, crosses all bounds of decency, and breaches Iran’s own international obligations. A decision to impose the death penalty would further demonstrate the Iranian authorities' utter disregard for religious freedom, and highlight Iran's continuing violation of the universal rights of its citizens. We call upon the Iranian authorities to release Pastor Nadarkhani, and demonstrate a commitment to basic, universal human rights, including freedom of religion.
This is as strong a statement as I could have hoped for and states the right position in clear, unambiguous terms. For all the justified criticisms I have made about this administration, this is one issue that they got exactly right. Well done, Mr. President. People of faith under oppression around the world thank you.

The back story is that Pastor Nadarkhani has been holding house-church worship of Christians in Iran, for which he was accused and today convicted of apostasy under Islamic law. Apostasy is punishable by death under the terms of sharia law. That Pastor Nadarkhani was never Muslim (having never uttered the shahada, or Islamic confession, in the manner required by the Quran) is held by Iran's murder government as beside the point. Even though the court held that Nadarkhani was never a practicing Muslim, it did not matter because his ancestry was Muslim.

Pastor Nadarkhani was given four opportunities by the court to (a) renounce Christianity and then (b) utter the shahada. He refused and for that he may be sentenced to be executed judicially murdered. Nadarkhani has been imprisoned in Rasht since October 2009. In June of last year he wrote a letter to his parishioners which reached the West and was translated from Farsi into English. A translation is below the fold of this post. Compare the Spirit of holiness that pervades his words with the satanic hatred that fills the sermons of most any Muslim imam.

Google News page is here. God be with you, brother. Post continues after the jump

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Written in June 2010 by Pastor Yusef Nadarkhani while imprisoned in Lakan Prison, Iran, for refusing to renounce his Christian faith and adopt Islam. Translated from the original Farsi.

Dear brothers and sisters, Salam

In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am continuously seeking grace and mercy to you, that you remember me and those who are bearing efforts for his name in your prayers.

Your loyalty to God is the cause of my strength and encouragement. For I know well that you will be rewarded; as it’s stated: blessed is the one who has faith, for what has been said to him by God, will be carried out. As we believe, heaven and earth will fade but his word will still remain.

Dear beloved ones, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a few verses, although you might know them, So that in everything, you give more effort than the past, both to prove your election, and for the sake of Gospel that is to be preached to the entire world as well.

I know that not all of us are granted to keep this word, but to those who are granted this power and this revelation, I announce the same as Jude, earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints.

We are passing by special and sensitive days. They are days that for an alert and awake believer can be days of spiritual growth and progress. Because for him, more than any other time there is the possibility to compare his faith with the word of God, have God’s promises in mind, and survey his faith.

Therefore the true believer does not need to wonder for the fiery trial that has been set on for him as though it were something unusual, but it pleases him to participate in Christ’s suffering because the believer knows he will rejoice in his glory.

Dears, the “ judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?”

Therefore those who are enduring burdens by the will of God, commit their souls to the faithful Creator. Promises that he has given us, are unique and precious. As we’ve heard he has said: “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”

How can it be possible for a believer to understand these words? Only if he is focusing on Jesus Christ with adapting his life according to the life Jesus lived when he was on earth. As it is said, "O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.”
Have we not read and heard: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there are who find it. Many attempt to flee from their spiritual tests, and they have to face those same tests in a more difficult manner, because no one will be victorious by escaping from them, but with patience and humility he will be able to overcome all the tests, and gain victory.

Therefore in the place of Christ’s followers, we must not feel desperate, but we have to pray to God in supplication with more passion to help us with any assistance we may need. According to what Paul has said: In every temptation, God himself will make a way for us to tolerate it.

O beloved ones, difficulties do not weaken mankind, but they reveal the true human nature. It will be good for us to occasionally face persecutions and abnormalities, since these abnormalities will persuade us to search our hearts, and to survey ourselves. So as a result, we conclude that troubles are difficult, but usually good and useful to build us.

Dear brothers and sisters, we must be more careful than any other time, because in these days, the hearts and thoughts of many are revealed, so that the faith is tested. May your treasure be where there is no moth and rust.

I would like to remind you of some verses that we nearly discuss everyday, (Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven), but as long as our human will has priority over God’s will, his will shall not be done. As we have learned from him in Gethsemane, he surrendered his will to the father, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

What we are bearing today is a difficult but not unbearable situation, because neither he has tested us more than our faith and our endurance, nor does he do as such. And as we have known from before, we must beware not to fail, but to advance in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, And consider these bumps and prisons as opportunities to testify to his name. He said: If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

As a small servant, necessarily in prison to carry out what I must do, I say with faith in the word of God that he will come soon. "However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

Discipline yourself with faith in the word of God. Retain your souls with patience. For there is no man who does anything in secret, and he himself seeks to be known openly.

May you are granted grace and blessings increasingly in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Yusef Nadarkhani
Lakan Prison in Rasht

Today's the day!

Everyone is excited! We've got some momentum! No one is screaming "I hate this potty"!

Wish us luck!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oktoberfest 2011

Last Week of September. also known as Oktoberfest! last year 2010 i though  the event happen in October.. who know it end on 1st week of October. kinda puzzled that this year, we came early and dine in Bavarian Bierhaus. one of the German restaurant that celebrate Oktoberfest.

we order some German sausage platter. mixed all kind of German sausage. it's taste great :)

dang dang dang dang! here come there 1 Liter giant mug Franziskaner Weissbier.

First Taste, glup~

my turn. gulps

glup glup glup

still some more to go.. glup glup glup...

burppp. finished.. and we can bring the mug home. as souvenir

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Yale demos NFC-enabled residential locks, germaphobes rejoice (video)

Yale demos NFC-enabled residential locks, germaphobes rejoice (video)

By Amar Toor posted Sep 21, 2011 8:30AM

Assa Abloy has already brought NFC-based door locks to some Swedishhotel rooms, but one of its subsidiary companies is now looking to bring them to your doorstep, as well. Earlier this month, Yale Locks & Hardware unveiled what it hopes will be the first NFC-enabled residential lock to hit the US market. With this system, all you'll need to do is wave your smartphone in front of one of Yale's Real Living line of motorized locks, which will then automatically open (as long as you've been authorized to do so). Demoed at this year's CEDIA Expo, these revamped locks are also compatible with either Zigbee or Z-Wave home automation technologies and support Assa Abloy's Mobile Keys software, which allows users to securely load all of their digital keys on their handsets. Pricing and availability remain unclear, but you can unlock more details in the brief demo video and full press release, after the break.

Show full PR text
Yale Debuts First NFC Door Lock for Homes

Near Field Communication (NFC) employs Mobile Keys platform from parent company Assa Abloy.

LENOIR CITY, TN -- Yale Locks & Hardware (, an ASSA ABLOY Group company and a world leader in door hardware for residential and commercial applications, will demonstrate a version of its Yale Real Living locks with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. The demonstration will take place at the upcoming CEDIA Expo 2011, September 7-10 in Indianapolis, IN.

The Yale Real Living line is the company's first locks specifically designed to integrate seamlessly into the digital home.

In adding NFC capability, Yale expects to be the first US brand to offer residential locks with NFC capability. What's more, this Yale Real Living line will be compatible with the ASSA ABLOY Mobile Keys platform. A scalable secure delivery infrastructure for distribution and management of mobile keys, the ASSA ABLOY Mobile Keys platform allows credentials to be distributed securely through NFC-enabled mobile phones as an alternative to mechanical keys and physical access cards. Consequently, this will be the first line of residential locks that can be unlocked directly using an NFC-enabled mobile phone.

NFC is a short-range wireless communication technology standard that enables the exchange of data between devices up to a 10-centimeter distance. Applications include contactless transactions such as payment and transit ticketing, keys, data transfers including electronic business cards, and access to online digital content.

The mobile keys platform enabled by the NFC technology has already been introduced to the hospitality industry by Yale's parent company, ASSA ABLOY. In fact, ASSA ABLOY recently completed the first-ever trial of the mobile keys platform at the Clarion Hotel in Stockholm, in which 28 frequent hotel guests were invited to use the technology over an eight-month period. Reaction to the mobile keys platform was overwhelmingly positive.

"From a residential perspective, the mobile phone is ubiquitous," said Jason Williams, General Manager of Yale Residential. "We use it to make reservations, schedule our day, everything. By incorporating NFC technology into our Yale Real Living locks, we've extended the functionality of the mobile phone even further. What's more, we've created a highly secure product that capitalizes on ASSA ABLOY technology that is being extremely well-received in other end-user markets."

Available with either a sleek capacitive touchscreen or pushbutton key pad, Yale's new platform of intelligent locks supports both Z-Wave(R) and ZigBee, allowing them to integrate seamlessly into a wide range of home control and security systems, including Control4, the Vera Z-Wave home control system by Mi Casa Verde, and's emPower, among others.

Via: CE Pro

Microsoft patents modular Windows Phone with swappable batteries, keyboard, and gamepad

Microsoft patents modular Windows Phone with swappable batteries, keyboard, and gamepad

By Sean Buckley posted Sep 23, 2011 9:14PM

We've seen slider phones with speakersgamepads, and of course, the standard keypad -- but what if you want to swap out your slider accessory for something new? A new patent from Microsoft is exploring the possibility, showing off a concept smartphone with a sliding modular bay. Tired of that keyboard? Replace it with a gamepad, or a life-giving battery pack. According to the patent claims, some of the modular components would even function wirelessly, citing a touchscreen module which doubles as a wireless handset or a media remote. Neat? You bet, but we wouldn't get our hopes up -- Microsoft typically keeps out of the handset manufacturing game, and the last modular phone to pique our interest didn't exactly make a splash.

Via: Unwired View 
Source: USPTO

Friday, September 23, 2011



Anatomy of the perfect banner

From Dutch Cowboys I´ve found this infographic coming from BuySellAds.

We are strictily talking about design, not about CTR or tech.
So, mainly they say that a good banner shall have: Interactivity, good use of space, compelling imagery, good texts, call to action, branding elements and a bit of humor.

What shouldn´t be on a banner: Lost messages, falses promises, excesive impact and bad colour treatment.

In my opinion, if we talk about sales, I still think the most important thing is the publisher where the Ad goes. Talking about branding is different, that way creativity is much more important.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

August (attempt 2)

When one doesn’t ever seem to have time to blog and then one actually writes something and is 2 minutes away from hitting the publish button and then for some mysterious reason one’s program up and quits, leaving one with NOTHING to show for 45 minutes of work---one wants to scream. 

And, frankly, one wonders if August was really that interesting anyway.

Probably not, but one is nothing if not dogmatic in completing planned tasks.

So this is what we did in August:

Faith broke her arm.


This is how:  she was throwing a tantrum (the amount of pain that girl has caused herself while throwing a fit is disturbing).  Ryan placed her in her crib to calm down.  She jumped out of her crib and broke her arm.  When you are telling that story to the ER guy, you really try to make yourself sound as sincere and honest and loving as possible. 

Of note:  the girl did not cry once.  Not a single tear.  Not when she broke it, or on the car ride, or in the ER, or while going into surgery, or while recovering from surgery, or at any time while recovering, or while they were removing her cast.  As Ryan likes to say “The child has no nerve endings.  Apparently.”


We also tried to do all of the usual summer activites that we could possibly stuff into the month:

We took the kids to the DaVinci exhibit at our local museum. 


Pricey, but worth it, when I heard Emma tell her friend; “I thought it would be boring but it was REALLY cool” and Gabe’s Primary teacher told me that he talked about it all during the following Sunday’s class.


We went to Riverfront park, to ride rides, go to the IMAX, play mini-golf and ride the carrousel.


Sometimes that place is fun and sometimes it is not.  This time was a fun one.  Yay!


I took the 4 oldest to Silverwood, while Ryan stayed home with Faith.


He’s chicken of rides that make you feel like this:


Again, great time was had by all.  (Maybe because my kids are growing into nice, easy ages?)


We went swimming ALL THE TIME


Thanks to our ward pool (a family opens their pool to anyone 3 days a week from 11-4.  Nice, huh?) and my friend Jessica S., for volunteering her lakefront any time we wanted.


Ryan planned an entire neighborhood triathlon, complete with oranges, drinks, stations, awards, and timing.


Unfortunately, Faith broke her arm 20 minutes before it was supposed to happen.  We let Ryan stay home and run the event, while I headed to the hospital.  They didn’t forget about us though:



We did our annual Tubbs Hill hike and swim.


Again, the ages of my children make most of these kinds of activities SO fun.


Jane went to a two-day Activity Girls Day Camp that was so darling. 



We hit the Southside Aquatic Center, 2 days after Faith had surgery. 


This $35 swimming cast cover worked while there and…..never again. 


Our town finally got a yogurt place and I fulfilled my lifelong dream of biking with my kids to get yogurt on a Friday night. 


And last, but not least, we had two birthdays.

Gabe had the usual fancy breakfast, out to lunch date (at a buffet.  Barf.), picked his activity of the day (Tubbs Hill) and dessert with the cousins (Lime Cheesecake.  Not Barf.)





Seth had a Phineas and Ferb birthday, planned and executed by his dad.

Here they are with the cake:

seth birthday 027

and party games that had somehow tie in to the cartoon, but it’s 1 month later and I have no idea what they are anymore.  Coloring pages:

seth birthday 001

mummy wrapping:

seth birthday 009

finding Perry the Platypus:

seth birthday 007

Popping balloons with your bum:

seth birthday 018


My one contribution to his birthday, besides delivering him into the world, was this CRAZY good Strawberry Lime Cream Cake.

seth birthday 046


So there you go.  I’m pressing publish as fast as I can because there will NOT be an August, take 3.

Obama urges revival of the CCC

Obama’s Bridge Collapse:

President Obama made a swing through the Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area today to stand near a bridge and call out Speaker Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell (whose states, by “pure coincidence,” the bridge just happens to connect) for not passing his ‘jobs bill’ already.
Jay Carney set the stage last week, saying, “It’s pretty clear that this bridge could benefit from a little repair and renovation.” Saying the bridge is “in such poor condition that it has been labeled functionally obsolete,” the President today demanded immediate passage of his ‘jobs bill’ to put people to work right now. But this kabuki dance is less about bridges than those dastardly Republicans:
“It desperately needs rebuilding, as do substandard roads and bridges all across America,” White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage said. As the two most powerful Republicans in Washington, Speaker Boehner and Senator (Mitch) McConnell can either kill this jobs bill or help the president pass it right away.”
“Instead of looking for every excuse to justify doing nothing about the damaged infrastructure in their states, we believe it’s in their interest and the country’s interest to act as soon as possible and put people back to work.”
In the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt founded the Civilian Conservation Corps, CCC, as a make-work organization for men 18-25 whose families were on relief. Wikipedia:
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a public work relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942 in the United States for unemployed, unmarried men from relief families, ages 18–25. A part of the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, it provided unskilled manual labor jobs related to the conservation and development of natural resources in rural lands owned by federal, state and local governments. The CCC was designed to provide employment for young men in relief families who had difficulty finding jobs during the Great Depression while at the same time implementing a general natural resource conservation program in every state and territory. Maximum enrollment at any one time was 300,000; in nine years 2.5 million young men participated. Reserve officers from the U.S. Army were in charge of the camps, but there was no military training or uniforms.
But even FDR had to deal with the unions.
To end the opposition from labor unions (which wanted no training programs started when so many of their men were unemployed)[9] Roosevelt picked a union official, Fechner, and took William Green, head of the American Federation of Labor, to the first camp to demonstrate that there would be no job training involved beyond simple manual labor.
Now, bridge repair or construction involves not much unskilled labor and you can bet that the unions are solidly behind such work. But Obama's "jobs" bills is essentially an updated version of FDR's CCC: federal spending to funnel federal dollars to private pockets. Only Obama is being far more careful about who would get the money. But Obama's appearance before the bridge today was just Potemkin theater: his "jobs" bill has nothing to do with the bridge in the background.
For one thing, the river crossing in question is already slated for a new bridge. It’s been in the planning stages for years; the project is currently barely into the public comment phase. In fact, Obama’s own FHWA doesn’t expect it to start construction in 2015 or be completed until 2022. 
The President did not explain how his ‘jobs bill’ will alter time so that the project can start creating jobs “right now.” Worse, Obama, Carney, and Brudnage are flat-out wrong. The I-75 corridor is indeed outdated, but the bridge itself doesn’t actually need repairs:
It’s got decades of good life left in its steel spans. It’s just overloaded. The bridge was built to handle 85,000 cars and trucks a day, which seemed like a lot back during construction in the Nixon era. [Ed. - the bridge opened five years before Nixon was elected President.] Today, the bridge sort of handles more than 150,000 vehicles a day with frequent jam-ups. So, plans are not to repair or replace the Brent Spence Bridge. But to build another bridge nearby to ease the loads.
But when there are unions to appeased and political demons to be made, why let the facts get in the way?

Update: Although terminated as a federal program after American entered World War II, there is a modern CCC operating today - the California Conservation Corps, motto, "Hard work, low pay, miserable conditions ... and more!"

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