Tuesday, January 15, 2008

CTR (Choosing to Read)

I am, truly, not easily offended. I'm easy-going and pretty good about giving people the benefit of the doubt.

But, it bothers me when people say to me, "I don't know how you have time to read. I wish I did." It seems as if they are saying, "You must not be as busy as I am, if you have time to read books." I know they don't (probably) mean that--they are just expressing interest or admiration. But sometimes I take it that way.

Basically, we all make choices. Following is a list of things I DON'T choose to do:

  • scrapbook

  • home decorating projects. I do them, maybe once a year, if I have to...so I don't paint, or frame stuff, or refinish things in my free time AT ALL

  • sew

  • have a newborn (no one can do anything extra with one of those)

  • watch more than 3-4 hours of TV a week

  • read anything on the Internet besides blogs

  • allow my children at home to go through a day without a nap or quiet time

  • work (for outside-the-home type establishments)

If you choose to do any of these things, you are eliminating your reading time. WHICH IS FINE.

I also have NO PROBLEM taking time for myself. Those Oprah shows where she urges mothers to do something for themselves mystify me. I totally understand that when I am rested, have had quiet time, and do things that I enjoy (reading, blogging, exercising, girls' nights), I am a MUCH more enjoyable wife and mother. I picked a husband who gets that, too, and supports me in those me-activities.

If you aren't like that, that's a choice you are making.

So, to answer the question "How do you find time to read", this is when I read:

  • when I ride the machines at the gym

  • after everyone goes down for naps for 30 minutes or so

  • when dinner is done, sometimes I will sneak upstairs and let my husband manage things for a little while

  • I try to take a book with me to piano, dance, doctor's offices just in case I have some down time

  • before I go to bed

It works out to 30-60 minutes a day. I am a fast reader, so I get through an average of a book a week. It's been my favorite hobby for as long as I can remember. Ask my mom. This picture came from my photo album (1st birthday), note her caption:

It brings me peace, understanding of the world around me, ideas for how to improve myself, a connection to other book-lovers, an escape. I can't imagine not doing it, so I could do some of the other things above. But maybe you can. And that's okay, too.

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