1. Jane's 5th birthday (so big, we have to do sub-categories...)
The birthday breakfast of crepes and cherries: B

(Due to some poor measuring and melted candle wax in the crepes, we can't give high marks on this one.)
The princess party:
Games C

(everyone was scared to kiss the frog, but Ryan was hilarious as the Princess and the Pea host
Cake: F

(yeah, that's my hand trying to make it look less tippy. Jane came downstairs on her birthday morning and said, "OH, I love that cake!! But it's a little bit bendy.")
Amount of Pink involved: A

(pink cake, pink frosting, pink tablecloth, pink homemade crowns, pink cheeks, pink jewels, pink shoes, pink plates, pink ice cream)
Costumes: A

Seth's enjoyment: C

(Loving the opportunity to be Princess Charming, but hating his banishment to Ryan's "office" halfway through)
Jane's End of the Day Birthday Surprise at Build-A-Bear: big ol' A+

2. Jessica's Memorial Weekend Alone with the Kids:
First of all, I definitely get an A for Effort:
(Trying to kill time by spending hours at gorgeous Manito Park and Riverfront Park (where crazy snowfall and extreme melting have the Spokane River close to flood level--and me completely out of my mind due to heights phobia on the bridge).

No Comment on my Sunday behavior (when kids were in bed by 7 pm and Jane woke up asking if I wanted to say sorry on Monday morning.)
3. Gabe's debut as Pete Moss in the Second Grade production of "Save the Plants":
Oh, you have NO IDEA the amount of awesomeness: total A+++++

(He was crazily funny and comfortable on stage and had the entire audience laughing. He was SOO good. Autographs, anyone?)
4. Ryan's putting together of Jane's Birthday Bear from Grandma Nut:
Effort: A
(as Jane's mom seems to be incapable of sewing ANYTHING, Ryan sat down and made Jane's night by putting this together).
Skill: C
(Notice the seams at the bears crotch. It might have worked better if he'd had something to sew with besides dental floss. But the bear does smell minty fresh.)
5. Emma's Third Grade Titanic Extravaganza
Decor: A
(Check out of the china, menus, flowers! Ryan said he was super impressed).
Ryan's parenting: A
(having volunteered Ryan as the maitre'd without realizing it was a 3 hour thing in the middle of the work day...he was a great sport!)
Emma's dance partners: A

(apparently during the waltz, the above pictured boys kept "cutting in" to dance with Emma.)
Costumes: A (Check out how cute she is!)
7. Potty Training
Thursday: F
Friday: F
Saturday: F
Sunday: F
Monday: F
Tuesday: F
Wednesday: F
Thursday: F
Friday: F
Saturday: F
Sunday: F

(but I'm not bitter)
8. Finishing this whole long, million picture post:

(having volunteered Ryan as the maitre'd without realizing it was a 3 hour thing in the middle of the work day...he was a great sport!)
Emma's dance partners: A

(apparently during the waltz, the above pictured boys kept "cutting in" to dance with Emma.)
Costumes: A (Check out how cute she is!)
7. Potty Training
Thursday: F
Friday: F
Saturday: F
Sunday: F
Monday: F
Tuesday: F
Wednesday: F
Thursday: F
Friday: F
Saturday: F
Sunday: F

(but I'm not bitter)
8. Finishing this whole long, million picture post:
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