Monday, November 30, 2009

Largest Burger In Town @ NewYork NewYork Deli

NewYork NewYork Deli Located at ONE UTAMA. pass by before.. didn't walk in .. dunno why.. untill i saw someone BLOG about it in Smashpop and Ewin Blog... gosh... then.. i'm HERE!


This BURGER is the LARGEST among all the burger i tried... 8" INCH wide... take your ruler and try measure it..

"Don't Be Chicken!!! We Dare you to finish this monster chicken burger alone!" . wow.... the Person In charge told me IF we able to finished the WHOLE burger ALONE..(with FRIESSSS). the MEAL is consider FREE... ermm.. erm... erm... Do You Dare to try it?

The Giant Yankee Burger From NewYork NewYork Deli, i being told that only A Singaporean managed to PASS the challenge. and Malaysia there is one Sabahan managed to conquered the challenge

Okay.. enough Talk.. I'm Hungry!!!

Cheers the Chill ROOT BEER. with my CUT of the GIANT YANKEE BURGER. and i skipped my dinner as well... (The Burger is my Lunch).

There is 3 Type of recommendation.. SUPER SINFULL (OMFG?) DIET FRIENDLY (gonna miss something..). and GOTTA HAVE IT(Tempting!!!)... and the GIANT YANKEE BURGER is SUPER SINFULL!!!

Official Website : NewYorkNewYork
Location : One Utama New Wing

Sunday, November 29, 2009

This Week with Henri Nouwen – The Meal That Makes Us Family and Friends

This Week with Henri Nouwen – The Meal That Makes Us Family and Friends: "

Van GoghWe all need to eat and drink to stay alive. But having a meal is more than eating and drinking. It is celebrating the gifts of life we share. A meal together is one of the most intimate and sacred human events. Around the table we become vulnerable, filling one another’s plates and cups and encouraging one another to eat and drink. Much more happens at a meal than satisfying hunger and quenching thirst. Around the table we become family, friends, community, yes, a body.

That is why it is so important to “set” the table. Flowers, candles, colorful napkins all help us to say to one another, “This is a very special time for us, let’s enjoy.” – Henri Nouwen

I hope you had a great meal with someone yesterday.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

This week on Comet´s browser 271109

1- First HipopotamStudio, good Studio reference from Poland, the makers of Bubol

2- How to be Creative: A video I´ve seen from someone I´m following on Twitter. I like the presentation and the graphics, as good as the ones from 180360720

How To Be Creative (OR: How Can I Possibly Do Justice To This Subject In One Hour?) from Jeremy Fuksa:Creative Generalist on Vimeo.

3- Volvo Around The World

Volvo - Drive Around the World from The QBF on Vimeo.

4- Actionscript Hype Video from Joshua Davis

HYPE ghosts October 2009 from Joshua Davis on Vimeo.

5- Avatar Movie, prelaunching. Specially the Air Interactive app, see details on this post from Serge Jespers. also in their YouTubeChannel.

6- Embeded Flash Ad from Nissan

7- RichMedia from BMW (Eyeblaster)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Regard For The Soil: A Poem by Peter Maurin

Regard For The Soil: A Poem by Peter Maurin: "Regard For The Soil by Peter Maurin

1. Andrew Nelson Lytle says:

The escape from industrialism

is not in socialism

or in sovietism.

2. The answer lies

in a return to a society

where agriculture is practised

by most of the people.

3. It is in fact impossible

for any culture

to be sound and healthy

without a proper regard

for the soil,

no matter

how many urban dwellers

think that their food

comes from groceries

and delicatessens

or their milk from tin cans.

4. This ignorance

does not release them

from a final dependence

upon the farm."

Do you really believe in the deity of Christ?

Do you really believe in the deity of Christ?: "

A guest post by Wesley Hill

If he came to earth tomorrow, would your God go out partying with sinners?

If not, then Jesus must not be him.


The only thing that makes you differ

The only thing that makes you differ: "

“Christian! the only thing that makes you differ from the vilest being that pollutes the earth, or from the darkest fiend that gnaws his chains in hell, is the free grace of God!”

- Octavius Winslow, Jesus, Full of Grace


Monday, November 23, 2009

Web Design Navigation, Julius Wiedemann

I bought this book about three months ago but I have had too much work to port about it. You can find the resume and buy the book on line in the Taschen shop, where they say: "This addition to our popular Web Design series focuses on very carefully crafted navigation systems, where usability and narrative are taken in consideration in the development of the website. Featuring over 90 projects from more than 20 countries, as well as case studies on outstanding work by the world’s leading studios such as Fahrenheit, Clusta, and Sequence, this collection illustrates the ingenious solutions to one of the most difficult and important aspects of web design".

Well, the book is a good one, specially for people who don´t surf on the web. For me the most important thing of a website done in Flash or Flex, is the menu, and menu is a sinonimous of navigation. In this book the 90% of the websites are done in Flash and Flex (as usual in Wiedemann´s books).

As in other books of Wiedemann I miss some more content, a prototype section would have been a great idea for this book. Anyway, we find good works with masks as Elanskis, great websites from photographers as janknoff, towndrow, Mark Holthusen, Take Agency, Thomas Rusch.

Referring to navigation I like very much the websites from Asylum and glasshouse mixing illustration with navigation, iconic websites as Subraumstudio, mouse navigation sites as Worse than a fairy tail and CenterPlan, grid button ones as Tilt Design Studio, portfolios as Studio FM Milano, circular menus as DankaStudio, skinning navigation sites as this from volvo, perspective as AxeSaone, and lastly this from Julie Bayard.

Lots of french sites that I didn´t knew. Where are the japanese in the book?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mission and the Overflow of Grace

Mission and the Overflow of Grace: "

“Grasping the external propulsion of God’s grace is crucial to our understanding of mission. It means that mission is not a duty (something we ’should do’) but a natural overflow of the gospel’s work inside us. If you aren’t motivated to love, serve, and speak the gospel to people, the answer isn’t to ‘just do it.’ The answer is to examine your heart, repent of sin, and discern where your unbelief is short-circuiting the natural outward movement of the gospel. As the gospel renews your heart, it will also renew your desire to move out in faith into the relationships and opportunities God places in your path.

To put it simply, the grace of God is always going somewhere—moving forward, extending his kingdom, propelling his people toward love and service to others. As we learn to live in light of the gospel, mission should be the natural overflow. God’s grace brings renewal internally (in us) so that it might bring renewal externally (through us).”

- Bob Thune and Will Walker, The Gospel-Centered Life (World Harvest Mission, 2009), 46.


Meditative Prayer: Filling the Mind

Meditative Prayer: Filling the Mind: "

Prayer series: Click | View Series

'We have some idea, perhaps, what prayer is, but what is meditation? Well may we ask, for meditation is a lost art today, and Christian people suffer grievously from their ignorance of the practice. Meditation is the activity of calling to mind, and thinking over, and dwelling on, and applying to oneself, the various things that one knows about the works and ways and purposes and promises of God.'—J.I. Packer

Let God Speak to You

In personal prayer we speak to God, but in meditative prayer we allow God to speak to us through his word and his Spirit. Never before has there been such a need to rediscover the quiet art of meditative prayer.

If we are not careful, the many distractions of this world will drown out the quiet voice of God within our hearts and make us numb to our spiritual needs. We need to find a quiet place to be with God and hear his word. In stillness and solitude God speaks to our hearts and fills us with the refreshing presence of his Spirit.

Emptying vs. Filling the Mind

What do we mean by meditative prayer? Is there such thing as Christian meditation? Isn't meditation non-Christian? According to Richard Foster, 'Eastern meditation is an attempt to empty the mind. Christian meditation is an attempt to fill the mind' (Celebration of Discipline). Rather than emptying the mind we fill it with God's word. We must not neglect a vital part of our Judeo-Christian heritage simply because other traditions use a form of meditation. Christian meditation has its roots in the Hebrew tradition of the Bible.

There are numerous Biblical references to prayerful meditation:

  • 'This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night' (Joshua 1:8).

  • 'But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night' (Psalm 1:2).

  • 'I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways' (Psalm 119:15).

  • 'I will lift up my hands toward your commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on your statutes' (Psalm 119:48).

  • 'O how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day' (Psalm 119:97).

  • 'My eyes are awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promise' (Psalm 119:148).

  • 'I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands' (Psalm 143:5).

To be continued.

Re:Sound - Rain City Hymnal

Rain City Hymnal

The first offering from Re:Sound is the Rain City Hymnal. Listen online and get the record from the Re:Sound website. Find out more.



is the crisis over?

At least that´s what they say about more powerfull countries (in terms of economy).

Probably in the online area and specially in Actionscript platform, has there been a crisis? Is it finished?

I strongly think January is gonna have a big movement in job offers, you know companies making budgets and all those things.

I was laid off last year in January, it just cost me 10 days to find another job. But perhaps now it´s a good time to see this trailer about the topic I´ve seen on Twitter.

See more about the movie Lemonade here.
Seen on AdBrandEtc.


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