Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Minik Prens Kerem için hazırladığım doğum günü kurabiyeleri
Süreyya Hanım ın kurabiye tasarımını tamamen bana bırakması ile bende uzun zamandır yapmayı düşündüğüm kurabiyeleri çalışabildim.
Süreyya Hanım kurabiyeleri görünce o kadar mutlu oldu ki yüzündeki beğeni ifadesi emeğime en büyük karşılık :)
Bana duyduğu güvenden dolayı Süreyya Hanım a bir kez daha teşekkür ederim :)
Minik Keremin de yeni yaşını sağlık mutluluk ve bol oyunla geçirmesini dilerim :)

He’s all over the place


7:11--Seth, frosting cookies with Uncle Sam:

Picture 019

7:16--Seth, accused of licking and frosting at the same time:

Picture 017

7:20--Seth, eating the heaviest, most decorated sugar cookie ever:

Picture 021

It’s emotionally exhausting being four.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Daha önceden diş buğdayı kurabiyeleri ve diş buğdayı kapkeklerini hazırladığım minik kuzey in 1 yaş doğum günü kurabiyeleri
Çizgili ve puantiyeli olarak çalıştığımız harf kurabiyeler ve 1 şeklindeki doğum günü kurabiyeleri
SİPARİŞLERİNİZ İÇİN : dan bana ulaşabilirsiniz

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A slightly irreverent Christmas post

Problem:  Two 6-year-olds want to be Mary in the annual Christmas Eve pageant



Picture 036


Picture 037 

Polygamy Joseph


Picture 041 

For unto us is born this day…TWO Saviors


We hope your Christmas is DOUBLE THE FUN as well.

Got an IPhone 3GS from SantaClaus and more...

Merry Christmas~~ Ho~Ho~Ho~.

I think Santa Passby this year, why ar?? hmph.. i got myself a GIFT on Christmas.. from who?? heheh From MAXIS!! yeah.. my iphone were collected on Chiristmas that day! yay.

Tada~~~~ my Iphone~~~~3GS 32GB. yay~. kena bond for 2 years.. haih..... T_T

Why suddenly get an iphone? my Sony Ericsson W900... certified KO months ago...
Oh ya.. the box beside my iPhone contained
- a unknow model samsung phone, borrow from mouse, during my phone KOed
- my spoiled Sony Ericsson w900,
- and a Middle East Nokia 6220 found in pavilion(someone left it behind.).

My Christmas Gift 2009, Apple Iphone 3GS,Sony Ericsson w900 which served me for 4 can now Rest In Peace.

oh... did i mentioned MORE? hehehe. last and not least, a good news.. For me. i'm no longer celebrating Lonenly Christmas XD. here is the reason why. hehehe. found myself a lover . sweet sweet ing.

Best Christmas Ever . :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Simple Life

The Simple Life: "

As we are anticipating our first Christmas with no gifts (from are still giving to each other) we (ok, I) am dealing with a bit of guilt for not buying presents for our children. While it is fairly easy during the year to resist the temptation of spending on useless's much harder during the holidays. Especially when said useless crap gets beautifully wrapped up and set under the Christmas tree....I kind of miss it. But on the other hand, I have never been more relaxed about the celebration of Jesus' birth. I've never been more focused on what the day means and what it definitely doesn't mean. This could become a habit....finally.

Recently we were introduced to yet another reason for choosing our sustainable lifestyle. As I was perusing the sidebar of one of my new favorite blogs, Consciously Frugal, I found a wonderful site with a decidedly Christian bent. Alternatives for Simple Living mission statement reads (in part) ....Alternatives is a non-profit organization that equips people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and create meaningful celebrations.....Sounds good to me.

This is one of the Posts I found most meaningful.......

Simple Living is living in a way that is outwardly simple and inwardly rich. This way of life embraces frugality of consumption, a strong sense of environmental urgency, and a desire to return to living and working environments which are of a more human scale.

The practice of voluntary simplicity is advocated in the teachings of Jesus, the early Christian Church, St. Paul, St. Francis, and many others. It also has it roots in the teachings of other world religions, the teachings of Gandhi, and the writings of Thoreau. The American Friends Service Committee (The Quakers) define simple living as a “non-consumerist lifestyle based on being and becoming, not having.'

Seven Reasons for Choosing a Simpler Lifestyle:

1. As an act of intentional living performed for the sake of personal integrity and as an expression of a commitment to a more equitable distribution of the world’s resources.

2. As an act of creation care for ourselves and especially for our children and grandchildren against the earth destroying results of over-consumption such as pollution, climate change, and resource wars.

3. As an act of solidarity with the majority of humankind, which has little choice about material affluence.

4. As an act of celebration of the riches found in God’s creation, and the riches of community with others, rather than in the “poverty” of mindless materialism.

5. As an act of spiritual discipline ordering our lives to reflect the values of simplicity and just living taught by Jesus and teachers in other world religions.

6. As an act of advocacy for changes in present patterns of production and consumption.

7. As an act of provocation (ostentatious under consumption) to arouse curiosity leading to dialog with others about affluence, and sustainable “green” living to redirect the production of consumer goods away from the satisfaction of artificially created wants toward the supplying of goods and services that meet genuine social needs.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Benim kızlarımın da çok sevdikleri karakterler olan winx club kızları.....
internet saatlerinde bile tek oynadıkları winx giyindirme,winx club oyunları, winx club kızları resimleri ,bu da yetmezmiş gibi nevresiminden bardağına evimde bir winx çılgınlığıdır gidiyor:)
Sanırım bu yaş grubu kızların ortak beğenisi olucak ki daha önce de pamuk prenses ve yedi cüceler ormanda pastasını yaptığım İnci Hanım yiğeni Sude için böyle bir pasta hazırlamamı istedi.
Küçük prenses e sevdikleri ve ailesi ile geçireceği nice uzun yıllar dilerim.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Comments on Flash CS5 Video

I´ve just seen the video from Flash CS5 in TheFlashBlog, hereafter some comments about it:

- Workflow: I am totally amazed with the idea of the xml format and the new publishing features of the new Flah CS5. I am not sure but it look like now if a designer wants to change a picture from a banner, for example, he won´t need to open Flash, just can change it in the dinamyc library. Probably the same for texts. Moreover, I this this can be done just editing the xml or overwritting the file. Fantastic!

The publishing settings, the xml format (reminds me of Silverlight) and the SWF History are going to improve definetely the designer/programmer workflow.

- Code Snippets Panel: Lee says he has "tears in his eyes" when he sees this. I think many designers will as well. Little pieces of code that will help designers for migration to AS3. I hope anyone can customize this the way you can do in Photoshop with the Actions panel.

- Nice news also from video adjustments and text formats for the new release.

- Improvements on the Flash IDE code pannel (Yes, I am one of the 3% that still uses it!) and on the connection to run projects from Flash Builder (Flex) easily.

Just a couple of things I´ve seen:
- No support for Actionscript 2: This is positive in my opinion
- No support for Flash CS3: Well, many of us will jump from CS3 to CS5. We all know about the problems CS4 has and programmers, not only designers are looking forward to hearing from Flash CS5 release.
- Not much about iPhone, by now!

More Info:
Flash CS5 TheFlashBlog video
Flash CS5 in Adobe Labs

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Gospel Story: the Story of Community

The Gospel Story: the Story of Community: "

There is a summary of the gospel message which runs like this: ‘God made you to know him, but your sin cuts you off from God. God sent his Son to die in your place and reconcile you to God. Now you can know God and look forward to being with him after death.’ It is the story of an individual out of relationship with God brought back into relationship with God. This version of the story is true. But it is not the whole truth. At the heart of the Bible story is the story of a community. The foundation of missional church is an understanding of the Bible story. The Bible is the story of God saving not individuals, but a people, a community, a new humanity. The Christian community is not an add-on. It is integral to the gospel.

Creation We are made in the image of the communal God as relational beings to live in community. (Genesis 1:26-27)

Fall Our rebellion creates conflict both between us and God and between one another.

Abraham The promise to Abraham is ‘the gospel announced in advance’ (Galatians 3:8), setting the agenda for the while Bible story and at its heart is God’s promise of a people (Genesis 12:1-3).

Exodus Because of his promise to Abraham, God sets his people free to know him. Through Moses he says: ‘I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God’ (Exodus 6:7). God lives among his people (the pillars of cloud and fire and the tabernacle), but the people keep their distance and offers sacrifices because of their sin and God’s holiness.

Israel ‘The people of Judah and Israel were as numerous as the sand on the seashore; they ate, they drank and they were happy’ (1 Kings 4:20; see Genesis 22:17; 32:12). But the people turn from God and the nation divides.

Prophecy God promises a new people: ‘I will be their God, and they will be my people’ (Jeremiah 31:31). He promises a faithful remnant (Zechariah 13:7-9).

Jesus Jesus is God with us (Matthew 1:23; John 1:18; Colossians 2:9-10). But he is also the faithful people of God, the true vine who bears fruit for God (Isaiah 5:1-7; John 15:1).

The church In Christ we are God’s faithful people and the true children of Abraham (Galatians 3:7, 27). The cross reconciles us to God (Mark 15:38) and to one another (Ephesians 2:11-3:13). Christ did not die for ad hoc individuals, but for his people, his bride (Ephesians 5:25-27).

New creation ‘Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God …’ (Revelation 21:1-4)

The individualistic version of the gospel makes the church a useful help to individual Christians, but not an identity. But community is central to the Bible story. People are invited to not simply to an individual relationship with God (though that is one implication), but to become part of the new people of God, the bride of Christ. You become a Christian when by faith you become part of the people for whom Christ died.


Summary: Evidence I’ve been a good mom this week


I baked 300 plates of cookies on Saturday.  And I don’t think I even got mad at anyone the whole day.  Even though I was feeling sick and guilty from the 72 plates of cookies I put in my mouth.  (If you didn’t get one, that’s cause I ate it.)


I took the kids sledding after school on Tuesday.  Seth said “OH!  This is sledding?  That’s why people say it’s fun!!”  When I asked Jane if she’d had fun as we drove home, she replied: “Uh, duh?!”

Sledding2 Sledding1


I went to TWO Christmas singing programs.  Enough said.  (No picture of Emma, because Jessica A. doesn’t have a kid her age.)


I actually helped at the kids’ school Christmas parties. 

Picture 002 Picture 006      

I’m including a picture of Will (in our ward) whom I overheard saying “Man!  I love days like this!”, I looked over and quickly snapped a picture because this was how he was sitting:

Picture 011


I finally got Gabe’s hair cut.  We took him to an actual salon and it looks much better (see the “before picture” above).  When I asked him if he liked it, he said “No” and I asked, “Why?”  and he said, “ I think it’s just cause I don’t like girls touching my hair.”            

Picture 014Picture 010

I’m pretty chill about Faith constantly wrecking the decor.  Here she is, with her favorite ornament (it’s Gabe’s 1st Christmas ornament), wrestling it away as Gabe tries to grab it back.  She goes right for it and has the most triumphant look on her face as she swipes it and runs away.

Picture 015

While the carpets were being cleaned, we took the kids to Golden Corral, the Dollar store (see Faith with the helmet --$1.00--on in the dirty store), Walmart and the library.  All in one morning. 


I initially got really mad and glared and slightly yelled at Emma when she forgot to remove the cinnamon rolls from the oven and burned them (while babysitting).  The cinnamon rolls that took 2 lbs of butter.  And 3 hours to make.  And that I never got a taste of. 

Then I went/stormed upstairs and realized that I’ve only forgotten about something in the oven 178 times in my life, and she was allowed 1.  I went immediately back down and said, “Who cares about a pan of cinnamon rolls?”  After the plates of cookies I ate last week, my thighs were certainly better off without them.

Picture 016

So, see?  I’m not always yelling and mean.