Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The end of NATO?

The only air arms operating in a combat role over Libya are the Brits and the French. The other air forces are merely voting "present." But they are not doing anything, you know, military. So, the question:
Will the Libya intervention bring the end of NATO?
In truth, the Libyan expedition is an Anglo-French project and has been from the beginning. Yet neither Britain nor France wants responsibility for the operation — and neither feels comfortable relying on the other. ...

And NATO — an organization that, I repeat, did not plan for, prepare for or even vote for the Libyan operation — will shoulder most of the blame. The use of NATO’s name, in Libya, is a fiction. But the weakening of NATO’s reputation in Libya’s wake might become horribly real.

Well, that might be, but NATO has been pointless for more than 20 years now.

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