Processor: Samsung S5PC100. This is a top-of-the-line processor that is used in the iPhone 3GS and that runs at 600MHz. Aaron Vronko, the cofounder of, has said that this processor is particularly powerful because it combines a central processing unit, a graphics processing and a memory controller onto one chip, thus creating a more efficient processing system.
Honorable mention goes to the Texas Instruments OMAP 3430 processor, which has many of the same features as the S5PC100 and which is used in the Palm Pre

Keyboard and screen: The BlackBerry Curve 8900 series and the iPhone 3GS, respectively. This is where creating a fantasy phone starts to butt heads with physical engineering. After all, if you want a big screen, it makes it more difficult to produce a large full QWERTY keyboard to the phone and vice-versa. But if we could have both a large screen and keyboard on a device, we'd combine the iPhone's 3.5-inch screen with the BlackBerry Curve 8900's superb keypad. Of course, an actual phone that had both of these features would probably be too heavy and too large for many people to carry around, but that's why this is a fantasy exercise.
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