Friday, July 8, 2011

How to climb the corporate ladder and become a good manager #2

if some company wants to hire you obviously they want you to do some work in the short term

How to develop a CEO : there is a very good book from Harvard Business that talks about Developing the CEO within you and it is called " Bower, Joseph L. The CEO Within: Why Inside Outsiders Are the Key to Succession Planning. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2007."

  in which he explains how you can develop your skills from the beginning of your career and be on the right road

so the author developed a series of questions you should ask for potential leaders in the future during the recruitment process:

1-Why are you being hired?
 you want to get a good understanding of why this company wants to hire you obviously they some work for you to do .
 But 2- Do they let you develop and grow over time ?
3-Is there a career path or career paths?
4-Or you are basically moving without directions and do the job this year and the next year over and over
There is more questions you can ask your potential employer
5-How they gonna help grow? 
6-What pattern of assignment you will gonna get ?
7- Are you going to have time to learn ? 
8-Is this a place where you are running all the time ?
9-What kind of manners are they gonna provide you ?
10-What kind of training they gonna provide?
11-How early can you run a business?
12-Is this a company that is organized that is lots of pieces are together ?

Now before talking about Marketing and growth you have to perform , and you cannot get into the game without earning the reputation of meeting your commitments.

Now What is the Characteristics of a Good Leader :

if you are a person who is early recognized as the one who helps others, and you do develop other people
and is working with you a step up for them? and it is a huge thing for your own reputation.

How you get on with your peers?

Are you So competitive that they don't trust you ?

Or Are you someone that they really welcome ? and that's  a big deal

And How do you manage up? One of the interesting things is that we think about Bosses that they gonna help us.

So that usually means that when your boss sees you coming he will say there is a problem , they gonna ask for something.

Think about what difference it makes if you gonna actually help your boss.
So Managing up is a big issue.
And How you are going to help the organization which means that you need to learn how to manage at higher levels at the organization?

Finally the author added a question :
Are you transparent?

Finally if you want to be a leader you have to get the reputation for being transparent,clear and straight forward.

What managers really like is that you want a person who is clear and when there is a problem he says sorry i screwed up.this did not work out and here is what i am going to do.

Focusing on Developing yourself: 
Are you developing a network that expands outside your division?

As most managers when they are developing they focus on the inside of the organization and the people they are working with and they forget the people outside the organization and in the community..,,,,,

it is interesting that some people get to know their customers and their vendors...and you can even talk to union people and you might learn something....

Do you know people in the community who are not in your business and who may not be in business at all?

Those organizations usually give the opportunity to be responsible early ....

Final thing is focusing on living a balanced life:
One of the questions asked is How i would do of that and take care of my family  ?

Well you have to take care of your family and your friends and live a balanced life..

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