Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday Summary

Here's a daily report:

The school district declared a snow day (the first one we've had in 12 years). We were excited and I just decided to dump all plans for the day and go sledding. The kids sledded for hours. We love Snow Days!

Emma got her new glasses, finally. She loves them and looks very cute in them.

After 5 buses slid off the road on Tuesday when the kids went back to school, they decided to call another Snow Day. Today, I decided that I had too much to do to be Snow Day Director and the kids would just have to amuse themselves.

Bad idea.

That's why I was very happy to dump my house-bound, bored, grouchy kids on Ryan and head off to this birthday dinner for Ashley. I stayed away for 3 hours, planning my return for about 45 minutes past bedtime. Thanks for having a birthday, Ashley, I needed it.
FYI: We no longer love Snow Days.

Third Snow Day in a row. Since Plan "Let Kids Amuse Themselves" did not go so well, I reverted to Plan "Have Stuff to Do All Day So Kids Don't Make You Want To Move to San Diego....Where You Have No Snow Days Or Children."
We went to WalMart (always a fun destination):

We met Ryan at Costco for lunch (see kids watching the Costco TVs on the handicap riders):

We also went swimming at our gym for hours (sorry, no picture) and then watched TiVo'd American Idol until it was time for bed.
Much better day.

KIDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!! And also wear their Valentine's Day shirt (as per Holiday Attire Rules).

We also attended some church ball (where Ryan scored his one and only basket of the season) and went out to dinner with friends afterward.

Oh, we had another Dance Dance Revolution Party. Are we complete nerds or what? The Albrechts called and invited themselves over for one (which is less tacky when you consider that last year we invited ourselves and 6 of our friends over to their house for movies) cause they were jealous about our last week's bash. We played DDR and Singing Star until 12:30 a.m. Which is why Ryan kept falling asleep in church today. But at least we got lots of new songs unlocked on our game (thanks to Aric, the new Didder rising star). You need priorities.

The Romneys know how to PAAAR-TAY.

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