"Keep Kids Alive, Go 25"? Nah. I'd rather make things sporty.
Source: As I drove home from the elementary school where voting took place yesterday, I saw a house on the same street with a homemade "Keep Kids Alive, Go 25" sign on their front lawn. The street winds through a neighborhood and has an elementary school on it, but also is the most direct route between two busy local roads (Church Road and Church Street, coincidentally). I can understand that local residents are concerned about the speed of through traffic, but those signs still tend annoy me.
My original thought was actually that I could keep the kids "alerty", but forty was a much more comfortable speed, anyway.
Special Blog Bonus: Feeling let down after Super Sunday and Super Tuesday? Well, we at Jeremy's Status Message know the cure to what ails you. Here's a Far Side with a duck. What could be better?
Fun Link of the Day: 111 years ago yesterday, Indiana almost passed a bill adopting 3.2 to be the exact value of π (pi). Go Indiana!
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