Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Going Postal

You want to know what I hate? And avoid at all costs? And beg others to do it for me?

Mailing Stuff.

1. I hate finding the container to mail it in. I hate searching through my disorganized bill/old receipts/tithing envelope basket for envelopes. I hate remembering to purchase big or padded envelopes and because I'm a thrower-awayer, I NEVER have boxes.

2. I hate finding the address. I either have to look in my too-old address book, or on my "Christmas Card Master Address" list and hope I can remember exactly how I entered the addressee's names (the ______family? _______and kids? ___________and ________'s husband) so I can use the Find function (Ctrl/F) instead of combing through the huge document. Or I have to call the person, and because I am incapable of a conversation under 20 minutes, spend way too long on the phone.

3. I hate packaging the item. Look at the red duct tape on the electricity item in this weeks Sunday Summary. That covered my missionary brother's entire Valentine's package (at least it was red). We have no strapping tape. Are you kidding me? I would waaay rather use my WalMart budget for fresh basil than packing tape.

4. Do I even need to go into the horror that is my 4 kids at the Post office? (Go here for a hideous story that will make you really mad.) Or deal with the people who come into the post office asking, "Who's kids are out in the car all by themselves????" (Lady, the oldest is 9 and I PROMISE YOU, you were left in a car, for 5 minutes, when you were 9).

Basically, I will do anything possible to avoid mailing anything. It's the last thing I do at Christmas. It's the reason everyone's birthday gift is late (sorry, Dad). It's why I love electronic bill pay. It's why I don't participate in all those lovely Good Mail posts that you bloggers do.

So this is why I was DUMBFOUNDED, when Lisa-Marie sent me this:

with a note that explained about how FireBalls help her morning sickness and due to my love of lists, this new list-making list might cheer me up. Have I ever met Lisa? No. Have I ever sent her anything? Ha. No...she's just totally nice and realizes that little acts of kindness sometimes have the biggest impact.

Thanks for making my day, Lisa-Marie.

Feel free to comment on how great L-M is, or commiserate with me on the horrors of mailing.

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