I drove the kids by myself and the kids were great. I listened to a really interesting book on my MP3 player ( Crashing Through ) and the time flew by. See?:
My mom watched my kids. She took them to the Aquarium, the Zoo, the Bean museum, on four-wheelers, and to get haircuts. Here's the evidence:
(The only picture I got of my children at my mom's was this one, where Jane needed a couple toys to complete her bath experience.)
My Super Hostess sister-in-law Meridith let me crash on her couch and fed me food. We had a great time at the Fun Run for Kids in Provo Canyon with ALL the Utah sisters-in-law. Look at this fun picture of the event:
I loved Women's Conference and got so much out of it. I really needed the "Nice Try" talks on mothering, reinforcement of stuff I am doing, ideas for what I can do better. I'm mostly thankful for the Spirit that makes me want to and to know I can. Want to see pictures? Here you go:
(Celia, with the blog brownie she bought me for the opening session of Women's Conference)
The Blogapalooza Party O'the Year was everything I'd hoped it would be: women I didn't feel like I'd just met because I read what they do every week of their lives, lots of laughing, screaming and complimenting, and some fun, long talks with incredible girls. Here's a picture that totally encapsulates it:
(Bloggers taking pictures of the decor. Go here for a waaay better run down.)
(You know you had a good time, when you simply could NOT stop and take any pictures.)
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