After the longest winter of our LIVES, this week it turned into Summerish Spring and we could have died with happiness. We each celebrated it our own ways.
Ryan celebrated by taking his boys on the ward Father/Sons Campout. Seth was apparently very thirsty, and Ryan, not taking into account the constrictions of tents, sleeping bags and diapers, allowed him to drink his fill of soda and Capri Suns. And paid for it in the middle of the night. They had fun chatting (do men chat?) and swinging on-fire sticks around, and came home smelly and exhausted.
Seth celebrated by running through the sprinklers (with the rest of the 47 kids in our court). He came up to me, stuck his face in mine and said, "Hey mom, I having a gweat time now." How cute is that?
Not so cute: Seth beside himself with exhaustion brought on by camping out and nap missing. He had a complete melt-down on Saturday night and we could do nothing him but plop him in bed. When I tried singing him his previous bedtime song favorites, I kept getting, between wails, "Not that song, mom. It's too broken."
Jessica celebrated by buying her first batch of hanging flowers ever, and can't get over how pretty they look. See:
Jessica also celebrated by purchasing 25 lbs of asparagus because it was .50 a lb. Good thing I'm feeling better, because we have a lot of cream of asparagus soup and asparagus quiche in our future.
Emma (and Jane) celebrated by going summer clothes shopping, all alone with Mom. Emma was so excited that she was dancing and snapping her fingers and head bopping to the teeny-bopper music they were playing. We had a great time and picked out some fun outfits:
Jane celebrated by graduating from preschool. It was a pirate-themed graduation (as you can see by the awesome mast, sail, cannon and ship the teacher constructed around the stage). Jane, after buying her new summer clothes, could NOT be persuaded to wear anything slightly pirate-y, but she Yo-Ho'd her little heart out and was darling.
She also protested mom's asparagus purchase by telling her first big old sneaky whopper. Last night, as we were eating on the patio, I told the kids they could have some lemonade to drink, as soon as their asparagus was gone. Jane scarfed those things down. We were all seriously impressed. In order to reinforce her good behavior, I hurried to the kitchen to fetch her lemonade. As I proceed to her seat, I look down and see this:
She'd simply emptied her plate onto the floor! I was amazed at the naughtiness. Needless to say, she joined Seth in the early bedtime. (And ate all of her asparagus at Sunday dinner today.)
Gabe "celebrated" by helping us plant our garden for FHE. Check back later this week for a recap of the love that abounded.
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