I am sitting in the morning at the diner on the corner. I am waiting at the counter for the man to pour the coffee. And he fills it only halfway, and before I even argue he is looking out the window at somebody coming in.
Source: This is the beginning of Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega, which I consider to be one of the catchiest (and therefore most annoying) songs of all time.
Explanation: If you read my status message and you got the tune in your head it will stick there and it won't leave and you will get kind of crazy. And with most songs, soon they leave you, and your head returns to normal, but with this one it just stays there, and so you go insane.
Da da daada da da daada da da daada da da daada
Da da daada da da daada da da daada da da daada
At this point I don't even need to type with the rhythm - everything you read from now on will sound like this freakin' song. So have yourself a nice day and I am sorry for the trouble, but it might help if you find somebody and you pass it on.
Da da daada da da daada da da daada da da daada
Da da daada da da daada da da daada da da daada
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