Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Summary

Seth was busy this week putting rocks in his ears. Because Ryan can do everything Seth bypassed me as he headed up the stairs, saying: "I'm going tew Dad I have a wock in my eaw." After some headshaking, tweezing and special application of a fine-point screw driver, Seth now only seems like he has rocks for brains.

Jane was busy this week perfecting this trick: on the trampoline. She did it this week about 40 times, for each of us. She also learned to do the monkey bars a few weeks ago. Who needs kindergarten when you've got the circus in your future??

(old photo with some of the awesome cousins at Gabe's 6 year old birthday)
Gabe was busy this week hanging out with his fabulous cousins. Dawson came up this week to hang out with the Spokane boy cousins and they had a lot planned. Do any of you know of any 12 and 10 year olds who would go out of their way to invite and cheer for the inclusion of their 7 year old cousin?? Seriously it gets me all choked up when I think about how kind Dawson, Austin and Landon are to Gabe. He had the time of his life sleeping over, playing video games, swimming, etc. with the big kids.

Emma was busy being an angel. Seriously. She didn't get to go on the Girl Cousin swap this year and never complained once while Gabe was off having fun. We tried to make it up to her with some dates with Mom and Dad, a play-date and a cousin sleepover, but I just admire so much how she never whined about things being unfair for her this week.

Ryan was busy NOT buying an expensive road bike. Instead he took a hand-me-down, 25 year old, Panasonic (which doesn't make bikes anymore) ten-speed and changed out the tires, painted the frame, re-wrapped the handle bars, tuned up the breaks and gearing, and attaching a water-bottle holder thing. $100 vs. $1000?? That's a week's worth of work Ryan can feel proud of.

Jessica was busy having a birthday. Cinnamon rolls for breakfast, lunch out with friends, Spaghetti Factory with family for dinner (no matter how much you gear up for how fun it's going to be to spend the evening in a restaurant with your kids, IT NEVER IS), and chocolate and ice cream for dessert--what more could a pregnant lady want for her birthday?
And, now, YOU are no longer busy reading our Sunday Summary. Have a good week!

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