Since I honestly CANNOT think of anything to post about, ever, I thought I would use YOU for a blog post.
There are some things I need help with and I would love if you would comment and share your opinion with me.
First, I want a really good NON-BIASED website on the candidates. Specifically, I want to know what their voting records are on the major issues and what their official verbatim promises/views are, should they be elected. I just don't trust very much I see in either emails, media or commercials and I want to feel like I'm making an informed choice. So send me your good, non partisan websites.
Second, I need decorating help (Smart girls, you better comment). This is the room that I'm using as inspiration/copying for the baby's room:
(I know. The yellow and black is so different, yet still girly. )
And I'm doing the walls yellow, ordering a cheap black crib:
with the Pottery Barn bedding and am ordering a nursing chair (not the $1300 one in the picture PB picture, but similar) from Penneys in black and white polka dots. (Here's the fabric:)
The room is trimmed in lots of white and has two big windows that will have white/polka dots curtains. My question is this: my funky friend Christine is helping me put it all together and she suggested this dresser from IKEA.
What do you think? Will the yellow be too much against the yellow wall? Would a black dresser be too much black, considering the big black chair and ottoman and crib? Please share.
And last, still in the baby department, what products have come out in the last 3.5 years that you have loved? Hooter hider? Bumbo (sp?) chair? Tell me what I should buy, and make it good, because this could be my last one and I don't want to waste money.
Thanks for your assistance in my blogging, my vote and my baby.
Oh wait, I just thought of one more: Are there any methods that you think really work in the inducing of labor? I'm good for another month, but then I'm trying them all, so share!
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