Apparently, I have other children besides Faith. Did you know this? I kind of forgot. Here's what they've been doing:
1. Halloween
We did the usual...
admiring the Hunter's awesome decor (go here for last year's offering):
dinner in a pumpkin:
trick or treating:
and the unusual...
grandma came:
Ryan and Emma snuck away for an extra late night trick or treating:
and I went into labor:
2. School
Emma and Ryan have been working for HOURS on this geography game that's due tomorrow. I try not to realize that Ryan is just waaay nicer when it comes to helping the kids on projects than me but he was really rubbing my face in it this week, while he walked my super-smart-but-very-easily-distracted-and-poor-time-managing 4th grader through getting this thing done on time. Good game, better effort by Emma, best dad in the world:
Gabe got to go to see Peter Pan with his second grade class. I asked him if they sang "I won't grow up!" (we have it on a Broadway CD) and Gabe said yes and "I sang the whole thing along with them!" He talked about it all afternoon.
Jane can count to 100. And called Ryan up as soon as she got home from school and demonstrated. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. Scintillating phone conversation.
And, I'm proud to announce, Seth now recognizes one letter of the alphabet. "That's S foh Sef, mom!"
3. Miscellaneous
Emma wanted me to put on the blog that this basketball team is now 4 wins, 0 losses: It's so much more fun to win.
For Family Home Evening last week, we played Settlers of Catan with our kids. And they are totally old enough to play. For real. Do you know how fun that is?? It feels like we've entered a new chapter in our lives! (See our Quick Quote for Gabe's take on the whole experience.)
The kids all got to go on the usual Dates with Grandma Dorrie while she was here. She lets them pick out a small toy and get a treat. Emma opted for a pedicure, while everyone else got various toys. Jane, demonstrating real restraint and gratitude, said (a few days after her date): " Hey Gwanma. I'm weady for my next date: I need an Easy Bake Oven."
4. Faith
She's just cute and perfect and we still REALLY like her (despite some bad nights this week).
We are trying to soak up every newborn minute, which involves me taking millions of pictures and some movies where she just sits there and opens her mouth and does those cute newborn grunts and involves Ryan falling asleep with her on the couch, because she won't settle down in her bassinet.
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