Saturday, February 28, 2009

Worth posting a blog for:

Happy 34th Birthday

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to the best man I know.





Picture 089

(Yeah.  We realize how lucky we are.)

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Apple/Doctor Corollary

A doctor a day leaves you with no time for eating apples.

Explanation: I got a call yesterday reminding me of a checkup with a doctor this morning. As nothing has changed (which is good) since my last appointment with this doctor, it was a fun appointment to go to:

Doctor: "How are you?"

Jeremy: "Fine."

Doctor: "Come back in six months."

Still, this is my second doctor's appointment in three days, which is just silly. How can I keep them away if I have no time for eating apples?

Special Blog Bonus: Enough of that. I've been catching up on my LEGO browsing. While it's a little late (thanks, Kari!) here is the Queen of Hearts's castle in honor of Valentine's Day:

You can see more images of this creation here.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Problem: Making a clicktag for a banner in Actionscript 3

In AS2 I would do:


So, it didn´t work all that I found in jumpeye, KirupaForum, Ultrashock,, or in Google Forums.

Besides, in Google Adwords they don´t say nothing about it, and in the help of Adobe CS4 they still have old methods of AS2 (getURL), watch it here.

I found some interesting info in AdForm you can even check it online.

I talked to someone from EyeBlaster and fromEyeWonder, they have their own classes, but I don´t know where the banners are going.

Even more, I find some information in this post where they say "the HTML tags on your movie must have AllowScriptAccess set to always. If AllowScriptAccess is set to never or sameDomain, the call will fail".

Not all is negative, there is something in Adobe Developer Center, here:

var url:String;
var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
url = String(paramObj["url"]);
catch (error:Error)
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);

I opened a discussion also in ASNativos.

So, by the time I was making some trials with this all my work had to be changed cos they wanted Flash 8 as much. So I had to return to AS2...

- Programmers don´t make banners, there´re no good or clear tutorials... Desinformation
- Collin Moock was right when he said getURL shouldn´t have been removed.
- Banners are still made in Flash 8
- Evangelist should think also in these things besides of thinking in RIA development.

Say No to Canine Outerwear

If you find yourself putting outerwear on your pet, you might want to take a moment to reconsider things.

Explanation: On my big trip outdoors yesterday morning, I drove by a man walking a dog. Well, it was a bit more like an oversized rat, but regardless, the dog was wearing a big thick coat. The dog looked toasty warm and adorable as it lifted its leg to do its business on the neighbor's tree. I take issue with this.

A dog has fur. A dog's fur is designed to protect it from the elements. They walk on four legs, sniff each other's butts, and don't need clothing. Period. But wait. You say "I have a frail breed that cannot handle the harsh winters here." I ask you this. WHY? People in Florida don't buy pet polar bears. Perhaps you should have considered your local climate before making such a purchase?

Here's a simple quiz that will help you determine if your dog should be wearing clothing:

1) Is your dog capable of putting said clothing item on without assistance?

There. It's that simple. If the answer to each of the quiz questions is "Yes" then by all means, let your dog dress itself up in whatever clothing it wants. Otherwise, just let it be a dog. If you feel the need to dress little cute things, get a stuffed animal like this:

Oh wait... that's a real dog. Never mind.

Online Casinos Or Land-Based Casinos?

You have regularly listen about land base and online casino. These are very different with each other in very aspect like entertainment and looks and many other.So which one is more excitement?

    Without any doubt, there is more real and exciting playing at a real fun casino, the loud music, a cup of beer, shouting. But it is not enough. Here are little different advantage and disadvantage of two way of online gambling.

    Playing at home in online is much more safer and comfort for you. You don't have to make trip or travel to Los Vegas or anywhere to play casino. Online casino will be best here than land based casino.

    Variety of games:
    Online casino will provide you more varieties of games. If is impossible to organize all variety in land based casino. So here is also online casino dominant the land-based casino.

    Online casino provides reel feel and excitement as live casino with quality of graphics and animations.

    Online casino definitely provide you better environment to think, ask friend, even consult with books for next move. This is not much available in land-based casino. At online casinos, the pace of the game is in your control.

    Payment Option:
    You can never able to play free at land based casino but you are fully able to play it in online casino. It is full of your control when you want to gamble for real cash. Online casino also provide safe, secure and easy payment option.

    So land-based casino is not always fun for playing as compares to advantage with online casino. If you really want to know more between land-based and online casino and play a Roulette then look for some reviews provided by online casino reviews.

How to choose cheap web hosting?

It's really big headache to choose a low cost web hosting provider from number of web hosting companies available on internet. The following tips will help you ti find out cheap and best web hosting over internet and take you in right direction.

    1. The main factor for selecting low cost web hosting is the percentage of server up time. The higher the downtime of server, the lower the potential for traffic at your web site.This percentage is ranging between 98 to 99% uptime and this is standard for server uptime.

    2. The second factor is disk space or storage provided for the files to make your website. Bandwidth is regarding to be concern because is is the amount of data transfer allowed for visitors to view and use your website.

    3. It also important to look the some important features like MySQL, Real Audio, Real Video, and Cold Fusion (which some companies sell as an add on component) while purchasing low cost business web hosting.

    4. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is important and necessary feature for doing real business. It is very important to encrypts all order and credit card information until it reaches to you. SSL will help you for this and displaying this on your web site verifies that your site transactions are safe and secure.

    5. The majority of low cost web hosting companies now offers you a free domain name for life so you can save couple of buck for registering new domains.

    If you really concern about this term then you will definitely perfect to choose Best Cheap Web Hosting for your small business.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Can I Return My Receipt?

I'm sorry, but I believe that a receipt should never be physically larger than the purchase it represents.

Explanation: I had my morning endodontist appointment and he believes that the issue is with a different tooth than the one I had the root canal in way back when. For the temperature "sensitivity" (which feels similar to the "sensitivity" one's skin feels against a chainsaw blade) he suggested I try Sensodyne toothpaste before pursuing any more radical treatment. This leads me to today's status message.

I stopped at Rite Aid on the way home and picked up a tube of Sensodyne. I paid for it and received a receipt which is almost twice the size of my tube of toothpaste:

Really? Is it truly that necessary to give me a receipt so large? It has my purchase information on it. It contains a bar code, which I'm sure makes returns easier. What more is necessary? The giant ad for their new online store? I think not. The huge plug for their Rx Savings Card? I don't think so. Their suggestion for internet refills? Nope. It strikes me as a little wasteful for companies to be giving out receipts that are so large.

Companies of the world, hear me now. If I buy a car from you, you can give me a receipt the size of an oriental rug. I won't even complain. Heck, you can give it to me in triplicate if you want to. Lord knows I got that much paperwork when I bought my house. But if I'm buying a package of Tic Tacs? I want a receipt smaller than that package... or no receipt at all. I don't care if I can't read it - they're Tic Tacs! There's no need to put your entire weekly circular on the receipt. I don't need to take any sort of survey on my Tic Tac purchasing experience. I don't care about your online prescription service. I just want Tic Tacs! Thank you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Windows 7 Darkclear WBA Skin

If you are fond of window 7 and with a dark style, then this is perfectly matched your style.

    In this theme, the basic features is still the same. author have added some new features to get close to Windows 7 theme.

    RAR pack contains:-
    i. Windows Blinds Skin
    ii. Styler Toolbar Skin + styler
    iii. Windows Sidebar

    Download: Windows 7 Darkclear WBA Skin

Dream Calc Pro DC4.5.0

DreamCalc is the leading Scientific Graphing Calculator for Windows that's so realistic it dispenses with the need for a physical hand-held altogether

    * It Feels Real! Get the intuitive feel and productivity of a real calculator. No more hunting around for your hand-held!
    * Graph functions & plot data in seconds.
    * Fully featured range of math, scientific, statistical & financial functions. Supports natural fractions, complex numbers, base-n logic, unit conversions and a powerful polynomial solver. Over 260 functions!
    * Select from algebraic input or RPN. DreamCalc adapts to your way of working!
    * With the optional ability to run in your Windows system tray--DreamCalc will always be there whenever you find yourself reaching for a calculator.

    Download: Dream Calc Pro DC4.5.0

XPLife 2.2

This program is intended to change the interface Windows XP 32-bit one click. A distinctive feature of XPLife is a stable job and support for two system restore points.

    With the transformation of the system, change a great number of icons, pictures, add new features, sounds, cursors, upgraded from 330 to 360 system files, depending on system configuration, with about 3000 resources. Windows interface is designed in multiple colors, style, three and three subjects, the choice to satisfy even the most demanding users. The package includes several additional applications that can be turned off if desired. For example, if there is no requirement to use the sidebar, you can remove it from the autorun, or even from your computer without affecting the program. Complete a sufficient number of sidebar gadgets, but if you prefer, you can add new ones.

    XPLife very simple and intuitive. One-click Windows and transformed beyond recognition. In the menu there are comments that will help to do the right.

    New in version 2.2:
    Created 5 new styles of design including Vista and Seven, as well as developed ones.
    Available in a choice of styles immediately after the first run.
    Now you can install additional processing.
    Added full compatibility with Windows XP Home Edition.
    Supported OS: only Windows XP x86 SP3 (32-bit).

    Updated: 10.02.2009
    License: Freeware
    Size: 82.76 Mb

    Download: XPLife 2.2

Even More Dental Fun!

I don't know what's going to be worse tomorrow - the endodontist or the fact that the appointment is at 8:00am.

Explanation: I made an 8:00am endodontist appointment (that's a doctor of painology, if you didn't know) for tomorrow. Now, first of all, you have to know that the only reason I would schedule an endodontist appointment is if I foresee the pain of the appointment as being less than the pain of not having an appointment. On a related note, I'm only chewing with the left side of my mouth today. It seems the root canal I whined about way back when still isn't right. That'll make for a fun visit, I'm sure.

The other issue is the time of the appointment. Now, I generally schedule all of my appointments for bright and early in the morning and have no issues with those times. Tomorrow, however, will be the first time I've ever done that with a newborn infant in the house. It's one thing to get up for an 8:00am appointment after going to bed at 10:00pm. It's another thing to do so after sitting up with a baby until 1:30 in the morning.

I'm thinking the bright side of this is that I might sleep through the procedure. Well, that and that the throbbing pain might go away sometime soon.

Fortune Suite

Fortune Suite is pro windowblinds theme by Stardock design which cost you $8.95.

    The suite comes with:

    * WindowBlinds Visual Style
    * Icon Package
    * Wallpaper
    * Boot Skin
    * Logon Skin
    * 2 Gadgets

    Download: Fortune Suite

Demonios y cervezas

En la vida de cada uno siempre hay un sitio que se repite sin saber muy bien la razón, unas veces ese sitio es un bar, otras una calle y algunas, supongo, la entrepierna de una persona. En mi caso, ese lugar es Bruselas, terrible ciudad donde aún habitan algunos de mis demonios más devastadores.

Mañana vuelvo a la T1 para acabar allí. Lo que ocurra, os lo contaré en este blog.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to Us!

Our records indicate that your 2005 Accord may be due for service.

Source: These are the first words on the postcard I received from the Burns Honda dealership on Friday. This would not be such a bad thing in itself, except I got the mail out of the mailbox at 8:00pm, shortly after a dead alternator wrecked my night.

Explanation: A dead alternator reared its ugly head on the way home from an errand. Fortunately, I was at a gas station when the car wouldn't start, so the situation certainly could have been worse. A good samaritan helped us jump start the car and we had to get the car jump started and dropped it off at a service station. Now, let's get to the important part...


Happy second birthday to Jeremy's Status Message. Yes, that's right! Two whole years of statusey goodness. To celebrate, I have created a "Wordle" using every post ever made in this blog:

Note the prominence of the words "LEGO" and "Bacon." I couldn't be more proud. (You can make your own wordles here.)

According to the good people at google, this blog has had 66,734 page loads in its first two years of existence. Special thanks to my mom for 50,000 or so of them. Just kidding, my mom doesn't read the blog that much.*

Anyway, as we blow out our two virtual candles, we give thanks for our loyal readership. Without you, most of this still would have been possible. Happy Birthday to us!!!

*Thanks, Dad!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

USB Disk Security Portable

Compare USB Disk Security against other antivirus solutions, you will find out its highlights: USB Disk Security provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection.

    USB Disk Security is the best antivirus software to permanently protect offline computer without the need for signature updates, but other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer. This light and easy to use solution is 100% compatible with all software and doesn't slow down your computer at all. You pay USB Disk Security once and get it all, however, other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year.

    v 100% protection against any threats via USB drive
    v The best solution to protect offline computer
    v The world's fastest and smallest antivirus software
    v Require no signature updates
    v 100% compatible with all software
    v Easy to use

    Operating Systems: Windows Vista, Windows 95, Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 98.
    System Requirement: 100MHz Processor or more, 16MB RAM or more.

    Download: USB Disk Security Portable | Alternate

ACDSee Pro 2.5 Build 363

Discover ACDSee Pro Photo Manager 2.5, the workflow platform that's custom designed for professional photographers. View, manage, edit and publish photos with the ultimate in precision and control.

    ACDSee Pro 2.5 comes with all the state-of-the-art tools demanded by professional photographers. Acquire images, leverage metadata, apply non-destructive and pixel-level image editing, and manage your backups seamlessly. You’ll enjoy perfected shots, organized files and a workflow that's optimized for your needs.

    Download: ACDSee Pro 2.5 Build 363

PDF Unlocker v2.0

PDF Unlocker is a pdf restriction removal tool to remove restrictions added to PDF files. Software unlock PDF file & remove restriction for editing, copying, printing and extracting. PDF restrictions removal tool removes restriction in just one click.

    Software creates new decrypted PDF file which can be opened in any PDF viewer without any restrictions i.e. you can edit, copy, print, extract the PDF file.

    Key Features of PDF Unlocker Software

    * Remove PDF Restriction - PDF Unlocker is a PDF Restriction Removal tool that can remove PDF restrictions for copying, editing, printing & extracting.
    * Remove Restriction from Protected PDF File - Remove protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, removing restrictions on printing, editing, copying (you should have the right to do it or you should know the User Password.).
    * Support all version of Adobe Acrobat - SysTools PDF Unlocker successfully Acrobat version up to 9, even with 128-bit or 256-bit encryption.
    * Software runs on all Windows version - SysTools PDF Unlocker software successfully supports & runs on Windows 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista.

    PDF Unlocker Tool Cannot Do :

    PDF Unlocker tool can remove restrictions from PDF documents, But PDF Unlocker cannot do following:

    1. Cannot Remove or find the user/open password automatically.
    2. Cannot Remove other protections, such as DRM or third part plug-in.

    PDF Unlocker exceeded all other software of its kind and succeeded many PDF Restriction remover tool and PDF Unlocker software & tools easily & efficiently. Removing PDF Restrictions from PDF files with PDF Unlocker software is effective and easy as it gives you 100% result.

    With SysTools PDF Restrictions Remover, you can remove the PDF restrictions in a few seconds as it provides instant solution. SysTools PDF Unlocker program supports 40-bits/128-bits RC4 and 128-bits AES encryption and successfully runs on Windows 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista. Know how to remove restriction of PDF file.


    Download: PDF Unlocker v2.0 | Alternate

Ashampoo Burning Studio v8.04 Build 4877

The complete, compact and easy burning suite. Does your burning software do everything but you can’t find anything? Did installing it take up several gigabytes of hard drive space and fill up your Taskbar?

    shampoo Burning Studio 8 is different. It's compact, fast and amazingly easy to use. You just choose from a list of tasks and the software guides you through every step. And even though it has all the functions you would expect from a complete burning suite, the entire software takes up less than 85 megabytes on your hard disk.

    Discs labeled with felt pen scribbles were yesterday. Now you can design and print cool labels, case covers and booklets in no time. The new Label Designer comes with a stack of professional themes and it can import track and data lists directly from the disc you want to label. If you’ve ever struggled with label design software you will be amazed at how easy it can be. Just enter a title and any other data and then select one of the pre-designed themes. Your data is entered in the theme automatically and you’re ready to print. You can also design your own labels from scratch, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

    You can now turn your photos into impressive DVD slideshows with animated graphical menus. Just select your photos, select background music tracks and a theme and burn, that’s all there is to it. The program comes with a set of professional themes and you can download more from the Ashampoo website. You’ll be amazed at the impression you’ll make when your friends and family view your photos on their TV with high-quality animated menus, smooth transitions, zoom effects and multiple background music tracks! All they have to do is insert the DVD and press Play.

    * Burn and update data discs
    * Back up your data to single or multiple discs
    * Rip and burn music
    * Burn movies and photos to DVDs and data discs
    * Copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs
    * Create and burn disc images
    * Erase rewriteable discs
    * Expert burn functions for full control
    * QuickTime® support
    * DVD preview with sound
    * Improved performance and compatibility

    Downlaod: Ashampoo Burning Studio v8.04 Build 4877 | Alternate

Friday, February 20, 2009


El otro día, en esa cosa a la que los habitantes de Second Life se refieren como "RL" y que no es otra cosa que la vida real... el otro día, decía, hablando con Sádica y Repelente (que no viene a cuento pero lo digo: va camino de convertirse en un éxito musical) me contó que tuvo un ataque de años 90 y repasamos las camisas de cuadros, los Pavement y lo
s años en que ella y yo nos habíamos conocido en un autobús y habíamos fumando en los andenes de metro. Entonces, empecé a ver algo que ya me tiene muy harto de mi generación.

Como muchos de vosotros, creo, me hice mayor en los 90. Me emborraché por primera vez, follé  (aunque la persona con la que lo hice luego no se acuerda de ello) e inventé ahí lo que iba a ser el resto de mi vida (o la parte que no había sido inventada en el patio del colegio). En estos tiempos en que a todo el mundo le apetece rescatar la superficialidad estúpida de los años 80 y vivir como si hubiésemos pasado de McNamara al 11-S, no está mal que recuperemos esta década llena de oscuridad y desaliento. Le pueden dar por culo a las hombreras, a la música hortera (los 80 fueron en eso toda la mediocridad que no 
había habido en los 70) y a la sarta de gilipolleces que ahora se inventa la gente. Nosotros tuvimos a Neve Campbell, a Pulp Fiction (que creo, sigue siendo la última película generacional que se ha hecho hasta la fecha), a Benjamín Prado, tuvimos esa grabación que casualmente os dejaba en el anterior post y que no es otra cosa que lo que hizo que estuviéramos inmunizados para el 11 de septiembre y tuvimos cientos de cosas para las que ahora parece que no tenemos memoria.

Pertenezco a la primera generación punk de la historia. Los de los 70 lo inventaron y los de los 80 no tuvieron inteligencia para ponerlo en práctica, pero los que descubrimos la vida en la última década del siglo XX compartimos el no saber otra cosa más que el que moriremos, el vivir la desgana y la depresión como nunca la ha vivido nadie, el descubrir que tu grupo favorito firma por Geffen, el encender la tele para ver "Doctor en Alaska" o el haber recorrido las tiendas de discos en busca de grabaciones piratas de Pearl Jam. Hemos vivido la transición de la heroína (hemos vivido con sus últimos muertos) a las drogas de diseño y en esa tierra de nadie es donde nos hemos hecho fuertes.

Podría decir muchas cosas más, podría incluso decir las cosas que ni siquiera me gustan de los 90 o las que no me parecen tan mal de los 80, pero como es un tema que me tiene muy harto, prefiero dejarlo de lado y pensar en talibanizarme. Mientras lo hago, me voy a escuchar a los Eels.

One Word

Yes, I believe there's an objection from the young woman in the pink?

Explanation: I keep joking to people that my daughter has only one word right now and you don't want to hear it. The word sounds something like this:


As you can see, she's clearly my daughter because she chose to start at the very beginning of the alphabet. I'm very proud of her for this, but I do constantly encourage her to explore the other vowel sounds. Anyway, the word means "I object!" She is like a disgruntled lawyer in this way, I think.

Furthermore, she can vary the length of her word to change the meaning. Here are a few examples:

"Excuse me? Yeah, you over there - I no longer wish to sleep in this cold flat contraption you call a bassinet. Come forth and present yourself as my new sleeping surface."

"I object! No, I strenuously object! I'm out of order??? This whole freakin' system is out of order!"

"Daddy, it's midnight, you have changed me, shushed me, swaddled me, burped me, rocked me, given me a pacifier, and broken down crying for my own amusement, but the issue I currently face is hunger, which can only be resolved by my sleep-deprived mother, who fed me a mere hour ago and happens to have just fallen asleep, leaving you in charge."

As you can see, my daughter is quite gifted.

Adtertainment: Smart, the smallest game

We had played before to PlaySmart, but this is really cool!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Beginner's Direction to Online Casinos

Online casino gambling are a great way of becoming rich and also greatest source of entertainment and fun. Saying this is only not enough for you because you need to concern many things before playing online gambling.

    Selecting the right online casino gambling site be your first step for the fantastic gambling experience online. Choosing the right one will be lot of fun playing and winning at same time. First thing you should not choose online gambling sites on the basis of search engine ranking and the results. You should consider to visit lots of online casino websites, compare their benefits thoroughly and then make decision. Fore more, does it offer bonuses, special promotional and if so how much.

    It is much more important that the casino are offering list of games that you gonna playing such as virtual table games, slots and roulettes. In case the favorite games are not listed, it is better to move on to the next casino. You should don't forget to check out the banking option available at online casino and how long it usually takes deliver you the winning amounts

    Please, visit online casino database web site related to online casino and casino reviews. Check out Online Casino to get more information about A Beginners Guide To Online Casinos

ESET Smart Security 4.0.226 RC

ESET Smart Security is a tightly integrated solution designed to protect computers from a range of threats.

    Built on the award-winning ESET NOD32® Antivirus and its powerful ThreatSense® engine, ESET Smart Security provides antispyware, antispam and customized firewall features. Utilizing ThreatSense — the industry's most advanced heuristics — the window of vulnerability between virus outbreak and signature update is reduced.
    The key advantage of this approach is that individual protection modules are able to communicate together seamlessly, to create unparalleled synergy to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of protection. Moreover, the integrated architecture guarantees optimal utilization of system resources, so ESET Smart Security continues ESET's well know reputation for providing rock solid security in a small footprint that will not slow down an individual's computer.

    News source : Homepage
    Download : ESET Smart Security 4 RC for 32-bit Windows
    Download : ESET Smart Security 4 RC for 64-bit Windows

Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.9.1 CRACKED

Looking for windows Genuine advantage validation, then here is a simple tools which will crack and works on all Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Se7en

Trojan Remover 6.7.6

Trojan Remover was written to aid in the removal of Trojan Horses and Internet Worms when standard anti-virus software has either failed to detect the problem or is unable to effectively eliminate it.

    It was written specifically to carry out such a removal without the user having to manually edit system files, including the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Trojans carry out which are ignored by other Virus and Trojan Scanners.

    Download: Trojan Remover 6.7.6

I'm Baaaaack

So, which sounds better? "Air poopies" or "tushie burps?"

Before we go on, we at Jeremy's Status Message would like to apologize for the interruption in service over the past two weeks. As a thanks to you, our loyal readers, we will no longer be posting about pregnancy. Nine months is long enough! This blog will now return to the standards of high taste to which you have become accustomed.

Explanation: So, in case you haven't figured it out yet, I am now a dad. I have a beautiful baby girl and took the last two weeks or so to spend time with my family. Life is good.

As a new dad, however, it's important that I have a cute way of saying that my daughter has expelled noxious gasses from her hindquarters. It cuts some of the tension in the room when you refer to those occurrences as air poopies or tushie burps. Maybe I should just call them toots. Farts? Breaking wind? Cutting the cheese? Letting one rip? Flatulence? Pooting? Tummy bubbles? Busting a fluffy? Barking spiders? Stepping on a frog? Floating an air biscuit? Tuning a tuba? I have no idea. I need suggestions.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Aquent Orange Book

Aquent, a global firm specialising in staffing solutions for the marketing, communications and creative industries, has just published'The Salary Survey and Industry Monitor for the Marketing, Communications and Creative Industries'.

They make a study out of 7 countries: The Nederlands, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, UK and Czech Republic. This is a very interesting study of different aspects such as salaries, rotation, freelance, profiles, market perspectives.

I strongly recommend you to have a look at it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Looking for online casino directory

Online gambling a way people use to forget their daily problems and win big money playing in online casino. These casino are found around net with the help of the online casino directory which is an index based on gambling related link.

    Player want to enter in those online gambling sites which has a good costumer services. Average of 75% of online casinos don't take care of their customers properly due to which they lose thousands of new players. So customer satisfaction is important so online casinos have to please the customers by giving tips and advice on the game they play.

    The new players consequently in search of good online casino, you should try to find one on an online casino directory where there are many links pointing to many casinos. It has been assumed that gambling is fast way to get rich, so new comers try to improve their gaming skill in order to win more money. For this they required lots of practice and don't have money to spend in pure practicing. This is the reason for looking online casino directory which listed the free downloadable practice games. So, an online casino directory provides not only information about gambling, but it also gives news about gambling styles, game reviews and about the gambling world in general.

    If you are one of those who is looking for best online casino directory then OnlineCasinoDir will be the best choice for you because it provides gamblers with casino review information on things like casino bonus offers and online casino software.

Leawo Free Youtube Download v1.3

Leawo Free YouTube Download is a fully free YouTube downloader that can download FLV files from YouTube, Yahoo, Google, MySpace, iFilm, Dailymotion, Metacafe, etc.

    With this YouTube downloader, you can easily and breezily download FLV files via the multiple advanced download methods of auto sniffer download and directly dragging FLV to program icon download. It also can directly set to convert FLV to video in any formats with Leawo FLV Converter.

    Download Flash videos of all kinds from all websites.
    You can download videos of any kind and from any website, YouTube, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, DailyMotion, blogs,etc.

    Easiest tool ever for downloading YouTube videos
    Simply drag the video thumbnail on YouTube to the program will start to download the video you like. The program supports to download all the Flash videos you have seen on YouTube too.

    Easy to use
    The "Get it" plugin is embedded in the IE browser, and the program will pop up a dialog window asking you to download the video. This makes it one stop to download the Flash video.

    Product homepage

    Download: Leawo Free Youtube Download v1.3

Drive Space Indicator v5.3.4.1

Drive Space Indicator changes the icons in My Computer for the drives that are attached the computer. Each drive has a progress bar indicating how full the drive is. The default Icon Theme is the Vista theme. Courtsey of the Configuration GUI, update interval, drive trays, shortcut management, changing the Icon Theme, as well as many different options are available.

    Program Requirements:

    - Windows 2000, XP or 2003 . Tested on XP.
    - Shell Hardware Detection service needs to be running.
    - WMI needs to be installed in order to detect hardware PNP Device IDs.


    Download: Drive Space Indicator v5.3.4.1

WindowsBlinds Themes Pack 2009

WindowBlinds changes the look and feel of your Windows Desktop by applying visual styles to your entire Windows environment. When a visual style is applied, they change nearly every elements of the Windows GUI such as title bars, push buttons, the Start bar, menu and more.

    The pack is of 70mb and contain all themes listed below.

    04-Glass MaxX
    07-A Touch of Glass
    08-A Touch Of Glass 2
    10-Alien Tech
    12-Alpha OS
    16-Avalon Nanosis Vista
    19-GT3 OS
    20-h2so4 Standard
    21-Houston Rockets
    25-Joy To The World
    27-Lamina Blue
    34-MacPC X
    42-My Longhorn
    45-OSX Panther
    48-Vista R2 Blizz
    49-Vista XP White
    53-Windows Black Dive
    54-Windows Media Player
    55-XP SkmokedGlass
    57-AeroGlass V5
    61-Black Vista V3

    Download: WindowsBlinds Themes Pack 2009 | Alternate

    Enjoy downloading this theme pack.

Monday, February 16, 2009

TRIK DOTA ONLINE peer to peer

mau maen dotA ONline? ga perlu member cuy..cukup lo punya GAME DOTA PASTINYA...terus lo install HAMACHI and YAWLE lo cari aja jedua software itu di PAKDE GOOGLE OK, gampang EFISIEN, koneksi cepet n mantaff lo cari nanti gw kasih guidence nya setelah lo dah dapet software itu. kita chat2 aja lo bisa maen di segala penjuru dunia semisal di RUMAH,KANTOR, KOLONG JEMBATAN JUGA BISA...wkwkwkw, ga lemottt cooyy mantaffff :} nih learn n try this





Sunday, February 15, 2009

Old Habits Die Hard

I am woken up by Faith crying in the dark of the night as Jessica gets up to go feed her.

... a short time later, waken again by Faith's familiar sound. I realize groggily that this is one of those rare nights that Faith is demanding some company after already having her middle of the night feeding but well before morning.

Feeling bad for my tired wife, I try to gauge if Jessica would rather have me bring Faith to her so she can feed her again in bed or if Jessica is trying to teach Faith to get back sleep by herself.

... crying.

"Faith needs to learn get back to sleep on her own," Jessica yawns.

... more crying.

Jessica gets up mumbling something about notifying Faith that she needs to go back to sleep.

... loud crying.

Jessica and Faith come back into our room as my wife informs me, "She tricked me."

Apparently she was too cute crying to leave in her crib.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Morris tries to go to school

You know you’re a Pacific Northwesterner if…


your kids get “outside recess” cancelled because

there is a moose on the loose.

(No joke:  apparently it charged the fence surrounding the play area and the yard duties were all in a panic trying to get the kids inside ASAP—according to Gabe)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Top 10 things we love about our new 10 year old.



(the author and the birthday girl)

1.) Emma has creative flair. She loves being elbow deep in beads, glue, ribbons, tape, string, scissors, paper or anything that she can use to create her works of art.

2.) Emma knows how to give a thorough scrub. She can turn any pile of debris into a pristine space. If I need a job done thoroughly, I turn to Emma before anyone else.

3.) Emma is active. She loves riding bikes, scooters, sleds and her wave. She is one of the 1st ones out the door on sunny days, and is surprisingly coordinated and agile.

4.) Emma believes in Jesus Christ. Emma has the faith to choose to live Christian principles even when it would be easier not to.

5.) Emma is thoughtful of others. She consoles her younger siblings when they are sad and is sensitive of the feelings of those around her.

6.) Emma has pizzazz. She loves to style and accessorize. I love seeing how she adds boots, belts, and bows to boring outfits to make them “pop.”

7.) Emma is uber-capable. Need your kids watched, your breakfast cooked, your oil changed? We got your girl. If you can explain it, she can do it.

8.) Emma gets to the bottom of it. Whether reading a book or eavesdropping on mom and dad, our girl doesn’t miss a thing. Her comprehension of social situations, scripture passages, or anything nuanced is unparalleled.

9.) Emma loves music. She brings music into almost every room. She can easily be caught tuning in her favorite radio station (103.1 KCDA), singing a song, playing the piano or listening to her mp3 player.

10.) Emma makes me happy. She begs me not to leave in the morning and cheers when I get home at the end of the day. She is generous with her affection and eager to please. I love her for being such a perfect mix of loving attachment and curious independence.

Happy Birthday Emma!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Summary with (a few) pictures

Last Sunday we started the 14 days of Valentines with a few boxes of sugary cereal…on Fast Sunday.  Everyone, surprisingly enough, decided they would be “fasting lunch”.

Monday everyone got their Valentine’s shirts, but you’ll have to wait till they wear them for Valentines day for a picture, as we hadn’t received the camera yet.

Also on Monday, Jane and Seth played this awesome new game.  It goes like this:Picture 037

yeah.  They’re playing “Dead”.  I’d highly recommend it.  They 1)don’t mess anything up 2)don’t fight about anything 3)are completely quiet. 

On Tuesday the kids got haircuts for the third day of Valentines.  (Little Tip:  delay any basic purchases – hair, underwear, socks—until you’re doing the 14 Days of Valentines.  You save effort and money and they think it’s a big present.) 

Usually I have the presents/certificates ready when they wake up, but that day I didn’t.  Each child asked me approximately 12 times when they were getting their present.  Because I was just lazing around, doing nothing all morning, you know.  The last time they asked me (I was walking down the stairs to print it out), I totally lost it: 

“Do you know how rude it is to ask for presents?!!  Did you think I was just piddling around the house with nothing to do, forgetting about your thing?!  It makes me not even want to give it to you!!” 

And then I threw the paper at them:  “Here.” 

It’s a really sweet tradition.

On Wednesday ( Valentines treat: Airheads …is there a single cheaper thrill for kids?  It never ceases to amaze me.), Seth had a grocery store field trip.  When I got there, he had won the distinction Kid Who Ate Every Sample They Handed Out At The Grocery Store.  My kids:  they might be shameless Present Beggers, but those kids’ll eat anything.

Thursday I went to my parenting class.  Yes.  Taking Love and Logic again.  This time my perfect parent sister in law, Heather Daines, is teaching it, and so maybe it will last more than the duration of the class.

On Friday Gabe had his potlatch (the culmination party for the Indian unit he’s been doing).  I took this picture of all the stuff he brought home and he asked if I could put a video on the blog with him explaining each thing.  I told him no.  You’re welcome.

Picture 038

We also had the Daines girls spend the night and true to Daines form they slept from 1:30 to 6:30.  They made “gorilla poop” and “slept”  on mattresses on the floor.

Saturday for the Whatever Day of Valentines, I took the kids to the children’s museum for their “Blood and Guts” presentation.  I got to hold the 10 lbs of fat that I’ve lost in my hands, and frankly, I was quite impressed with myself.  Faith and I had a traumatic fall down the stairs (Faith, seriously flew through the air…hideous) but she’s no worse for the wear.  

The kids dressed in sports gear, Picture 006

Seth wouldn’t leave the water area Picture 010

and Faith tried to row the Filipino boat out of the Filipino  village.Picture 013

For our date we headed over to the Paul Mitchell school’s fashion show.  We are friends with the owners and thought it would be something different and we had a lot of fun.  Ryan looked especially fashion-forward with his beard:

Picture 033

We also got our camera on Saturday and have been making up for lost time with the Faith pictures:

Picture 019 

Faith in her new (borrowed) Bumpo chair.  






Picture 022



Faith sucking on her bottom lip…which is her favorite thing to




Picture 024


Faith with her leg warmers on.  I know:  Out of Control Cute.







Picture 035

Faith, pinked out, for our Sunday walk. 






The end.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

hunting Sunset at Broga Hill

i like this photo very much.. yeah.. that me!! thanks shun fa for taking this photo ;D

enjoying the view.. or.. looking pee spot?? hey hey hey, dun arr

waiwah... surrendered..and start enjoying the nature of broga hill

shun fa the energetic photographer.

here i am at the top of broga hill. weee.

On top of the BIG BIG ROCK

then.. we meet with a group or hiker.. surprized that i meet with few of them before. lol.

before the sun gone from the sky....

Before the SUN gone.. sky turn purple.

The Big SunSet i managed to get from Broga hill.