Happy 34th Birthday
to the best man I know.
(Yeah. We realize how lucky we are.)
Happy second birthday to Jeremy's Status Message. Yes, that's right! Two whole years of statusey goodness. To celebrate, I have created a "Wordle" using every post ever made in this blog:
Apparently she was too cute crying to leave in her crib.
You know you’re a Pacific Northwesterner if…
your kids get “outside recess” cancelled because
there is a moose on the loose.
(No joke: apparently it charged the fence surrounding the play area and the yard duties were all in a panic trying to get the kids inside ASAP—according to Gabe)
(the author and the birthday girl)
1.) Emma has creative flair. She loves being elbow deep in beads, glue, ribbons, tape, string, scissors, paper or anything that she can use to create her works of art.
2.) Emma knows how to give a thorough scrub. She can turn any pile of debris into a pristine space. If I need a job done thoroughly, I turn to Emma before anyone else.
3.) Emma is active. She loves riding bikes, scooters, sleds and her wave. She is one of the 1st ones out the door on sunny days, and is surprisingly coordinated and agile.
4.) Emma believes in Jesus Christ. Emma has the faith to choose to live Christian principles even when it would be easier not to.
5.) Emma is thoughtful of others. She consoles her younger siblings when they are sad and is sensitive of the feelings of those around her.
6.) Emma has pizzazz. She loves to style and accessorize. I love seeing how she adds boots, belts, and bows to boring outfits to make them “pop.”
7.) Emma is uber-capable. Need your kids watched, your breakfast cooked, your oil changed? We got your girl. If you can explain it, she can do it.
8.) Emma gets to the bottom of it. Whether reading a book or eavesdropping on mom and dad, our girl doesn’t miss a thing. Her comprehension of social situations, scripture passages, or anything nuanced is unparalleled.
9.) Emma loves music. She brings music into almost every room. She can easily be caught tuning in her favorite radio station (103.1 KCDA), singing a song, playing the piano or listening to her mp3 player.
10.) Emma makes me happy. She begs me not to leave in the morning and cheers when I get home at the end of the day. She is generous with her affection and eager to please. I love her for being such a perfect mix of loving attachment and curious independence.
Happy Birthday Emma!
Last Sunday we started the 14 days of Valentines with a few boxes of sugary cereal…on Fast Sunday. Everyone, surprisingly enough, decided they would be “fasting lunch”.
Monday everyone got their Valentine’s shirts, but you’ll have to wait till they wear them for Valentines day for a picture, as we hadn’t received the camera yet.
Also on Monday, Jane and Seth played this awesome new game. It goes like this:
yeah. They’re playing “Dead”. I’d highly recommend it. They 1)don’t mess anything up 2)don’t fight about anything 3)are completely quiet.
On Tuesday the kids got haircuts for the third day of Valentines. (Little Tip: delay any basic purchases – hair, underwear, socks—until you’re doing the 14 Days of Valentines. You save effort and money and they think it’s a big present.)
Usually I have the presents/certificates ready when they wake up, but that day I didn’t. Each child asked me approximately 12 times when they were getting their present. Because I was just lazing around, doing nothing all morning, you know. The last time they asked me (I was walking down the stairs to print it out), I totally lost it:
“Do you know how rude it is to ask for presents?!! Did you think I was just piddling around the house with nothing to do, forgetting about your thing?! It makes me not even want to give it to you!!”
And then I threw the paper at them: “Here.”
It’s a really sweet tradition.
On Wednesday ( Valentines treat: Airheads …is there a single cheaper thrill for kids? It never ceases to amaze me.), Seth had a grocery store field trip. When I got there, he had won the distinction Kid Who Ate Every Sample They Handed Out At The Grocery Store. My kids: they might be shameless Present Beggers, but those kids’ll eat anything.
Thursday I went to my parenting class. Yes. Taking Love and Logic again. This time my perfect parent sister in law, Heather Daines, is teaching it, and so maybe it will last more than the duration of the class.
On Friday Gabe had his potlatch (the culmination party for the Indian unit he’s been doing). I took this picture of all the stuff he brought home and he asked if I could put a video on the blog with him explaining each thing. I told him no. You’re welcome.
We also had the Daines girls spend the night and true to Daines form they slept from 1:30 to 6:30. They made “gorilla poop” and “slept” on mattresses on the floor.
Saturday for the Whatever Day of Valentines, I took the kids to the children’s museum for their “Blood and Guts” presentation. I got to hold the 10 lbs of fat that I’ve lost in my hands, and frankly, I was quite impressed with myself. Faith and I had a traumatic fall down the stairs (Faith, seriously flew through the air…hideous) but she’s no worse for the wear.
The kids dressed in sports gear,
Seth wouldn’t leave the water area
and Faith tried to row the Filipino boat out of the Filipino village.
For our date we headed over to the Paul Mitchell school’s fashion show. We are friends with the owners and thought it would be something different and we had a lot of fun. Ryan looked especially fashion-forward with his beard:
We also got our camera on Saturday and have been making up for lost time with the Faith pictures:
Faith in her new (borrowed) Bumpo chair.
Faith sucking on her bottom lip…which is her favorite thing to
Faith with her leg warmers on. I know: Out of Control Cute.
Faith, pinked out, for our Sunday walk.
The end.