Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Bunlarda beyza için hazırladığım kurabiyelerden sadece 1 model.
Pastayla aynı konsepte olsun diye pembe beyaz çalışıldı
benimyemeklerim@hotmail.com dan bana ulaşabilirsiniz

Cuenta atrás al notodo

Estamos viviendo esto de una forma algo... corrijo, estoy viviendo esto de una forma algo desmesurada, pero en los últimos dos años (y algo), he visto como se caían de la mesa tantos proyectos con Aitor que lo de mañana y su barra libre me parece una recompensa que me apetece vivir por muy lejano que quede el premio gordo de la noche.

Mañana, intentaré convertir esto en un "twitter" con fotos para que podáis vivirlo más allá de las retransmisiones que se harán en directo desde aquí y aquí.

Como mañana a las 22:00 el ganador del gran premio serán otros (el de actor, no) y no habrá tiempo para agradecer nada a nadie, pues aprovechar ahora, en las horas previas, para que el humilde guionista se acuerde de los amigos que nos han ayudado en esto...

Gracias a Isa, por el cameo que no pudo ser y porque ella es parte de esto (solamente te hemos dado una excedencia temporal, recuérdalo).
Gracias a Escrito por, gracias por haberte gustado nuestra pequeña majadería.
Gracias a Corra, a Dani, a H, a Sergio y a todos los que se hicieron "fan" a través de Facebook.
Gracias a todos los que nos votaron e hicieron que durante una semana fuésemos el corto favorito del público.
Gracias a Daniel Romero, que me avisó de la nominación de José Luis. Gracias por habernos hecho amigos en tan poco tiempo y siento no verte mañana en la borrachera.
Gracias a Juan Pablo, Rober y Víctor por las risas en Amanecer en tequila.
Gracias a Flora, ella sabe por qué.

Y a Marquitos, César y Clara, que espero que nos veamos en cuanto acabe la gala para celebrar lo divertido del viaje.

A los que leen el blog (incluso a los que no dejan comentarios), también gracias por haberme dejado escribir estas semanas pasadas sobre las alegrías que me daba estar ahí. No sé si esas veces que escribía acerca de "Trooper" era lo que más os apetecía leer, pero desde luego era algo de lo que me apetecía hablar y más, estando entre amigos.

The Karmarang Always Comes Back To You

Usually karma takes a little longer to catch up to me.

Explanation: One week ago, a friend of mine was complaining about how his hot water heater was a piece of crap. He has complained about this hot water heater before, and I know he's had issues with it. Why? Because I happen to have sold him his townhouse.

Knowing that I managed to avoid all (or at least most) of the hot water heater issues in that townhouse, I grinned just the slightest bit when I saw he was having trouble with it again. Big mistake. Karma took the express train to Jeremyville.

Yesterday, my wife went to get something out of the downstairs closet and noticed that the floor was wet. Why was the floor wet, you ask? Because our hot water heater happens to be in that closet as well. The water was the equivalent of blood to a household appliance - after many years, it had given up the fight and had to be put down.

So, within one week of cracking the slightest bit of a grin, I had to replace my hot water heater. Beware of karma!

Special Blog Bonus: For those of you who enjoy just a little bit more of my misery, I should also point out that I had originally gotten all of that Sears credit late last year in case one of our major appliances died. Then, when the economy turned sour, I feared for the health of Sears and started using the credit on other things. Little did I know.

Extra @$&%ing Special Blog Bonus: For those of you who just can't get enough of my misery, there's more! Just last month I joined the PSE&G WorryFree Repair program in case such a disaster occurred. Sure enough, after spending only $8.10 in the program (the equivalent of kicking the bucket immediately after getting a large life insurance policy) I was thrilled to find out that we needed to utilize their services. Turns out that $8.10 covered the cost of a PSE&G guy coming to our house and saying "You need a new water heater and your contract does not cover that." Money well spent!



Monday, March 30, 2009


Special K

Quedan poco más de 24 horas para la entrega de los premios del Notodofilmfest y ya estamos siguiendo la dieta Special K para poder meternos en el traje (de Trooper, claro). Ayer estuvimos calentando motores con los amigos de Amanecer en tequila, un programa de Radio Utopía que os recomiendo, ya sea oyéndolo en el 102.4 del norte de Madrid como en la web (también se emite a través de Popmyradio).

El podcast con la entrevista (y con Brian Hunt tocando), aquí

Demystifying Interaction Design

Robert Fabricant - Behavior is our Medium from Interaction Design Association on Vimeo.

Nice video from FrogDesign, IXDA and Adobe: What is exactly interaction design?

Hooray for Spit-Up!

It's official. Every single piece of clothing that I own now has spit-up on it.

Source: Last night it finally happened. I was holding my daughter and realized that the shirt I was wearing was the last article of clothing I own that hadn't been spit-up on. (The warm-up pants I was wearing had fallen from those ranks only a few hours beforehand.)

Congratulations to that T-shirt. For about 3 hours it stood head and shoulders above the rest of my clothing as the only spit-up free garment I owned. It was a glorious reign, which came screeching to a halt about 2 minutes later as a result of a rather impressive little burp. I think I'll just wear a poncho from now on.

On a side note, I'd just like to mention that people keep telling me this the "potted plant" stage of a child's life. Now that I think about it, most potted plants will take all the water you give them, only to leak any they don't need.


    Friday, March 27, 2009

    Home Sweet Home

    The free donuts are less plentiful here at home.

    Explanation: Having gotten home at 9pm last night, I've noticed some subtle differences from Poughkeepsie. First of all, when I got home I took the baby, who slept on me until 2am. This means I only got 6 hours of sleep last night, which is in stark contrast to the nine and a half I got on Wednesday night. Of course, I also got to hold my baby, which pretty much makes that a wash. This brings me to the dealbreaker...

    There are no free donuts here! In Poughkeepsie, there were free donuts. I had one. It had chocolate frosting and sprinkles on it. It was very good. I could have had more, but I passed so it wouldn't ruin my healthy Wendy's lunch. How am I supposed to function as an employee without free donuts? This is terrible!

    Important News Update: In case you were wondering, I got 48 basketball games into the tournament before my bracket went under. After my Sweet 14 put me in a prime stalking position (61st, with tremendous upside potential) I was blown out of the water last night, losing 3 of the 4 games. I will now root for upsets so everyone else's pool gets screwed over. For those of you who haven't been following the mainstream media's take on this, that means I will be rooting "against the chalk." I don't know why I have to be anti-chalk, but I am. Go whiteboards!

    Thursday, March 26, 2009

    Días buenos por venir

    GeoTagged, [N40.68666, E4.11952]

    Estoy retirado de Madrid, a veces lo necesito. No son buenos días y el insomnio aprieta por recordarme cosas en que no debería pensar. Lo mejor es que esta es una semana importante para "Trooper" y eso me alegra. El miércoles es la gala de premios y el domingo calentamos motores con una entrevista que nos van a hacer en Radio Utopía y que promete ser de lo más divertida.
    Si solamente consiguiera arrancarme cosas del cerebro, los días buenos ya estarían aquí.


    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    Working From Work

    Vacationing in scenic Poughkeepsie.

    Explanation: I woke up at 5:00 this morning and thought long and hard about where I would go for my next vacation. Of all the wonderful places that came to mind, I chose Poughkeepsie. So, I drove here. I just can't get enough of the lovely fjords and the majestic moose up here.

    Tuesday, March 24, 2009

    Otra historia del tiempo

    Tengo un Oscar en la mano. La gente aplaude y estoy contento porque sé que me lo merezco. Abro la boca para decir el discurso que me preparé de niño pero no consigo recordarlo. Era algo de hablar de Mark Hammill e Ingrid Bergman y de mencionar por algo a Whoopi Goldberg, pero no consigo recordarlo. No consigo hacerlo porque hay un ruido que no me deja concentrarme.

    Abro los ojos. Soy un niño de 14 años que se ha quedado solo en casa y al que despierta el telefonillo. Corro a cogerlo y mis amigos me preguntan si voy a bajar a jugar al fútbol. Podría ser la primera escena de una película ñoña o el arranque de una mala novela. Sin embargo, es una escena de mi vida.

    Tengo 28 años, casi 29 y hoy me he quedado dormido escribiendo. Tengo una película por resucitar, un libro por terminar, una obra de teatro por escribir, proyectos por rescatar e ideas por mover. Tengo casi 29 años, no tengo trabajo y las buenas cosas de mi vida llevan detrás un imposible "por". Suena un telefonillo y me despierto; no interrumpe ningún sueño porque hace tiempo olvidé lo que son. Corro a contestarlo para ver si hay suerte y me preguntan si quiero jugar al fútbol y descubro que he soñado que era mayor. Descuelgo y pregunto quién es.

    - Su telepizza, señor.

    Wow. Just Wow.

    Barack Obama. Spam. Surgery. Mucous Plug. Dog License. 'Nuff said.

    Explanation: You're probably wondering what on earth these things have to do with each other. In fact, you're probably wondering what a mucous plug is, too. Three months ago, I had no idea what a mucous plug was and frankly, I think I was better off not knowing.

    A few nights ago, I happened to wake up to my daughter crying at an odd hour of the night. I couldn't fall back asleep while my wife fed her, so I volunteered to put the baby down while Sarah got some much-needed sleep. Of course, most of that story is unimportant. The important part is that I awoke from a dead sleep, which means that I was smack dab in the middle of a very interesting dream. I got up and walked immediately to my computer, where I wrote the following sentence:

    "I just dreamed that in order to get a dog license, Obama required a double surgical procedure to have his mucous plug removed, which involved implanting and then removing Spam from his chest cavity."

    In the dream, I needed a dog license and had just learned that I had to undergo the same procedure in order to make it happen. Of course, the only mucous plug I actually know of is A) not in men and B) not in the chest, but that's not important. Plus, I don't know much about surgical Spam implantation, but I'm not really up on leading edge procedures.

    I'm not even going to try to analyze this. You can. Enjoy!


    • sultan hanım kızı sena için ilk yaşını temsil eden 1 yaş pastası ,cupcake ve kurabiyelerle tam 1 yaş konsepti yapmamı istedi. küçük sena için sultan hanımla böyle bir pasta tasarladık.kurabiyeler ve cupcakelerde bir sonraki postta:)
    • sena prensese ailesi ve tüm sevdikleriyle sağlıklı uzun bir ömür dilerim.
    • benimyemeklerim@hotmail.com dan bana ulaşabilirsiniz
    • 0532 546 99 26 DAN BANA ULAŞABİLİRSİNİZ

    Web Design Flashfolios

    This is one of the last releases from Taschen.

    I can say this time this book is a good one. Every Art Director should have it. There are good websites about revival as 2xu, from photographers like Chris Woods or Fabio Lana, color playing as Cheval Detroie, good french sites as hello hikimori ,Julie Bayard, Dankastudio and Lamoscope, fullscreen video sites as Gudrun Gudrun, other reference sites as Angle Management, Neutral or the one from N-load, Gringo or Uniform, cool!

    The author is as usual, Julius Wiedermann from Brazil. You can get more info about the book here.

    Other post about Julius Wiedermann:

    - Web Design Video Sites
    - Web Design Interactive & Games
    - Guidelines for online success

    Monday, March 23, 2009

    Yo Canada

    O Canada! Our home and native land! True something something something command...

    Source: These are the words to the Canadian national anthem as I know them. Yes, you may be as shocked as I was to learn that the home of Bryan Adams is actually it's own country, but it's true.

    Explanation: My house has a gimmicky doorbell. It has 25 different musical options, none of which are described using the word "doorbell." Approximately ten of those options are Christmas-related. Then there are the other fun options like Hava Nagila and Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Being the musical genius that I am, we were in the house for about two years before I realized that O Tannenbaum was actually a seasonal ring and that I could change it.

    Anyway, my cousins came to visit yesterday and my cousin Phil was tinkering with the doorbell. Now it plays O Canada, which I think might be perplexing to our future visitors. I also think the odds are pretty high that it'll still be our "ring tone" the next time he comes to visit. Fun stuff!

    In NCAA Tournament Pool Action, Because I Know You Care: I have 14 of the Sweet 16 and have only lost one Elite Eight team (Thanks, Marquette). In many years, this would be an amazing feat, but this year it didn't get me very far. I'm currently in 60th place out of 151 entries. As usual, I am actually doing worse than I would have if I had chosen only the higher seeds.


    Sunday, March 22, 2009

    Creativity Screensaver

    I have programmed this screensaver for those interested in creativity. Developed in Actionscript 3. I have made two versions, black and white. You can watch online the black version here or the white version here. Feel free to download it for Mac or Pc.

    In the past I made some work with CID which is an association promoting Creativity and Innovation Day, on April 21st. So I decided to do my best playing with bubbles, colors, inspiring creativity sentences...

    I had some problems with the recursive calls in tweenning while using greenshock classes but at the end I resolved them.

    Hope you enjoy it!

    Friday, March 20, 2009

    Simpson Birthday At Manhattan Fish Market

    Happy Birthday Simpson. we went to Manhathan Fish Market directly after Hot Air Balloon.

    Burn till it cooked.. hmph.. that how they cook our meal. impressive!! and delicious too.. (maybe too hungry).

    ladies place some CREAM on birthday boy face, the captain promised to gave us 30% discount of the TOTAL BILL. birthday boy.. "wai wat har la"

    Another Group photo there.

    Manhattan Fish Market Crew and Sampative38 group

    Website : Manhattan Fish Market

    Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon

    HOT AIR BALLOONS!! it's in MALATSIA.. how can i missed it?? no way.. so.. i grab i gears and heading to catch some Balloons

    i arrived there a bit early... and managed to see they setting up all the balloon.

    and while they working on the balloon, trying to get it up on the air.. that how inside ballon look like. bet the air inside the balloon is like microwave oven.

    The Inner Face of the Balloon. that how it look like. from INSIDE.

    Balloon is air borned, up up in the air.

    Nescafe anyone???

    Nelly -B- Crew.. working very very hard to get the balloon up.. neh.. the PINK Elephant balloon.

    Nelly-B- is UP!!!

    Framing the precious Moment.

    The Bucket-Free Balloon. look awesome. just 2 seated balloon.

    LOMOGRAPHER! the camera is very colourfull! you can see all kind of weird weird camera and higest range camera in the same day. same place.

    Balloons is in the SKY~

    Location : Putrajaya

    "Jerk" Wasn't My Word of Choice

    Universal Rule of Volleyball #12: If somebody fetches an errant ball for you and you do not say "Thank you," you are a jerk.

    Explanation: For years and years, having seen hundreds of volleyball players and having shagged thousands of misplayed volleyballs, it has always, ALWAYS ticked me off when I go out of my way to help them and they don't thank me.

    In my Thursday night volleyball league last night, two players on one particular team did just that. I have never liked the sportsmanship of their team to begin with, and they confirmed my suspicions by just taking the ball I tossed back to them and going back to what they were doing, completely ignoring me. Later in the night, they finished their match quicker than we did and were playing pick-up on the court next to our game. Again, on several occasions, their pick-up game interfered with our league game and again, on several occasions, they did not apologize in any way for it.

    So, in our match last night, I played like a man possessed, hitting the ball like I did when I was 23, almost killing several innocent players on the team we were playing, all because I was angry at the team we play in two weeks. And for the next two weeks, I will be frothing at the mouth, ready to destroy those jerks when they're on the other side of the net.


    Thursday, March 19, 2009


    Today's status message has been canceled so Jeremy could make his basketball picks. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Wednesday, March 18, 2009

    Camera Envy

    I don't care what it actually does. I'm just upset because it's ten better than mine.

    Explanation: Today is my cousin's birthday. To protect her identity, I will simply refer to her as Lisa R. Lisa R was gushing on Facebook the other day about how her loving boyfriend (we'll just call him Zach G) gave her a Nikon D60 for her birthday. It was very nice of Zach G to give her such a wonderful gift. I'm glad she's so happy and I'm glad he got her something that made her so happy.

    HOWEVER, I am NOT glad that she now has a Nikon D60, while I have a Nikon D50. My Nikon D50 was the entry-level digital SLR that Nikon offered a few years back. When I purchased it, the next model up was the D70. I researched quite a bit and came to the conclusion that the D50 was the best camera for me at the time. I was happy with it at the time, and I still love it to this day.

    Lisa R now owns a D60. THAT'S TEN BETTER THAN MY CAMERA! I have no idea what the features are. Frankly, it might not even be a digital SLR. If the folks at Nikon know anything, then it probably is, but I'm not checking online to verify that. Regardless of what it actually is, the present has to be better than mine. Ten better, to be precise. What could possibly make it ten better? I can only imagine. Three dimensional holographic imaging? High definition video recording? The ability to play Blue Ray DVDs? An optional D-Fit package for working out at home?

    It's killing me! I think it's time to buy a D61.

    The banner is dead?

    This stupid statement is what I rode last week in an article from Ainda. What can I say? Probably it is written from a websurfer´s point of view, not from an average user. Moreover, these people are always talking about usability and those things...

    Sometimes I spend time looking at the creativity of banners, take a look at BannerBlog. I was surpised last week when I firs saw Skittles.

    My question here is if in the future banners will still be made with Flash. Perhaps Adobe should launch another software just for banners or perhaps it will be Flash while Flex will be for RIAs.

    Tuesday, March 17, 2009


    Happy House of Pain Day!

    Jump around! Jump around! Jump up, jump up, and get down!

    Source: My favorite Irishmen, House of Pain.

    Explanation: Yes, I said House of Pain. I know half of you are screaming "What about U2?" at your monitors right now. Just take a moment to compose yourselves...

    ... And now I can continue. Just admit it. House of Pain is the most Irish band EVER. One of their members is named Danny Boy for [your diety of choice]'s sake. They feature such songs as Shamrocks and Shenanigans and Top o' the Morning to Ya. They have such wonderful lyrics as:

    I'm Irish but I'm not a leprechaun. You wanna fight? Then step up and we'll get it on.

    What's up with that brew, man? Hurry up and finish. Then grab the barmaid and order me another Guinness.

    Put on your [expletive deleted]kickers and kick some [expletive deleted].

    So there you have it. In honor of St. Patty's Day I will be listening to House of Pain all day.

    Interesting Note: St. Patrick's day concludes one of the busiest holiday stretches I can think of. First, 3/14 is Pi day, a huge day for irrational folks everywhere. That's followed by the Ides of March, THE holiday for the dead emporers in your life. Then comes 3/16, which doesn't have a holiday, but it's probably big for Van Halen fans and people named John who hold signs at baseball games. Then you top it all off with green beer! What a week!

    Vista Rainbar v4.3 Portable

    Vista Sidebar clone for Rainmeter, Vista Rainbar is easy for using. This sidebar, whose you can change the background between around ten choice, offers many gadgets such as clock, calendar, RSS feeds, weather

      .. with the possibility, for most of them, to customize settings and skins... the program is easy to install. It takes very little ram therefore does not slow down your computer, and of course, it runs on Windows XP and on Vista 100%...

      Download: Vista Rainbar v4.3 Portable

    Safe Data Recovery v2.4

    Safe Data Recovery is read-only data recovery tool, meaning the program will never attempt to write anything to the drive you are recovering the data from. Therefore, the use of it will not destroy any data on the drive no matter how many times you run the software.

      If you have mistakenly deleted files on a drive or have a disk crash, you can download the demo version of Safe Data Recovery. It will show you the data you have lost on that drive.

      Depending on the types of crash and the extent of damage, you might get up to 100% of your lost data. In some cases, however, where corruption to the disk or critical system attributes is severe, data recovery might be limited.

      key features

      Easy to Use:
      · Recovery task can be finished in 3 simple steps. First, select partition; Second, start scanning process; Third, recover. It is as easy as counting 1-2-3.

      Supports hard disk drives:
      · Safe Data Recovery can recovers files on IDE/ATA, SATA, SCSI, USB, IEEE1394 hard disk drives.

      Recovers files on removable devices:
      · Safe Data Recovery can recovers files on removable devices (USB flash drive, Digital camera, digital audio player, etc.)

      Supports the file systems:
      · The program rapidly scan and recovery date in FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS file systems.

      Supports operating systems:
      · Safe Date Recovery supports windows 2000/XP/2003/vista operating systems.

      Recovers all deleted files and folders:
      · Recovers deleted files and folders even after recycle bin has been emptied or use of Shift+Del key.

      Supports Dynamic Volumes.
      · The lastest version of Safe Data Recovery can recovers deleted files from the Dynamic Volumes.

      What's New in This Release:
      · Support Vista
      · Full UI revision
      · Supports Dynamic Volumes

      Download: Safe Data Recovery v2.4

    Monday, March 16, 2009







    benimyemeklerim@hotmail.com dan bana ulaşabilirsiniz