J--McDonald's playland. Decibels at unhealthy levels. We tried moving to a different spot, so we wouldn't have to yell at each other while we ignored our kids, but it didn't help much.
R--Spokane Subs ... apparently a very Christian establishment, I gathered from the plethora of crosses and John 3:16 citations on the walls, shirts, & necks of those in the building. Noisiest part of the restaurant was the four of us as we laughed our heads off.
J--standing. Every Friday at 11:30ish, unless our kids are out of school, because then it gets too pricey.
R--Ours is a bi-monthly quest. Every other Friday we are on a mission to determine where the best burger in Spokane is. It was my week to choose a restaurant, and I like sandwiches better than burgers, so I guess the quest got put on hold this week.
Number of kids present:
R--There were only four of us this week (poor turnout), but Patrick and Aric (I don't know why they spell it that way in N. Dakota) were in suits so maybe we can count them as adults. But if I don't count as an adult then Aric definitely shouldn't. (J "it would have been funnier if he'd just said 0.")
J--With so many yummy choices, we don't know where to start. The Grilled Chicken with the mayo scraped off? The Salads, where you have to every time ask them to put something on they forgot? Of course, there's the fry-stealing (so we can pretend we didn't actually eat them.) And lots of Diet Coke.
R--Sub sandwiches. (It would be funnier if she'd not try to control me and let you all know what would be funnier in her mind.)
J--Uncountable. Noteworthy: one kid having to be pulled off a stranger's kid, the screaming party that went on in the bubble above our heads as the kids realized how echoey and loud it is up there, a toddler falling from the high chair he was crawling on, and, our playdate is never complete without: the 4 year old wetting her pants.
R--WAIT A MINUTE!!! I see where this is going. She's trying to turn this into a pity party about how us guys just lounge around in our cushy lives while the ladies have to deal with unreasonable, ungrateful, unmanageable little monsters in their mired lives. (Were you hoping I would just type zero here???)
Topics of Conversations:
J-- (seems a little defensive, huh? Thou dost protest too much...)
- whether to have one more kid, or "how you knew you were done."
- what great deals we got on the kids' clothes.
- how ONE MOTHER HAS DECIDED TO FORGO INTERNET AND CABLE...this took a lot of time to understand.
- how to get 3 year olds to nap ( I just sleep with mine) and go to co-op preschool
- the merits of Pilates vs. Pump class at the local gym
- blogging
- hair
R--(Methinks she forgot the methinks)
- Various tactics employed to delay or completely avoid having "just one more." (Jessica just pointed out that no one brought up the most biologically sound way to avoid having one more ... oh no.)
- Indirect ways that our wives try to get us to go to the gym without coming out and just saying what they mean.
- Adam instituted a new system for approximating the reliability of the information he was disseminating. He would conclude each story or statement with something like "I am 60% sure that is true."
- A clogged sweat gland (this one was rated as 80% reliable) that got as big as a large grape and how many kneads were required to drain the "sucker" as well as a sub-discussion revolving around the actual intent of the owner of said gland, when he took off his shirt to get an opinion from another one of our wives since she has a background in nursing.
- City Council Drama (Patrick is on the council)
- Young Mens stories (Aric and Adam work with the YM in our ward)
- A couple other topics that have been censored to protect the innocent and the guilty.
Using your comparing and contrasting skills ...which lunch would you rather have attended?
(OH REAL FAIR! ... we all know that this blog is read by an audience which is 98% female and 2% male)
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