Friday, October 26, 2007

Hard at Work

After I got to work today I realized that most of the office had taken the day off. Those who did not take the day off, found various reasons to leave. By noon there were only two of us left at work. When Emma and Gabe were small I brought each of them to work with me one day so I thought today would be the perfect opportunity to keep my promise to Jane that "someday" I would bring her to work with me too. So she has quickly caught on to what daddy does at work (pronounced wook).
  1. Take a seat (Find a chair since dad's office only has one ... roller chairs are better than chairs with legs)

  2. Work on the computer (use Microsoft Paint to make "pwetty pictuwes")

  3. Look up important information (Surf the net to

  4. Collaborate with co-workers (visit only other employee who stuck around because she has a bowl of mini Snickers on her desk ... er um ... I mean because we thought she would like to meet Jane).

  5. Test system hardware (Rustle up speakers to listen to audio content on the Sesame Street website).

  6. Troubleshoot hardware malfunction (Find out that the speakers won't work because the PC Jane is using doesn't have a sound card).

  7. Coffee Break (hot chocolate in our case).

  8. Do paperwork (Color pictures printed off sesame street website with 3 different colored highlighters and a red and blue ballpoint pen).

  9. Tidy up the office (After spilling a bottled H2O all over the desk, mouse, leather roller chair and herself, Jane learned how handy it is that dad keeps a Gym towel in his office).

  10. Call it a day (When asked if she was ready to go home Jane said "hey ... I want to color some more").

(returning from a hard day at work, coats slung over shoulders--oh yeah...bought the camera today)

I'm just happy knowing that now Jane will understand how hard I work to bring home the bacon.

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