Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Summary

(This is a big old copy from my friend Celia. This is how she assuages her guilt at blogging like crazy. Not that I have guilt. Not that I blog like crazy. I just thought this would be nice to do.)

Emma had a soccer game, activity girls and piano, as usual. She also elected me as her illustrator for her Terracotta Warrior book. (I was so honored. I love doing homework.) I ran into her teacher at school last week and she was glowing about the similes Emma was coming up with: "As white as the pearls and diamonds my mother wore on her wedding day." She has just started really enjoying chapter books (yay!) and reading into the night...she felt very proud when she finished two in one night last week. And also she got 100% last week on her spelling test (thanks to her father's Nazi quizzing: "Are you sure?! Cause if you're wrong, you're going to bed." Truly.), and 100% on her spelling pre-test (obviously trying to avoid any special daddy-daughter time)this week. Emma also got a clothes shopping date this week...she's such a fun shopping buddy.

Gabe got invited over to his favorite place this week (the Daines' house). He hadn't finished his homework and was about to die of sadness, as his sisters were ready and leaving, so I took him over there and made him promise to do it before he played. He did. (Is that the most unbelievable thing you've ever heard?)
He also didn't think he needed to wear shoes to Emma's soccer game , "cause I'm not playing, Mom", which I discovered halfway there. It was 50 degrees and raining. Of course people were horrified and glared at I purposely didn't put my kid in shoes? I'm hoping he learned his lesson through frostbite. He played later that day and did well.

He was also unfortunate in the game of Life this week...salesman, making $20,000, yet still landed on the plastic surgery square, as well as opting to sponser a golf tournament. But he decided to be a good sport, and continued playing (with tears running down his face) until the end of the game. How sad/sweet is that?

Jane looked forward all week to our "date" on Friday: "Mom, what if I forget to get dressed on Friday for our date?" "Mom what if I'm still sleeping and you leave on our date?" "Mom, what if you take me to playgroup with Seth and don't take me on our date?" Luckily, we avoided all those possibilities and truly enjoyed our morning together--and got the cutest stuff.
Jane lost Bunker Bear (the fun toy they send home from preschool to stress Moms out) 4 times over the weekend, but managed to find him, by knocking on our neighbor's door at 7am and retrieving him. Phew.

Seth does nothing...and everything. He's talking like CRAZY. I honestly cannot believe the stuff that comes out of his mouth. Right now, he's in my face (literally) asking, "Hey, mom, where's dad...he's talking a pone?" He loves nursery and runs away from us when we try to pick him up. He's obsessed with his ow-eys, Dora, and his little plastic horse. He gets dragged to everything and anything and is a pretty good sport.
He was really appreciating the sacrament he went back for a second handful of bread and blew bubbles into the water cup. When he was done with that, he enjoyed the choking hazard/noise-maker that is the not-returned plastic cup.

We enjoyed the end of our visit with Greg and Christy. We slept little, ate much and enjoyed talks and games late into the night.
Ryan put the finishing touches on his Masters' Thesis defense (boring!), and took the kids to the school movie night on Friday. And didn't purchase Jessica a camera.
Jessica went to "Sisters in Service", a night sponsored by a woman in the area. We attended a cooking class and then spent the night putting together napkins and quilts for the local community center.
We went to a play at the local community college for our date on Saturday. We tried to seem educated and appreciative of the social commentary that "Antigone" was. But we were mostly bored. We came home, made cookies and were not bored by "The Office" and "Survivor". Judge if you must.
Maybe this is boring for you, but this is what I'll pull out years from now, when my kids come home from their therapists and want to discuss my blogging obsession. ("Stop your's proof I was involved in your life.") Thanks for indulging/vouching for me.

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