Emma had activity girls/achievement days? I can't ever remember which word goes with which...but she loves it and her leader is so gung-ho. This week they made those cookie ingredient/mason jar/sand art thing, except Emma's choice was snickerdoodle, which has only white, so it didn't look very arty, but will be yummy just the same. She was also mad at me because I did the tree without her (they were out playing in the snow). Apparently "it's my favorite part of Christmas" and now I've ruined the whole thing for her. Should I send her gifts back?
Gabe (and Emma) were forced by their mean mom to ride the bus home instead of walking on Friday (temperature high: 27 degrees). They walked in the door 1 hour and 15 minutes after school got out and angrily declared, "We're never riding that bus again!" Well, fine. Freeze your little fingers off. He informed us after church on Sunday that "I practically taught the whole lesson." I'm sure his teacher and classmates enjoyed that.
Jane is my little buddy, enthusiastically accompanying me to "bollyball", the library (where she and Seth fight over the stuffed giraffe and the handicap door opening buttons), the gym daycare (where she sits in a rocking chair and stairs at the movie for an hour), and "Wawmawt". She brightens the day, seriously, of everyone we encounter (except that poor giraffe). She just radiates joy. We're lucky to have her.
Seth has herpes. Nice. They are only on his leg, for some weird reason but it got me out of two babysitting trades and story time. Did I ever mention that he repeats himself? Well, it bears repeating. It goes on all day, and about all things and I seriously just say the same answer to him over and over, because I've learned trying to make him get it, is not actually the point.
Prepare to be jealous: After 3 hours of price comparisons and multiple list making via the Internet, I HAVE COMPLETED ALL CHILDREN'S GIFT BUYING. The shipping fees were so worth it. I also attended a way fun book club, with decorated stuffed Elephants (maybe Jane and Seth would have liked it), caramel corn and Sarsaparilla--all in honor of our book Water for Elephants.
This picture was taken last month. You can tell because it shows Ryan returning home from work...which he didn't do this week. Two midnight returns and one 2:45am return do not a happy wife (or husband) make. We are hoping it will all be done next week. We were happy to have him for the decorating on Saturday and for tithing settlement on Sunday (where the fasting Romneys could barely focus on the bishop's questions, due to his candy jar staring us, I mean, the kids in the face).
This picture was taken last month. You can tell because it shows Ryan returning home from work...which he didn't do this week. Two midnight returns and one 2:45am return do not a happy wife (or husband) make. We are hoping it will all be done next week. We were happy to have him for the decorating on Saturday and for tithing settlement on Sunday (where the fasting Romneys could barely focus on the bishop's questions, due to his candy jar staring us, I mean, the kids in the face).
We're off to a fun winter/Christmas start and love having you around to tell about it!
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