Because Stie was kind enough to expose her neuroses, at my request, I thought I'd let you all in on a little Jessica secret. I'm obsessed with list making. See the picture above? Lists from last Saturday...all in use. I took a picture and thought I'd make a list to tell you all about it.
1. The types of Lists you'll find lying around my house:
- To-Do List--the most important. Has all tasks (mostly in order) of the day, plus things I add during the day, knowing I won't get to them, but don't want to forget.
- Calorie List--found on the back of the to-do list. Usually left incomplete when the calorie allotment begin to look hopelessly too small.
- Positive/Negative List--also on the back of the to-do list. I'll pick a kid (usually Emma) and track how many happy and not-so happy interactions I have with her during the day. Of course, we have LOTS more Positive interactions when I'm tracking. Which is the whole point.
- Grocery List on the Fridge--this is the list with all the food I realize we are out of during the week. Not the master shopping list.
- Master Shopping List, with Daily Menu List in right corner--made on grocery day. Menu saved and magnet-ed on fridge.
- Idea for Blogs
- Big Events list--this is the page or two I start making to prepare for Christmas or trips or Girls camp. Luckily I only have to bring these babies out once in a while.
2. Stuff on Today's List (in order):
- scrips
- 10 min E
- 10 min G
- 10 min J
- 10 min S
- school (getting them out the door deserves crossing off, as does:)
- dress all
- run
- Daines (watching niece and nephew)
- Cyn card (write b-day card to friend)
- McD
- Genie/frame (involves Christmas presents, don't look parentals!)
- plane ticket (for weekend with Paige, Tammy and Adrianne)
- blog (CHECK!)
- ham (for tonight's ward party)
- 2nd day
- practice Kara (for song E and I are singing tonight)
- Chr party
- adhere 3 (shorthand involving that STUPID Christmas card)
- stamp/cut (ditto)
- tie on (ditto)
3. Reasons I make lists
- I have 4 children, a husband, a house, a calling, a blog, friends...I couldn't possibly keep all my stuff in my head without the list(s).
- I feel so happy when I cross something off.
- I feel much more in control, when I can SEE it.
- It reminds me (the 10 min kid thing) of stuff I would let slip away otherwise.
- I have to think less, because it's all right there.
4. Therapists who have told me to stop making lists
- BYU therapist
- Dr. Scott at LDS Social Services
- Ryan
(except this was years ago, and I've really learned how to not obsess about not crossing everything off. I did stop for about 2 years and it really helped. I am able to do it now and have it help, not hinder my life)
So go ahead: comment about how exhausting this all seems, or OCD, or how you are exactly like this and you love it. Comments...they're almost like a list, you know.
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