Thursday, July 31, 2008

[HUMOR] Cara de queixo (ou seria cara invertida??)


Hoje eu trago um tópico que deixará você de cabeça para baixo....ou seria de queixo pro ar??

Ahhh..sei lá.


via: Uhull

Things that have made my summer (and most of them I didn't even plan!)

1. This trampoline:

Okay, this one I planned. When it arrived, I truly think I squealed louder than my kids. And clapped my hands, jumping up and down. I didn't even know then the, literally, hours my kids (and all the neighbors) would spend on this thing. There is NO downside. Exercise, entertainment, sleeping quarters...this trampoline has it all. Best money I've spent all year.

2.This activity (all Emma's idea).

Have your oldest, most responsible kid get all of your bikes, trikes, wagons, and scooters out of the garage. Have her call all of the neighbor kids over. Give her a bottle of dish soap (you'll never see a drop of it again, but it will be worth it.) Give her a hose and allow her to "clean" every piece of your equipment in your garage. Everyone was busy, wet and happy for at least an hour and your stuff looked shiny and new when they were done. Ingenious.

3. This drink

Meghann, my best food friend ever, gave me this mix for my birthday. It was amazing, especially after I figured out how to crush the ice to a molecular consistency. We ate the whole can in 4 days and then I called Meghann and she said it cost $16 at Williams-Sonoma and I really wished I hadn't given any of that liquid gold to my kids.

I have since spent every night perfecting Ilene's frozen hot chocolate recipe, to try to get it the closer to the Serendipity one. (Sorry, Ilene, yours was yummy, but too chocolatety for Ryan). This is what I've come up with:

Jessica's frozen hot chocolate

2.5 T. cocoa powder

3.5 T. good hot chocolate mix (love the LDS Cannery's mix)

1 T. Quik

6 T. sugar

1 T. malted milk powder (I don't even like malt flavoring, but it is essential in this recipe)

1/2 c. cream

1/2 c. milk

3 c. ice

Mix everything but the ice in a blender. Add ice. Blend, stir with spoon, blend again. Get that ice completely and totally pulverized. Serve in two tall glasses.

(But, for a splurge sometime, really....get the Serendipity brand).

4. This vest.

I made Seth put this on this morning, just for your viewing pleasure, beloved blog audience, and he will now ask me ALL DAY LONG when we are going swimming, no matter how many times I tell him we aren't. So I hope you are appreciative.

So I went to Target in California to get a swim vest for Seth. (side note: Ryan is opposed to floaty swim-aids. As a former swim teacher, he thinks it gets in the way of learning to swim...but since I have a million children now, I cannot be on top of Seth-with-no-life-saving-device.) This was the only one they had, so I bought it.

It is the best thing ever. It isn't super-floaty, so they have to do a lot of the work themselves. Seth kicks his legs, uses his arms, and can get anywhere in the pool, but is perfectly safe. I've never seen this type of vest before, but I love it.

So there. You have one month of summer left. Use these ideas and thank me later.

Breaking News: Hawkwatch 2008

It's Hawkwatch, 2008!

Explanation: We interrupt our mystery status week to bring you this exciting news update:

This morning as I looked out my window to see if it had rained last night, I saw this on my driveway:


Given the coloring, I thought it was my neighbors' cat, who often hunts on my property. I've never seen the cat resting like that, though. After looking a little closer, though, I realized that it wasn't the cat.


Yes, it's my hawk. I call it "my" hawk because I know it lives in the woods behind my house and I often see it hunting as I gaze longingly out the window during work. I love this hawk. It's majestic and glorious, and (perhaps more importantly) along with the neighbors' cat, it pretty much eliminates any rodent problem the woods might present.

It appears the hawk has an injured wing. As my wife backed her car down the driveway (thankfully on the non-hawk side) it rose to its feet and appears quite capable of walking, and perhaps thrashing neighborhood pets as well. It does not, however, appear capable of flying. I put some water out for it, which prompted it to waddle off in the other direction. It is now resting lazily under a tree in my front yard.

I have made numerous phone calls this morning and will continue making them until somebody actually answers. I'll keep you updated on this breaking news.

Oh, and for those of you who are concerned about my theme week, have no fear - it will continue tomorrow.

Update, 10:50am: After finding several people to contact for raptor rehabilitation, I figured I should make sure the bird was still around before I tried calling again. Apparently, my feathered friend wandered his way back into the woods, because he's nowhere to be seen outside. Oh well. I hope his wing gets better. So ends the excitement of Hawkwatch 2008. We thank everyone who called/emailed with their thoughts and prayers.

Update, 11:12am: Hawkwatch is back on, people!!! The hawk has been located, I repeat, the hawk has been located. I have left a message at one of the local rehabilitation places and hopefully they will call me while I still know where the bird is. For those of you who called/emailed with your thoughts and prayers, get back to work! Think and prey harder!

Update, 11:14am: I just realized that I used "prey" instead of "pray". See, I was thinking "bird of prey" when I typed it and I got all confused... yeah, that's it.

Update, 8:24am, Friday: Zippy (as I have named him) is lost. I last saw him wandering about the woods behind the house. Hopefully I'll see him again soon. Also, I should mention that Zippy is a fully grown red-tailed hawk. You can't see exactly how big he is in the photos above, but he's probably about 20 inches tall. So, even without wings, I think Zippy could take down a yippy neighborhood dog or two. Here's hoping...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008



Hoje eu trago um vídeo comparativo entre:

(Video Comparison)

Samsung Omnia - Youtube



iPhone 3G Branco Rachado: Fraude, Má-Utilização, Má Qualidade ou Coincidência??


Muito se comentou hoje sobre a suposta má qualidade do iPhone 3G Brancos.

O Fórum MacRumors divulgou algumas imagens de alguns usuários cujos iPhones Brancos estavam com rachaduras.

Uma coisa não pode passar batida:

Praticamente todas as imagens de iPhones 3G Brancos rachados foram postadas por usuários recentes do Fórum, o que levantam suspeitas - fraude, má utilização e tentativa de denegrir a imagem da Apple...Enfim, é estranho ou uma imensa coincidência.

Veja mais imagens abaixo (See more images below)

Would You Like Snow With That?

Yes, I'd like a Big Mac, a large fries, and a Diet Coke... in Missouri, please.

Source: This, too, is from the book I'm reading, which I will reveal on Friday.

Explanation: In an effort to improve service, a McDonald's franchise owner in Colorado created a call center to handle his drive-through orders. Anyone who pulls up to one of his numerous franchises to place an order is actually talking to an order taker in his call center, who relays the order via computer back to the franchise where the order was placed. Having highly trained professionals handle orders trims the average order time by more than 30 seconds, and puts his franchise among the fastest in the country. Seeing his success, other McDonald's franchises have started paying to use his call center as well. So, if you pull up to McDonald's just off U.S. Interstate 55 near Cape Girardeau, Missouri, you will actually place your order through the Colorado Springs call center. Scary, huh?

Not So True, But Interesting Factoid: In honor of this innovation, all of my Sametime responses today will actually be processed through a computer lab in Bangalore.

Sadly, This Factoid Is True: A not-so-stable friend of my college roommate worked at McDonald's during high school. Somebody placed an order for a Big Mac, a large fries, and a Diet Coke, and he went off on them: "You're getting a Big Mac and enough fries to feed three people. That's like 1500 calories! You think a Diet Coke is going to help you???" After some more colorful ranting, the customer responded that she was diabetic and could not drink regular Coke, at which point the enraged employee gave up and cooled off in the walk-in freezer for a while.

We will watch the watchmen

We posted about it time before. Now see the trailer online, visit the web or the blog.

Taller de cine de acción

Mientras sigo peleando por encontrar ejemplares de Scifiworld Magazine en algún lugar de Madrid, os dejo con dos vídeos que ¡¡¡ dirigí !!!. Se trata de dos promociones para la ECAM basadas en las clases sobre cine de acción que allí se impartieron el año pasado.

Si solamente tenéis tiempo para ver una, os recomiendo la segunda.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

[Programa] MagicPad: O programa "Copiar-Colar" do iPhone (video demonstrativo)


Dias atrás, postamos o que seria um suposto programa que daria ao iPhone a função de Copiar&Colar.

Eis que hoje surge o nome do programa e um vídeo demonstrativo...

Com vocês:


Apesar do programa ser aparentemente um editor de textos incrementado, e provavelmente, a função copiar/colar só funcionar no aplicativo....não se pode negar que já é um grande avanço.

[VIDEO REVIEW] Diversos reviews em video do SAMSUNG OMNIA


Trago uma pequena coletânea de Reviews em vídeo (várias linguas) do:




(Telefonino - Italian - VideoReview)

(Telefonino - Italian - VideoReview 2)

(PhoneArena - English - VideoReview)

(Mobility Today - English - VideoReview)

(MobiFrance Videoview)

(NextWindowsMobile Videoview)

(Clipset - Spanish - VideoReview)

(UMPCFEVER - Japanese? - VideoReview)

(ExameInformatica - Portuguese/PT - VideoReview)

(PhoneNow - English - VideoReview)

[VIDEOVIEW] HTC Touch Pro (Software and GUI Hands-on)


Depois do vídeo que coloquei aqui ontem, onde o HTC Touch Pro era fisicamente mostrado, hoje eu trago um novo vídeo feito pelo mesmo responsável, onde você poderá ver o:

(Software and GUI Hands On)

via: theunwired

Mystery Week: Outsourcing is Cool (As Long As It Isn't Your Job)

I think I'm going to hire an outsourced administrative assistant.

Source: Yes, the source remains a mystery.

Explanation: In the book I'm reading, I discovered that there's a gentleman who created a company that will give you an Indian administrative assistant for $1500-$2000 a month. You may ask why on earth you'd want an administrative assistant in India instead of the United States, and I'll tell you why. India time is about a half day ahead of the United States. If you need a PowerPoint presentation created ASAP, you can make this request of your Indian administrative assistant as you leave for home in the evening. Your assistant is just starting his or her workday, and can spend the next 8 hours churning away on it while you eat dinner with your family, play with your kids, tuck them in and enjoy a nice quiet relaxing evening. When your assistant leaves for the day, he or she emails you your presentation and it's waiting for you first thing in the morning when you get in to work. Nobody has to put in any extra hours or anything! It's brilliant! I think I'm going to hire one.

Interesting Factoid: Outsourced telephone operators are taught that the letter T in American English is pronounced almost like a D, not nearly as crisp and sharp as the British pronounce it. To practice, they get to say exciting things like:

A bottle of bottled water held thirty little turtles. It didn't matter that each turtle had to rattle a metal ladle in order to get a little bit of noodles, a total turtle delicacy... The problem was that there were many turtle battles for less than oodles of noodles. Every time they thought about grappling with the haggler turtles their little turtle minds boggled and they only caught a little bit of noodles.

Monday, July 28, 2008

[VIDEOVIEW] HTC Touch Pro (Hardware Hands-on)


Hoje eu trago um vídeo onde o responsável demonstra a parte Hardware do:


via: theunwired

Scifiworld Magazine Nº5

Ya está en la calle y con dos portadas diferentes...

Si a alguien no le gusta el artículo sobre Dario Argento, puede pedirle cuentas a un servidor.

Ya me estáis tardando en ir a comprarla :)

[Tutorial] Aumente a velocidade do sincronismo iTunes/iPhone sem desabilitar o Backup


Quer diminuir o longo tempo que o processo de backup ocupa toda vez que você vai sincronizar o seu iPhone com o computador??

Aumente a velocidade de sincronismo do iPhone com o iTunes

Eis uma soluçao..

O processo é simples e envolve a desativação da capacidade de diagnóstico para enviar dados para a Apple.

Depois de conectar o iPhone ao seu computador;

* 1. Desmarque a opção no iTune: "sincronizar automaticamente quando o iPhone é ligado";

* 2. Desplugue o seu iPhone e, em seguida, ligue-o novamente

* 3. Depois que o iTunes abrir novamente, clique com o botão direito do mouse em seu nome no menu dispositivos (à esquerda) e no menu selecione "Resetar Advertências/Avisos (OU Anular Avisos)";

* 4. Em seguida, clique em Sync, no canto inferior direito;

* 5. Em seguida, você receberá um pop-up (veja imagem abaixo). Simplesmente desmarque a opção "Não perguntar novamente";

* 6. Agora você pode voltar e remarcar novamente a opção "sincronizar automaticamente quando o iPhone é ligado" que você removeu na Etapa # 1

Obs: O texto acima é apenas uma tradução. Caso haja discordância no texto com o real utilizado no iTunes, peço que me avise no Fórum.


After connecting your iPhone to your computer;

* 1. Uncheck the check mark from the “Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected” option in iTunes.
* 2. Unplug your iPhone and then plug it back in
* 3. Once iTunes launches again, right click on its name in the devices menu (on the left) and from menu choose “Reset Warnings”
* 4. Then click Sync in the bottom right hand corner
* 5. You will then receive a pop-up (see image above). Simply uncheck the “Do not ask me again” box
* 6. Now you can go back and re-apply the check to the “Automatically sync” option that you removed in Step #1

Fonte: iPhoneFreak

Last 22 posts

1 - Expo Zaragoza 2008
2 - Behance Network
3 - Moock Against Adobe
4 - DoubleYou against Joakim Borgstrom
5 - Best Flash Websites
6 - Google on Gay Pride Madrid 2008
7 - Thoughts on Google indexing Flash
8 - Julius Wiedermann, guidelines for online success
9 - Actionscript Mythical webs III: Studios I
10 - GIF Optimization
11 - Contemporary Graphic Design
12 - Max Kiesler: Another place to look at
13 - Firefox 3 & Flash Xtensions
14 - Dificulties learning AS3
15 - item list for Adobe
16 - Publicaciones IndexBook
17 - Thinking about designers coding
18 - Actionscript Mythical webs II
19 - Interaction Design
20 - Papervision: Fashion or victim
21 - AS3 or freelances´run
22 - Actionscript Mythical webs I

[Humor] Datena e Patrícia Maldonado pegos nos bastidores da BAND


No vídeo abaixo você verá os bastidores da cobertura da BAND no Festival de Parintins (Festa do Boi "Caprichoso e Garantido"), onde o apresentador José Luíz Datena xinga todo mundo, fala mal da festa e do seu locutor, reclama do ibope, dá uma cantada na apresentadora Patrícia Maldonado (que também fala mal da festa e do locutor)....

E no final, o melhor é ver eles dizerem ao vivo que "adoraram", que "querem voltar no ano seguinte"...e o surgimento do nada do Leão Lobo, que senta (ui!) na cadeira e começa a dançar.

OOOOOOooooooooh falsidade....rssss

Mystery Week: UPS

On any given day, 2% of the world's GDP is being transported by UPS.

Source: Ah, therein lies the mystery.

Explanation: I just got back from vacation, and on vacation I like to read. The book I'm currently reading is loaded with some interesting facts, just like the one above. So, this week I'm going to use some of those facts as my status. On Friday I'll reveal the source. Until then, feel free to wager a guess.

For those of you who don't like UPS, you probably don't want to read the next factoid. But don't worry, I won't mention the army of brown shorts again this week.

Another Interesting Factoid: If you own a Toshiba laptop and need it repaired under warranty, UPS will collect it, ship it to a workshop at its Louisville hub, repair it, and ship it back to you. Toshiba never even sees the machine - they train the UPS technicians and then UPS can perform their repairs for them. This is a side of UPS that I never knew existed.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Summary in Pictures

Notice Seth's finger. This is how it looks for 90% of the things he says to us.

Evidence that Seth actually got to attend the "buwday pawdy" that he mentioned 1, 214 times. Word to the wise: Don't mention the party to a 3 year old till one hour before. "Is today da buwday pawdy, mom?" "Dis my buwday present, mom, foh da pawdy?" "Is today tomorrow, foh da pawdy mom?" (ad nauseum)

The teepee in which the kids got initiated into sacred Native American ceremonies for Stake Pioneer Day. They got real Indian tears, fossilized as rocks. As Jane said, "I'm sewious."

A picture of what happens when no one shows up to ward Park Day (at the Liberty Lake County Park): you actually make a sandcastle with your cute kids...instead of talking to your friends the whole time.

We took the kids to Riverfront Park to ride the rides. Quotable quote: Ryan said, "I think something in me has officially snapped. Even looking at these rides makes me sick."

Some random picture that the kids did. I included it due to the Rolaids bottle in the front, as my week was filled with almost constant heartburn. I've been to the doctor today and got a prescription for some harder stuff. (5th pregnancy=not so fun.)


Hay noticias capaces de resucitar a un muerto:

Con dos cojones...

Expo Zaragoza 2008

Although I live in Madrid since the last three years, I spent the weekeend in my hometown, Zaragoza, visiting the Expo Zaragoza 2008, International Expo "Water and Sustainable Development".

It was a very nice experience, lots of pavillions from differente countries, activities, multimedia experiences, deep thoughts about water in the world. If you happen to come to Spain until September 14th, I strongly recommend you to visit Zaragoza and the Expo.

Moreover, my personal recommendations for this event: This weekend Expo passed the visitor 2 million so you´d better visit it from monday to thursday. The first thing you should do is taking the fast-pass to any of the more visited pavillions. There are over 90 pavillions, If you like multimedia I recommend you Japan, Germany, Morocco, Lithuania, Aragón and Spain. More related to design is the pavillion about thirst and the one of cities of water. Besides if you like adventure don´t forget to go to Extreme Waters pavillion.

There are also exhibitions, I show three: El hombre vertiente, El despertar de la serpiente and Iceberg.

Some videos in the Expo:

[ BALI ] Go Surfing or Stay Suffering

Kuta Kuta~ here we are~!! Kuta Beach! haha yeah~ the beach i keep highlight i MUST be there no matter how!! hahaha. why ar? coz they called it Surfing Paradise!! no go?? no do! must go! yeah MUST GO!!!i dun care!

Here we are in the Kuta Beach!

and we noticed someone looking for something.. i wonder what he's looking for.... needle?? hahha

erm... could it be a reason why i like beach so much?? hehehehe.

Back to topic. AHA!!Surf Board! damn excited.ladies and gentlemen, choose your colour, er.. choose your surf board i mean! hahaha

Candy looking for Sun Block!! Sun Block!! apply it like wash face gam wash. then.. "why you all laughing???" she dunno she soooo WHITE that day....

My private Surf coach, My Surf board and Don the Surfer.

Candy the Pinky Surf Girl~~ surf~surf~surf~ jump! jump! jump!

Here come Pik Hung, cornering summore.. dun play play

"I'm Standing!! i'm Standing!!!" here come Titanic...

and finally.. Don The Surfer. weee.. yeaahhaaa~~! i'm loving it!!

Accident DID happen.....

Coach and Surfer in the Photo~i wanna go surf again!!