Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: (25) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
The reason the meetings of the assembly are not to be neglected is that they provide a communal setting where mutual encouragement and admonition may occur... The entire community must assume responsibility to watch that no one grows weary or becomes apostate. This is possible only when Christians continue to exercise care for one another personally. - William L. Lane, Hebrews 9-13, Word Biblical Commentary vol 47B (Dallas: Word Books, 1991), 290
I am unveiling a breakthrough personal research project that holds the potential to infuse business and societal systems with unprecedented levels of intelligence: a new computing system that will compete with people at the game of Wheel of Fortune!
Explanation: As soon as I saw that IBM was planning on creating a Jeopardy! computer, I knew they were taking the easy road on this grand challenge-scale problem. Everyone knows Wheel of Fortune is where the big intelligence is at. My computing system will be able to derive words from complex puzzles with perplexing clues like "Before & After" and "Famous Person". In an effort to find suitable opposition for our computing system, we are currently in talks with some of the great Wheel champions of the past, like Mindy Holtzman, the homemaker from Des Moines, who raked in $12,000 and a trip to Hawaii.
We have thought out every detail of this project, right down to the 3.5 foot maximum height requirement, designed to make Pat Sajak look tall. Let the competition commence!
Special Readership Question: Would Double Dare have been funnier?
Online casino slot machine has a certain playing tips that can maximize your bankroll and increase the chances of success and of winning the big jackpots.
1. Know Your Machine: There are many players who play & realize they have not played the right amount of coins for optimum payout!
2. Go for Biggest payback possible: It's a total game of chance; so if luck shines on you, get the biggest payback. The player has a lot better chance of winning on online slot machines when payback percentages are bigger.
3. Play maximum coins at all times: Payback percentages are calculated to include jackpot amounts. Jackpots are only paid on maximum coins played. If you play less than maximum coins, your payback will be less. You want the best chance of the jackpot and a big payback, that's the fun of online slots, so play maximum coins.
4. Check the payback percentage: Online casinos typically payback 75 to 97%. Look for casinos that have online slot machines with payouts of 95% or more. They are out there and your odds of bigger paybacks are of course greater on these machines.
5. Play Video Poker Slots: If you enjoy them,take a time to play Video Poker machines. The house edge is less and payback is usually better if certain basic strategies are used.
6. Set Your Bank Roll In Advance: Your Playing Strategy must be set up BEFORE you play slot machines; only gamble what you can afford to lose. Going into a casino or online, it's easy to lose track of time and money. With the adrenalin rush of playing, time and money can go very quickly!
7. Don't forget single payline machines: If you have small bankroll, these machines are less expensive to play, so you can play for longer and you still have the chance of winning a jackpot.
8. Play only two coin or three coin machines: Your money will of course last longer on a two coin max machine, than on a three coin max machine. You will be able to play and have the thrill of pursuing the jackpot for longer.
9. Don't play online progressive slots on a small bankroll: Payouts on progressives are much lower than on regular slot machines. For the casual player, they are a poor choice to play, as they consume your bankroll quickly.
10. Have A Win Target: When playing online slot machines most players have a quit time or amount of money they are prepared to lose, but many make the fundamental mistake of giving back their winnings. Have a win target, if lady luck smiles on you, then quit and enjoy some of your winnings.
To read more original slots strategy articles visit the Slot Strategies web site: http://www.onlinecasinosbluebook.com/slots.html
Source: Well, really I just wanted an excuse to blog this picture:
One of the most frustrating things about being interested in both LEGOs and photography is that the internet provides so many examples of people who are vastly superior to me in both pursuits. I made the mistake of checking out my favorite LEGO blog the other day and I found this picture. Then, I compounded my mistake by checking out some other photos that this guy had taken (and his toy pictures, in particular). Aside from my jealousy over his tamed chipmunks, I was absolutely floored at the photos he created using his LEGO Castle Advent calendar.
Well, I can't beat him, so as I work on honing my LEGO skills, I suggest you go check out the cool stuff that he's done. Enjoy!
Don’t almost say things around here. Seth’s onto you.
(And speaking of Seth: we’ve never had a crazier kid. Seriously. He’s either making us laugh our heads off or scream our heads off. When I was on vacation without the 4 bigger kids, Ryan called me at least twice a day to report funny Seth-isms. Exhausting, infuriating, mouthy, smart and funny, there’s never a dull moment with him around.)
As yet unseen footage of the first stable version of levelHead, an augmented-reality spatial-memory game by Julian Oliver.
This is a spoiler for the first 3 cubes: the relatively easy red cube, the tricky green cube and finally the very difficult orange cube (dubbed the 'Apartment').
Don't watch this if you want to solve them yourself!
Source: This is another quote from the Evil Midnight Bomber from the Tick cartoon series. (sound byte here)
Any bad guy who walks into the Superhero club with a bag labeled "Bombs" is cool in my book. Here's Arthur confronting him in the club.
Here are some more quotes:
And he says to me, he says to me, you got Style, baby! but if you're gonna to be a real villain you gotta get a gimmick…and so I go I says Yeah Baby! A gimmick, that's it! High Explosives! (sound byte here)
And so he says, I don't like the cut of your jib, and I go, I says it's the only jib I got, baby! (sound byte here)
You'll never prove a thing, copper, I'm just a part time electrician…bad is good, baby! Down with government! (sound byte here)
Let me urge upon you the importance of cultivating faith if you are to be able to walk in love and spiritual power. Without faith it is impossible to please God, but those who believe are given more grace than they can handle. Believing is to expect God to be with you and change you and to change others...When the work is dull and routine or people are slipping away, go forth with new boldness and preach Christ until you are filled with faith yourselves and God works faith in others.
Think of it this way. All the powers of hell and earth are ranged against the gospel and your ministry. They will not compromise. Therefore don't expect it from them. Don't expect the enemy to coddle you. He will continue to attack from every quarter. At night. On the streets. In your meetings. Wherever. This is a take-no-prisoners kind of war, and we must not compromise with the uglies and with evil in any form.
Therefore resist, fight with all your heart against evil in yourself and others, seek holiness through faith in the blood of Christ, and live boldly out of your union with Christ. You are in Him and He is in you. Don't doubt it. On that basis keep at it. - C. John Miller's The Heart of a Servant Leader
“We do not have to make ourselves suffer in order to merit forgiveness. We simply receive the forgiveness earned by Christ. 1 John 1:8 says that God forgives us because He is ‘just.’ That is a remarkable statement. It would be unjust of God to ever deny us forgiveness, because Jesus earned our acceptance! In religion we earn our forgiveness with our repentance, but in the gospel we just receive it.” - Timothy Keller
Explanation: Now that it's late April here in New Jersey, spring is in the air, and by "spring" I mean "pollen." Allergy season is in full swing, I'm taking heavy doses of Zyrtec, and yet I'm still single-handedly keeping the tissue industry afloat in these difficult times. I did a lot of yard work this weekend, which means I inhaled lots of allergens, which means my body is reacting to them, which means I'm sneezing a lot.
In general, sneezing is not a bad thing. In general. Unfortunately, my daughter seems to startle pretty easily, and my sneezes are generally a little too loud for her taste. As a result, most of my sneezes are now greeted with shrieks of terror, followed by several minutes of sobbing.
I didn't think it was possible, but this officially makes my seasonal allergies even worse than they already were. I hate scaring her. My sneezing episodes now include a combination of sprints to a different room and the horrible implosion feeling that accompanies trying to hold one in. Not fun.
If you visit us with allergies, beware! And if you see me in the near future, now you know why I look guilty every time I sneeze.
“Our deliverance from the law is a rescue from its curse and its bondage, and so relates to the two particular functions of justification and sanctification. In both areas we are under grace, not law. For justification we look to the cross, not the law, and for sanctification to the Spirit, not the law. It is only by the Spirit that the law can be fulfilled in us.”
...All the calls to "reclaim America for Christ" leave me cold. Our real need is to reclaim the church for Christ. When Christ is exalted in His church, when He is loved and revered and cherished with passion by those who bear His Name--in other words, when the church starts living like the church--then His body cannot help but make an impact on culture.
“From ancient times in the Church a special significance has been attached to the common [in the sense of ‘corporate’] use of the psalms. … The custom has been largely lost and we must find our way back to its prayers.”
“the prayer of the psalms belongs in a peculiar way to the fellowship. Even if a verse or a psalm is not one’s own prayer, it is nevertheless the prayer of another member of the fellowship.”
By praying the Psalms one “learns to pray the prayer of the Body of Christ. And that lifts him above his personal concerns and allows him to pray selflessly.”
“The more deeply we grow into the psalms and the more often we pray them as our own, the more simple and rich will our prayer become. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
When I realized the Faith was going to need LOTS of extra nursing help (#5), I knew something had to give. Then I realized that I was planning two vacations that month: Utah (#10) and California (#8). I knew my blog had to go, for a while at least.
We had 4 people who guessed right: Anisa, Lenore, Rebecca, and Rachel.
We had Jane do the honors:
And the winner is:
I believe I have your address, Nor, so I am sending you, via Amazon, my latest favorite book:
It was just a really good story. I thought and thought about the characters and loved them all. I totally lost myself in the book and hope it’s as much of a Time Suck for you as it was for me.
Thanks for playing.
We now return you to your regular scheduled blog programming.
So this blog is the new one... please all y'all reference this address! I will be posting about us as a church getting back to the 1st century early church and doing it by the Book!
"The policy of Paul and his colleagues seems to have been to wait until qualities of spiritual leadership displayed themselves in certain members of a church and then to urge the others to acknowledge and respect those as leaders. One of the most obvious qualities of leadership was a readiness to serve the church and care for its needs. Such leaders did not do the appropriate work because they had been appointed as leaders; they were recognized as leaders because they were seen to be doing the work." F. F. Bruce, Commentary on 1 Thessalonians
I'm making gravy without the lumps! Ah ha hahahahaaaaaa!!!
Source: This is a quote by the Evil Midnight Bomber from the Tick cartoon series. Here's the sound byte.
Explanation: Some bad guys are evil geniouses. Some bad guys are raving lunatics. The Evil Midnight Bomber would fall into the latter category. Here are a few more quotes:
Boom Baby Boom! I'm the Evil Midnight Bomber what Bombs at Midnight! (sound byte)
So he says to me, you gotta do something smart, baby, something big! He says you want to be a supervillain, right, and I go yeah baby, yeah yeah! What do I gotta do? He says you got bombs, blow up the Comet Club, it's packed with superheroes…you'll go down in supervillain history and I go Yeah baby 'cause I'm the Evil Midnight Bomber what Bombs at Midnight!!! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! (sound byte)
'Somethin' Stupid' is a song written by C. Carson Parks and released by Carson and Gaile. It was released in 1967 by Frank Sinatra and his daughter, Nancy Sinatra, on the album 'The World We Knew'.
The song rose to No.1 on the US Singles Chart and won the elder Sinatra his first Gold single. It was the first and only instance of a father-daughter number-one song in America. The single also reached No.1 in the UK the same year. 'Somethin' Stupid' was re-recorded for Robbie Williams' 2001 album, 'Swing When You're Winning', together with Nicole Kidman. The song became Williams' first Christmas No.1 single in the United Kingdom, and fifth as a solo artist, the single sold 98,506 copies in its first week and 366,000 copies over all earning a Silver Certification. The song also became another No.1 single for Williams in New Zealand, being certified Gold, and became, at the time, his best selling single in Europe charting inside the top ten in most countries. In Australia, it became Williams' fourth top ten single, earning a Gold certification for over 35,000 copies sold.
Había intentado no acabar aquí porque bastante tengo ya peleándome en la vida real por determinados temas, pero hoy he visto con envidia como Guionista en Chamberí volvía a bajar a la arena para mancharse las manos y he pensado que servidor, con lo combativo que es con el tema en la vida real, no puede seguir siendo un cobarde...
Para entrar en la guerra, voy lanzando unas preguntas al aire.
- ¿Quién (coño) son la Asociación de Internautas y la Asociación de Usuarios de Internet?
- ¿El nombramiento de Ángeles González-Sinde es el único que le preocupa al internauta medio? ¿no tiene otro asunto político que considere más importante?
- ¿Por qué la gente viene a quejarse de los precios de productos culturales y no lo hacen de las conexiones a Internet? ¿por qué les parece bien pagar a Rapidshare y no a la Fnac?
- ¿Qué experto en mercados dijo que este modelo de negocio está extinto? ¿lo ha dicho alguien que sabe de lo que habla o lo han dicho 200 veinteañeros con problemas de sobrepeso?
- ¿Quién decide que un modelo de negocio está extinto?
- ¿Quién dijo que la cultura tenía que ser gratis? (¿qué es cultura?) y de todos esos que lo dicen y lo escriben... ¿cuántos libros leen al año?
- Cuando alguien dice que tal cosa no se puede comprar ¿se le ha ocurrido mirar en una web que me han dicho que se llama algo de Amazon? (¿Por qué pagar a Rapidshare si se puede comprar un DVD libre de zona por 30 euros?)
- ¿Alguna de las personas que escriben sobre el cierre de The pirate bay sabe algo de la legislación sueca?
- ¿Alguna de las personas que hablan de todo esto se han leído la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual y el Código penal?
- ¿Por qué el canon compensatorio por la pérdida de derechos de autor existe desde que llevaba pañales pero a nadie se le ha ocurrido quejarse hasta que han llegado la asociaciones a las que me refería en la primera pregunta?
- ¿De verdad no hay otra cosa por la que preocuparse en este país? ¿o en el mundo? ¿no hay mucha gente que pasa demasiado tiempo leyendo foros y blogs?
y mi favorita....
- ¿Por qué esas personas con esa sed de cultura que ahora hacen de la Ministra la encarnación del mismísimo Satanás, escriben mensajes con tal cantidad de faltas de ortografía?
Explanation: I finally got myself the LEGO Medieval Market Village, complete with LEGO cows! I'm very excited about this. Of course, my daughter will probably be in school by the time I have enough free time to put it together, but that's not important. The LEGO cows are in my possession!
Special Blog Bonus: I finally caught up on my LEGO news. Here are some pretty slick models I've found:
I'm generally not into mechs (or whatever they call LEGO robot type thingies), but this model impressed me. Wish I could build like that... or had the time to try.
There seems to be a LEGO genre where a dark force is taking over the world. I've seen several models of this sort, but this one is my favorite by far.
This model is just a good old-fashioned castle, complete with the wood-on-stone buildings that I like so much.
And finally, this is just an impressive little piece of LEGO architecture.
Nullsoft Winamp Pro is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity media player for Windows. Winamp supports playback of many audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) and video types (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), custom appearances called skins (supporting both classic Winamp 1.x/2.x skins and Winamp 3 freeform skins), audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins (including two industry dominating visualization plug-ins), an advanced media library, Internet radio and TV support, CD ripping, and CD burning.
Winamp Highlights: • New portable device features - transcoding, new sync options, USB thumbdrive player support, video sync, direct-from-device playback • Faster ripping • Improved AAC and aacPlus encoding • Unicode metadata, filename, and title support • iTunes-compatible gapless playback (MP3/M4A) and encoding (M4A) • Optional 24bit playback • ReplayGain support
Winamp Player Features: • Plays Music and Video Files (aacPlus, MP3, AAC, WMA and more!) • Compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins • Full Support for Classic and Modern Skins • Plays Videos (NSV, WMV, and more!) • Powerful Media Library • Browse SHOUTcast Radio & TV Stations • Browse Winamp Music Videos & Songs • Integrated AOL Video Content (News, Sports, Movies & more) • AOL Radio Featuring XM • SHOUTcast Wire (podcast directory) • Predixis MusicMagic (dynamic playlisting) • Bundled Visualizations • Burn CDs (Limited to 2x - 48x in Pro!) • Rips CDs (Limited to 8x aacPlus, AAC, WMA - Unlimited aacPlus, AAC, WMA and MP3 in Pro!) • 50 free mp3s from Emusic • Includes Winner of the Internet • Surround Music Project! • Includes an MP3 of 'Mercy Me' by Alkaline Trio • Rip/Encode music into aacPlus, AAC, WMA, or MP3! • Burn CDs up to 48x!
What's New in Winamp 5.552? • Improved iPod Sync Support • New iTunesLibrary Import • New Online Services Gallery • New OurStage Radio Online Services • New Spinner MP3 of the Day Online Service • New Turkish, Romanian, and Portuguese Language Packs
As always Winamp also features: • Now Playing: Discover Artist Songs, Videos, Radio and Photos • iPod Support: Play and manage music on your iPod • AOL Radio Online Service Powered by CBS Radio • Album Art: Retrieve and view Album Art • Expanded Flash video support • Auto-Tag: Automatically update your song information • Media Monitor: Playing the music web just got even better • Remote Media: Access your media remotely • Thousands of skins and plug-ins to make Winamp even better • Free videos, radio stations, MP3 downloads and more
Changes in Winamp 5.552: • Fixed: [gen_ff] memcpy integer overflow vulnerability in maki script loading
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This are some photos and videos about the website www.lospeces.es
Los Peces is a pop Spanish band from Spain. For their second LP we released a new version of their website. So this is how we made it:
First we had the previous website from 2006. It was me who made it. Just simple, a menu with a photo slide.
We had also a logo simulating the yin-yan, two fishes biting their tails: Before anything we had the new video of the band, with a stop-motion pop theme.
So, the video defined the cover of the album as you can see in the photo.
So, before doing anything we uploaded an "on construction website" with the launching day of the project, March 14th, just the day the LP was on the shops.
The first stories of the website: The election of one of the components of the band, relation to deep sea, fishes, bubbles, the menu...
More, we sent also a mailing to all the Media, radios, tvs and promos announcing the launching of the LP:
Next step was the promotion photos, so we met the photographer Blanca del Amo and we had this:
We had a good material. From some of the photos the illustrator made the draws, this first one for Santi:
On second place the draws for the singer, Clara: We had also more draws for the fishes, the background, etc. here´s one: About the programming: I would say this is a migration web from AS2 to AS3, it is made in Actionscript 3 but still with the forms of AS2. I didn´t have time to use a framework or so. For example I used the classes of GSkinner for Collision Detection, Tweenlite with recursive callings, Liquid Design from NoPonies, Google Analytics for AS3, etc.
Here the first trials, you can check the initial movement clicking. You can check the liquid design changing the browser width and height.
At the end we chose illustrations instead of photos. I have to say here, first time I saw the white background I told the designer: - Ey! But the sea is blue! She laughed a lot about this. So I gave up my narromind and realised: - Oh, it´s good to have a designer surprising me!
So, this is how the website works: There´s a little intro where you choose your character, then you just go swimming, you can go up or down pressing the mouse. Also there´s a wave and the sea background moving, with the fishes which are also the menu onRollOver:
We did also a bit of socializing and 2.0. This was: An oficial blog for the band components to post:
And a facebook profile sincronized with all the previous 2.0 content:
Lastly there´s a shop, we´re still building it:
These are the credits for all this:
Concept: Fernando Comet and Miriam Arjona illustration: Miriam Arjona Programming: Fernando Comet Loops: Santiago Comet Music: Los Peces Social nets: Fernando Comet and María Díaz
Bünyamin nin sünnetine sayılı günler kala sünnet öncesi mevlüdü için kirvesi LEYLA hanımın bünyamin için yaptırdığı pastası.Şimdiden hayırlı olsun diyorum RABBİM damatlığınıda göstersin tüm sevenlerine .
(Anyone else bored of this? Yeah me, too. Last one, I promise.)
How about a trip to Utah? Do you think that, in addition to the trip to California, might have been the reason I retired for a month?
What if I told you that on this trip to Utah I came down with a HORRIBLE flu and so I only left the house to go to the Museum of Ancient Life:
and hang out with some bloggers at CPK?
What if I told you that when this kid (seen here in happier/healthier times) came down with the flu, right as I was getting better, I threw in the towel, loaded everyone up and headed for home, 3 days early?
Does that absolve me from blogging for a month? What do you think?
Buy one pair of shoes, get one half off is not BOGO.
Explanation: I know I've talked about BOGO and BOGOHO before, but I'm still seeing annoying advertisements, so I'm still going to complain about it. There is a local shoe retailer advertising their BOGO spectacular, where you can buy one pair of shoes and get one pair half off. This is NOT a BOGO offer. Ordinarily, I'd say it's a BOGOHO - buy one get one half off, but it isn't even that! It's buy one pair, get one pair half off. That's BOPGOPHO. To simplify, you're buying three shoes and getting one for free. It's a BTGO sale. Of course, BTGO is hard to pronounce, and since the shoes are priced as pairs, it's a little misleading. Luckily, I'm not much of a shoe shopper, so I probably won't be partaking in this misleading little sale of theirs.
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Product Key Explorer displays product key for Windows, MS Office, SQL Server and over 200 other software products installed on your local or remote network computers. In order to install or reinstall Microsoft Office, Windows, or other commercial software, you must have access to a product serial key (CD Key) for that product.
roduct Key Explorer retrieves serial keys from network computers and allows to protect your company from having pirated software on your network. With this software you will be able to track the number of software licenses installed in your business, find and recover a lost or forgotten product keys, save and keep an up-to-date backup of all your software license keys in a central location. Excellent tool for network administrators, or businesses undergoing a software license compliancy.
Product Key Explorer is a powerful utility that can help you to recover lost license CD keys for many popular products (including Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Office, etc.) Product Key Explorer automatically recovers serial keys of the current system and retrieves product keys from network computers. The software allows to protect your company from having pirated software on your network. With this software you will be able to track the number of software licenses installed in your business, find and recover a lost or forgotten product keys, save and keep an up-to-date backup of all your software product keys in a central location.
Resetting the system - it is always a risk with the possibility of losing the serial numbers to programs. If you only use boxed, and they all stand on a shelf near you, then no problem with reinstalling will not, but the number received from the developer by e-mail program, it is very easy to lose.
Program Product Key Explorer will keep the serial numbers to reinstall. The utility analyzes all the applications installed on your computer, and displays their names, and used the serial numbers. This information can be saved for later use. Product Key Explorer works in a local network, so that it can use the system administrators, in particular, to capture pirated programs. Product Key Explorer supports more than two most common applications.
Features of the program: • Allows you to decode, view and save the serial number and other registration information for the installed programs on your computer • Work on a network with other computers on a range of IP-addresses or a list of IP from a text document • The program supports more than 500 software products to find their registration information • Quick search with a single click on the button "Find Keys" • Save your login information. Txt,. Csv,. Xls, mdb,. Html, or. Xml files • Ability to create a backup copy of keys, and save it to a REG-file (in the registry, Windows) • Support for the issuance of keys and the preservation of many computer games • Support for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista
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If you're tired of your old desktop and changing wallpapers doesn't turn you on anymore, maybe you should try something a little more radical. In which case, Shock Desktop 3D could be just what you're looking for!
With Shock Desktop 3D you can have your standard Windows desktop completely overhauled and give it an amazing three-dimensional look. As soon as you run the program, your current desktop will be replaced by a 3D environment where you can freely move your icons as if they were some sort of tokens. The animation effects are so realistic that it really feels like the icons have become actual objects.
You can choose to have your icons rendered as rectangles or as 3D cubes, which makes them even more similar to small toys for playing with. You'll probably spend a while tossing cubes around, piling them up and organizing them on your new desktop. Luckily the program lets you save these layouts as predefined user profiles.
That said, the truth is that Show Desktop 3D is not really a very useful app. It does look gorgeous on your PC but it doesn't really add any new functionality to your desktop. Besides, it doesn't let you use wallpapers, which I think is a major drawback.
Shock Desktop 3D applies a very eye-catching three-dimensional effect to your Windows desktop.
This self-extracting archive will install and/or update the definitions in a directory of your choice. Users will then be able to perform a manual update of their ESET 3.0.x / ESET 4.0x product offline.