Friday, July 31, 2009


Cookie Monster Friday!

C is for Cookie and Cookie is for me! Cookie Cookie Cookie starts with... ummm... just give me a moment, I know this one...

Explanation: Occasionally, especially on hot days, I like to work downstairs in my house where it's much cooler than my office. This has the added benefit of putting me around my daughter most of the day. Of course, on the negative side, this also puts me near my daughter's toys most of the day. Several of her toys play songs repeatedly, much to her delight, but not so much to mine. This morning she played a while with the Sesame Street toy, so I heard quite a bit of the Cookie Monster.

Of course, I recall a recent nice day when one of the neighbor children was playing (and probably banished) outside with a whistle. I guess my house isn't all that bad.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Comet & Actionscript Photo Slideshow

This is the photo gallery of this blog after three years bloggin. It is curious to see how fast web changes.

Also embedded in a HTML

The Deal

This post has two purposes:  to inform and to ask for help.


Two days before Ryan was laid off, if you’d asked us, we would have told you that his job was completely secure.  His division of the company was the only one making money and they had just started a new 18-month long project.  It completely caught us off guard…and was that much more upsetting.  They decided to shut down Ryan’s entire project, so he had no way of fighting for his job; it was simply non-existent. 

We are fine.  He got a little bit of severance, we have a good amount of savings and no debt, besides our house.  Our food storage is (mostly) up to date.  We have always practiced hard-core budgeting and are in the habit of living below our means.  I am grateful to believe in a Gospel that places value on relationships over things,  living prophets who have long advised us on provident living, a Heavenly Father who blesses us as we pay our tithes and fast offerings, and a husband who make REALLY frugal look good.

He is, of course, working hard at finding a job and is doing some consulting work with a friend…it seems he has less free time now than before!

The Help:

With 3 layoffs in 7 years, 7 companies in 12 years, 3 job relocations…I’m kind of giving up on settling.  (I moved a lot growing up, and it was good for me.  Moving is fun; if you minus the packing and the friend-leaving.)  Which means…we’ll move wherever we can find a job and we feel like we’re “supposed to be”. 

This is where you come in:  Can you help?  Ryan is an electrical engineer.  He works in microchip design.  So what I need you to do is:

a) tell us if you know of any high tech, computer type companies that are hiring. And tell your friends who work at those places that you have a great guy to refer to them.

b) leave a comment with names of high-tech companies in your area.  Ryan can search those companies to see if they are hiring.

(If I read this post, I would think: “What?  I don’t know that kind of stuff.”  And if I really liked you and wanted to help, I would think:  “I think I’ll go ask my husband because he knows where people work way more than I do.”)

c) tell me why your area is a great place to live.

TO MY LIBERTY LAKE FRIENDS:  we do not want to leave.  We love it here, more than any place ever!  We don’t want to sell our house.  We don’t want to leave the best neighborhood on the planet.  There are just not that many options in Spokane for what Ryan does.  (There is one possibility that is promising, though, so say prayer for us). 

So that’s the deal.  Is this too much information?  Is Ryan going to be embarrassed when we sees it? 

Whatever.  Just help us get a job.  In case you haven’t heard, the economy’s not too hot right now, and jobs are scarce.  We need all the help we can get.

A Public Service Announcement

Important Note: Remove all hardware from rain barrel before installing.

Explanation: So, I bought a rain barrel a while back. The point of such a device is to collect rainwater from a downspout for watering your plants and such. Our county had a special at their Earth Fair where I could pick up a 55 gallon barrel for a good price, so I got one. As a side note, if you're ever picking up a 55 gallon barrel, A) do not bring a Honda and B) do not bring your family (including carseat) in said Honda when you do so. It fit, but I don't think a 56 gallon barrel would have. Plus, the ride home was amusing as my wife had to drive with the steering wheel touching her chest. I couldn't drive because I couldn't fit in the driver's seat.

Anyway, we had some gutter work done yesterday, so I pulled the barrel out from the garage so they could set up the downspout for it. Everything looked great, and just in time for a torrential downpour last night.

At about 5:30 this morning, I woke up and was pondering what else I have to do with the barrel when it occurred to me that I had never taken some of the installation hardware out of the barrel before putting it in place. It turns out that the gutters are working wonderfully and had completely filled the barrel, which I had to partially empty and then reach in up to my elbows to extricate the parts bag. It wasn't a pretty scene.

So, to all you people who may be considering the purchase of such a device, I highly recommend that you remove all hardware from the barrel BEFORE putting it in place.

You're welcome.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



A public statement in response to all of the media inquiries: I have decided to remain unretired. Thank you.

Explanation: There have been numerous inquiries of late into my employment status. I've had John Clayton and Ed Werder camped out on my front lawn in the ESPN truck for three or four months now. Numerous retirement communities have expressed an interest, including Del Boca Vista Condominiums, the Oakland Raiders and the National League. I appreciate the interest, but after taking some time to evaluate my status, I have decided to remain unretired. I hope the indecision of the past months has not tarnished my image in anyway, and I thank you once again for your interest.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Favorite things about our trip to Bear Lake

Waaay back on July 1, we took a quick trip to Bear Lake, in Utah, with Ryan’s sisters Heather and Betsy and family.

The best things were:

  • the cabin, with it gorgeous view, perfect amount of room and close location to ALL the Bear Lake action

Bear Lake

  • cousins playing together so perfectly

 Cousins Picture 052

Picture 030

  • late night talks with the adults


  • Faith in the baby swing at the lovely park

Picture 015

  • Aaron’s 4th of July firecracker show

 Picture 062

  • Matching Uncle and Nephew

Picture 044

  • only having to make 3 meals, while eating Heather and Betsy’s yummy food the other days


  • Ryan’s famous Bear Lake shake


  • the bike ride that turned into a MAJOR workout



  • the beach (and the HOT guy that hung out there)

Picture 056

  • the (self-designated) Funnest Aunt Ever commemorating the 4th of July by breaking out into Patriotic Song and Dance, every 15 minutes.  (maybe this wasn’t so favorite for everyone else?)

BearLakeSing Picture 085  Picture 083

It was a perfect vacation.  Obviously.

Neutral Post

"Live Free or Don't."

Source: From Futurama this is the government motto of the Neutral Planet.

Explanation: Those filthy Neutrals. With enemies, you know where they stand, but with Neutrals? Who knows? Their grayish planet stands to be obliterated at the hands of those who hold strong (but perhaps misguided) opinions. Beige alert! Beige alert!

Special Blog Bonus: Here's the leader of the Neutral Planet with a special video editorial response to today's status:

Axion: Banner Concerts

Following our speach about new formats, we already talked about RichMedia, today we will talk about really creative banners.

I found it on Estrategias, NetCandy and

This idea comes from a bank. The target is young people from 20 to 30, do they like music? Yes they do. Next step: Place concerts in little banners so bands can upload their concerts to the banners. You can see an example in BannerConcerts, more details of the campaign in the official site.


Banner-Concerts from el blog de yahoraque on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Slice of Birthday Whine


(this fun little birthday cone at McDonalds in Dillon, MT and YOUR FABULOUS DE-LURKING AND WELL-WISHING COMMENTS, were the only good things about the day…)

Have you ever decided to drive 10 hours on your birthday so that your husband could get to his “Man-cation” with his mission buddies on time?

I have.

Have you ever found out that the birthday dinner your mom planned with your relative, when you arrived, had to be cancelled because your husband’s boss was flying into town, unexpectedly, and so you had to leave way later than planned?

I have.

Have you ever fought with your husband the night before your birthday, so you sleep on the couch, because you can’t sleep by him when you’re irritated, and end up with a huge headache when you wake up?

I have.

Have you ever gotten an email while you were doing the last minute trip packing, on your birthday, that said this:  “Just got laid-off.  Sorry.  Be home in 30 minutes?”

I have.

Have you ever had your mom call, during your drive to Utah, on your birthday, and had her tell you that doctors found two kinds of cancer in your grandpa?

I have.

Have you ever had your tire blow out, on your birthday, at 10 o’clock at night, with 150 miles to go and NO repair shops open, so you pray really hard and drive 50 miles an hour, on the spare, all the way to your destination?

I have.

And now I have three words for you:

Crappiest. Birthday. Ever.

Preaching vs. Prayer

"It is on prayer that the promises wait for their fulfillment, the kingdom for its coming, the glory of God for its full revelation . . . Jesus never taught His disciples how to preach, only how to pray. He did not speak much of what was needed to preach well, but much of praying well. To know how to speak to God is more than knowing how to speak to man. Not power with men, but power with God is the first thing." (Murray)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Death Spiral by Seth Godin

Great Article I read from Seth Godin's blog....

Death spiral!

You've probably seen it. The fish monger sees a decline in business, so they have less money to spend on upkeep and inventory, so they keep the fish a bit longer and don't clean up as often, so of course, business declines and then they have even less money... Eventually, you have an empty, smelly fish store that's out of business.

The doctor has fewer patients so he doesn't invest as much in training or staff and so some other patients choose to leave which means that there are even fewer patients...

The newspaper has fewer advertisers, so they can't invest as much in running stories, so people stop reading it, which means advertisers have less reason to advertise which leaves less money for stories...

As Tom Peters says, "You can't shrink your way to greatness," and yet that's what so many dying businesses try to do. They hunker down and wait for things to get better, but they don't. This isn't a dip, it's a cul de sac. It's over.

Right this minute, you still have some cash, some customers, some momentum... Instead of squandering it in a long, slow, death spiral, do something else. Buy a new platform. Move. Find new products for the customers that still trust you.

Change is a bear, but it's better than death.

Friday, July 24, 2009

And I’m convinced that individualism is one of the most corrosive and destructive forces of modernity. The Christian answer to individualism is recovering the centrality of the life of the body of Christ. Our salvation involves us in a covenantal community. Paul says we’re given gifts for building up the body; that seems to me to counter modern individualism. But churches now tend to be configured as providers of religious goods and services, and are often told to think of themselves that way. That’s a commercial model, rather than a communal model. Ken Myers

Guionista en Las árdenas

GeoTagged, [N50.18180, W5.57834]

Me cuesta explicar este rincón del universo en el que he descubierto que la Segunda Guerra Mundial no es un género cinematográfico que alguien inventó para vender bonos de guerra. Impresiona caminar y ver tanques y ametralladoras expuestos en la caminos. Llegar a La Röche y entrar en el museo y ver un ejemplar de Las uvas de la ira que sobrevivió al militar americano que lo trajo a Europa. Ver fotos antiguas del sitio y verlo destruido y ver propaganda para afiliarse a las SS y descubrir que se te hiela la sangre al ver diferentes cuchillos con esvásticas en la empuñadura que han sido algunos de los muchos tesoros funerarios que estos bosques han escupido con el paso de los años.
Hace unos días estuve en el Shakespeare and Conpany de Paris, el último refugio auténticamente beatnick que existe. Es difícil unir las dos experiencias, la del fenómeno que partió al mundo y la de la literatura que surgió cuando todo empezaba a calmarse.
Me había tumbado a pensar sobre eso pero la televisión de Luxemburgo lleva puestas tres veces seguidas "La tentación vive arriba" y yo no puedo dejar de verla intentando encontrar algún fallo a esta risa que también surgió del horror que vieron estos bosques.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

[ Bangkok ] Bangkok Hilarious!

For those who love PINK... STOP THEM!! they will bring you to anywhere you want to go. yeah.. not only pink.. there is others colour too.. their colour.. really can pull your attention.

Lost Your Identity Card? Lost your Driving License? or need a PASS for some event? want to pretend as student with a Student Card? event DEGREE or DIPLOMA cert can be purchase here.. OMG!!!!! Can You Believe It???

Think your Car have loaded with powerfull Engine? Think again... they maybe loaded with MIVEC, VTEC , who knows? a direct transplant from CAR ENGINE.. maybe they have same blood line with your car?

Overload? hmph.. it carries near to 2 times of the car height and travel along the highway.. ..

If Vitagen is the Released Product... what it's call while during Beta testing? hmph.... i think i found the answer....BETAGEN!!! hope there is no side effect @.@

Thailand Clock Tower.. erm.... only Thai People understand.... Find a thailand citizen and ask for the time.. or.. just wear your watchs..

Somehow... i happen to see a Do.It.Yourself AirConditioner..... very traditional way... ICE + FAN....

Not Only that... it BUILD IN , Softdrink CAN maed INTERCOOLER... Don't play play...

Cheap Thailand Accomodation? well... think again... you won't know who's watching you... i was staying in my friend aunty house.. and watching thailand TV (like ASTRO in malaysia).. suddenly i saw this channel show on the screen... and.. look like a CCTV to me.. i tot is my friend aunty installed a CCTV in her house.. who know.... her aunty told me... this is LIVE SHOW.... from ONE of the MOTEL/HOTEL out there...if the room got action.. you are lucky. they are unlucky. still thinking for cheapest accomodation in Thailand? sure cheap for a reason i guess...

Okay.. that's all for my Bangkok Post.

Absolut NoLabel

A good initiative from Absolut
, here it is!

For example you can have something like this:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

[ Bangkok ] Don'z Go See Ah Gua @Calypso Show

Here we are at the Entrance of the AH GUA SHOW! so grand one.. inside Hotel 1 wor..

Erm... Ah gua look scary? well.. not all look scary.. some look even prettier than real lady out there. they called them Ladyboy in thailand. i mentioned that we want to go for ah gua show to the driver, that driver keep ask me what is ah gua =.=.. after that only i know they called them LADY BOY. ok..

Every dance have a story behind. they tell story by their dance. very cool.

Their dance more like culture dance. they did perform serveral country dance. such as Korea,Japan, China, Western and so on. and of course not forget their own Thailand culture.

The Banana Dance... gosh.... with the banana skirt! @.@

the Shy shy japanese wanna-be Ah gua.. ops.. Lady boy. the funniest joker ah gua award goes to him.

Angel and Demon. pretty ah gua beat by the not so pretty ah gua. why Not so Pretty ah gua so san fu ? because of the pretty ah gua See Trough Bra? hahaha

I was like WOW!!! he really look like her!! like travel trough time to get her here.

Moon Light Sonata? Korea Related dance...

This JOKER made me laugh my lung out, he do lots of unexpected move to made you laugh.

The Group photos of AH GUA'SSSS .. gosh.... ah gua got huge market in thailand. dun play play..

alll ah gua line up at the exit way.. becarefull, they will molest you!! hahaha. no lar.. they just wanna take picture with you to earn some TIPS out of you. dun want to give? they will touch u more! haha

That's Ah Gua and me. gosh.. dunno what they put inside their boob, feel HARD.

Here all the Calypso photo i got back in bangkok. some ah gua does look prettier than real lady out there. interesting performance out there.

After AhGua/Ladyboy show, we did went for ThaiGirl Show(a.k.a TigerShow) too. another joke we had here... they didn't call them Thai Girl SHow.

Me :"we want to go to see the Thai Girl Show"
Driver : "Morning Have, Night don't have."
Me:"huh?(scratching my head..), Thai Girl Show in morning??@.@"
Driver : "(Hand over the broucer.), tomorrow afternoon, we go."
Me :"(Opened up te broucher..then i faint) TIGER...... TEMPLE... =_= "
Driver : "Ya ya, we Eat Tom Yam, then go see Tiger"
Me :"............"

After further discuss with the driver.. then i we know.. they called it "PingPong Show"
why? coz they performing with pingpong.. it strictly not allow for photography inside.. so NO PHOTO. is seriously amazing what they perform with their... *ahem* part. smoking, blow cake candle, and treat there like doremon miracle pocket.. interesting!! althought we kena cheat.. they said is thai GIRL!!! but went in....... i saw.... AUNTY and MICHELIN

Thai Girl Show they said... but to me.. is either Thai Aunty show or Michelin Tyre Road Show. maybe because of we KENA TIPU!!!. that why gua... somehow i think Ah Gua Show Better than Thai AUNTY show..