Thursday, December 10, 2009

Not enough for a full post


--It has been frigid here (12 degree highs, –3 degree lows) but SUNNY.  I will take Sunny and freezing over snowy and less cold any day.  My kids want some snow, but we always get our fill of that around here.

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--Gabe has been teasing up a storm around here.  What is it about boys?  Is it being less verbal?  He cannot be around any sibling for more than 10 minutes without starting something, seriously.

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--I just had a long talk with my dad about taking advantage of the low interest rates by refinancing to a 15 year loan. We would save crazy amounts of money over the life of our loan!  It would up our payment a ton, which we can’t afford, unless we do less contributions to our stock option plan or our 401k.  What do you think?

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--I hate having Ryan get me presents lately.  It just stresses me out and I’ve just been telling him to forget it the last time or two.  It fills like we are just leaking money lately (lost camera, mess-up with our rental car company’s “driving in New England” policy, fix-ups for our rental house) and I really don’t need some $100 gift.  Anyone else feel that way?

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--I’m feeling pretty on top of Christmas.  I did 80% of my shopping online on Saturday and Monday.  The Internet:  definitely Al Gore’s best invention.

--A friend just rented out a Bouncy House type place, then dropped off invites to us, indicating that this was their Christmas gift to everyone this year.  It’s late at night, so it’s less expensive, I’m sure…but isn’t that the best idea?

And now I’m off to pick up the last few presents and purchase the baking supplies for this weekend’s baking extravaganza.  Thanks for listening.

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