Thursday, January 14, 2010

For your Friday Family Movie Night

(if you have one.  We don’t.)


Ryan and I rented this movie and watched it on the plane ride home from the East Coast.  We had earbuds in our ears (we were using our travel DVD player) and something surprised me and I yelled out really loud and everyone turned around and the stewardesses glared at me. 

But it’s not really a suspenseful movie.  (Just that one part.) It’s inspirational and interesting and well-acted and faith-filled.  I won’t give you a synopsis, because I HATE knowing anything about a book or a movie before I start it (I won’t even read the back cover), but, trust me, you will love it and your kids older than 5 will, too.  I highly recommend it.

Now.  We have kind of exhausted our Blockbuster queue.  I need you to return the favor:

What are some lesser known movies that you would recommend to us?

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