Monday, May 9, 2011

A Tip for Breakthrough IT Management

Spring is a time of rejuvenation, new thoughts and ideas, and a time to experience new things. To celebrate the arrival of this season we would like to share three tips for more effective IT management, in the hopes that they will help you experience growth and renewal in your organization and career.
A new tip will arrive on Monday for three weeks, and there is no charge for this service. I hope these tips prove helpful and inspirational, and I would be happy to discuss their application to your company in more detail.
Warm Regards,
Patrick Gray
President, Prevoyance Group
+1 803 792 0030
Time and Meeting Management 
Pick up the @#$%@ Phone!
In many cases we have become over reliant on email, especially in IT. While email is marvelous communication medium, there are times when it is inappropriate or creates more problems than it solves. We have all seen email catfights, where two parties become increasingly nasty towards each other as they discuss a problem or position, and each side CC's several additional people with each barrage. Why normally sane people engage in this type of behavior eludes me, but the solution to most of these problems is simply picking up the phone and clarifying an issue in the course of five minutes, rather than fifteen emails that make each party look increasingly petty or foolish.
Similarly, if you need to discuss something private, or where there is a case where an email might be misunderstood or misinterpreted, the old standby of the telephone is often the perfect solution. When a subordinate complains that "I emailed him on this two weeks ago!" a gentle reminder that a phone call is a far more appropriate solution than continuing emails and complaints can work wonders.

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