hi guys....
i just want to share something RIDICULOUS!!BEWARE~!
last 2 week(may 28th that week ).a China lady(dai luk mui) said she called from Hong Kong.and said that i'm lucky person who chosen to attend Genting dunno what what exhibition.asked me few question about handphone.asking me to attend On June 8th at Genting.guess what is the time?? FRIDAY(JUNE 8th) 2PM to 5PM. no need to work meh? ask me go there in that time. so i just ignored it.
On JunE 8th, a lady(she again) called me up and say that i'm lucky candidates that won their price(i wasn't there wor).they said i didn't show up, so they try to check on me,and ask me is it possible to rush up there to take the price. i said that impossible.after that,since I'm not there to take the price. so they will reserved it for me. and will call me back.and i ask what i WON? she told me she don't know... ,she just got the Winner List(Vistim list for me) then the conversation just endup like that without any further information.(their number is "unknow" so.. is impossible to trace..
TODAY!!( June 14th) she called me again. and she tell me her name finally..Wang Wen Yen(sound very familiar huh?my big mom name) hahhaa, then this time chat a lot. she finally told me i won 360,000 HKD, yeap, Hong Kong Dollar, then keep saying is RM 160k, then waste my 45 minutes chit chatting what i'm going to do with that amount of money, open business or what? what their company do? why they having this exibition and bla bla bla, ok, she need my details to send to the lawyer.. ok...(end up just took my IC number).then hang up.
few hours later she call back.. and tell me that.. she already informed the lawyer and want me to call them out. and due to Malaysia law~ they will take up 20% of the price as TAX, so.. i need to return 20% of the Rm160k to them, ok.. (what? want me give out 30K 1st). nope.. i need to sign a contract that i WILL pay them back for sure, else LEGAL ACTION will be taken, (What the hell?), and i need to pay RM6K+- for the lawyer fees(this is really need to pay 1st). but ask me not to worried cause the RM6k++ will be discounted from the 20%?? (Rm30K - RM6k), so i need to pay back the RM 25K TAX!!!? SIAO AR!??
they said the LAWYER will accompany me to bank in that 160K to my account. with Cheque? nvm. after the bank in done? i will need to sign the contract, as far as i know.. while in kompakar everyone know some cash u can SEE, but u can't TAKE? those cash can be cancelled anytime.. guess what happen AFTER you signed the contract and they cancelled the 160K? i will end up OWE them RM25k and the RM6K will be gone.beside,the LAWYER also surname WANG,and he is also a Hong Kong guy?( i believe they are relative or something)
oh ya, this is the WEBSITE they gave me
http://www.hkjktech.com ,
funny thing is, they declare it is a Hong Kong company. but i can't see their company address.. and all the product listed there is for PRINTING purpose only. and.. i used a Domain Host Tracer to trace the location of this web.. result is.. SHANG HAI!!
i still wondering.. from where she got my details? she know my chinese full name. wah lau....well... i rarely use my chinese name.. still scratching my head how on earth they get my details.
after discussion with my friend. and my friend show me this artical on www.NST.com.my
the case is Exactly the same as i faced. damn.. i glad i'm not the 8th victim.
New Straight Time Similiar Case
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