Monday, March 8, 2010

Embarrassing Confession #1

I run out of gas, all the time. 

Seriously, like 4-8 times a year.  Who does that?  A few weeks ago, I did it twice in one week.  I know.  I’m a 35 year old, who can read a gas gauge and figure out mileage and everything.   This is why I think it happens:

1.  Ryan and I have this new strict budget and I’m always trying to stretch it to the end of the budget period.  So I put, like, $10 dollars in, thinking it will get me 4 more days and then try to live in denial that it won’t.

2.  I am complete optimist.  I always think things are going to work out the way I want:  “I know I only have 20 miles left in the tank, but I think I can make it 24 to piano and back.”

3.  I have discounts at gas stations 10-15 miles away and so I try to fill up at those and sometimes don’t make it.  I was so happy Ryan was with me the last time and telling me how to put it in neutral so I could coast down the hill to one of those faraway gas stations.  (I kept thinking, “Oh good, he can either push the van or run and get some while I hang out with the kids”).

Here’s a picture of when it happened last:


It was Sunday and church had just gotten out and we were .5 miles from home and I ran out at the stop sign.  With at least 5 ward members behind me.  I kept waving them by, because I saw Ryan’s car at the back of the line.  One nice friend, who told me his wife does this, too (sorry, Amy!), got his gas can and filled us up.  And I puttered home, a little sheepish (but slightly relieved to hear another adult does it too, sometimes).

You don’t even know how many Dear Heavenly Father PLEASE Bless Me To Make It To The Town, I Won’t Ever Do This Again Prayers I’ve said on our long road trips.  It’s bad.

So when I say I’m running out of gas…I’m being more literal than figurative.

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