Monday, November 22, 2010

I Simply Remember My Favorite Things and then I Don’t Feel So Bad

I completely believe in personal revelation;  I believe God knows us, is intimately involved in our lives and through His Holy Spirit will guide and direct our lives.  It’s a good thing, too, because I need His help.

Increasingly over the last few weeks, I’ve felt really frustrated with my kids because

a) they are not robots

b) they seem to have slightly different goals than I do about how to treat our stuff, how to use time, etc.

I’ve felt badly about it and have been praying for help.  I pretty much got hit over the head with that Help yesterday because

1) at church the speakers spoke about charity and loving rather than judging and being long-suffering with people who are different than you (see b above).

2) during class time, we’ve started attending the marriage class.  Instead of getting any insight into things I need to change about my marriage, I spent the entire time mutating the excellent teacher’s comments about spouses and marriages into ideas about children and mothering.

3) Ryan taught an excellent lesson for Family Home Evening on how we show Respect.  (Not super respectful when I snap and yell at the human beings in my house, is it?)

4) I listened to a Conversation with Julie Beck and her daughters and it was all about motherhood and priorities and safe havens.

5) I read Julie Beck’s talk on Priorities and Power.

I’m thinking Someone was trying to tell me something.

I got lots of ideas about how to tweak my routine and thoughts, but the main one was to Pay Attention to the Good Things They Do.   So…for the next few weeks I’m going to do one post a week where I list why they are such good children. 

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We’ll start tomorrow.  Should be easy…they are pretty fabulous.

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