Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Explanation: Three words: LEGO Mini Man
That's right! It's time for everybody's favorite holiday! The only day of the year children are allowed to walk from door to door demanding a candy payoff to prevent unfortunate toilet paper incidents involving the tree in your front yard. It's Halloween!
As I do on every Halloween,* I'm working from home dressed up in my Halloween costume. It's a little tough typing with these mini man hands, but I think I finally have the hang of it.
*And you can't prove otherwise
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Nero 9 is the next generation of the world’s most trusted integrated digital media and home entertainment software suite. It features new cutting-edge functionality that makes enjoying digital media content simple. This easy-to-use yet powerful multimedia suite, gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Whatever you want – music, video, photo, and data – enjoy and share with family and friends anytime, anywhere. With easy-to-use Nero StartSmart command center, your digital life has never been more flexible, feasible, and fun.
Opera 9.62 Build 10467 Final
Opera started out as a research project in Norway's largest telecom company, Telenor, in 1994, and branched out into an independent development company named Opera Software ASA in 1995. Opera Software develops the Opera Web Browser
Opera is known as the fastest and smallest full-featured browser, a first choice for people using older PCs and Windows 95 and a brilliant alternative to the default IE from Microsoft. Opera, first of all, is client World Wide Web, that is the program for extraction of the information from WWW as the documents created with help HyperText Markup Language (language of a marking of hypertext HTML).
Low requirements to resources of system. Opera will work even on 386 computer about 6 MB of operative memory. MDI the interface. You can open without special expenses of memory any quantity of windows inside one working window, having chosen thus a tabulared or cascade mode.
Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) Final Released!
Microsoft Windows 7 Build 6801 DVD (32-Bit) leaked
This is the Build distributed at the Microsoft PDC 2008!
The build tag is: 6801.winmain_win7m3.080913-2030
BT Download : Microsoft.Windows.7.32Bit.Build.6801.DVD-WinBeta
Link : Microsoft
Bite-Size Baseball
Explanation: Given that last night's Game 5 was potentially the deciding game of the World Series, and given that the Phillies are now my local team, I decided to sit down and watch the entire game. That's right - I, Jeremy, watched an entire baseball game phrom start to phinish. Now, admittedly, the phact that the start was in the middle of the sixth inning did help my cause, but I'm still really proud of myselph.
Now, I'll be the phirst to admit that baseball games are better in person when they have nine innings. Otherwise, there just wouldn't be enough opportunities to visit the concession stands. Or, in the case of most of the other patrons, there wouldn't be enough chances to drown yourselph in alcohol to the point where you make a phool of yourselph, much to my amusement. The televised baseball game, however, is ideally three to phour innings long. When TiVoed, that's an hour of excitement, tops. Perphect phor my busy schedule.
Now, iph you'll excuse me, I have to put the phinishing touches on my Phillie Phanatic Halloween costume and then go join the rioting in my street. Go Phillies!
Google Street in Madrid!
Just a little experience here in Gran Vía, Madrid.
I found more info about it here. Or just see the video:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Awesome Husband Tip #22: Complimenting
Ghajini Promos Video in you tube.
Let's Get a Few Things Straight
Explanation: What's even more confusing is that I have to have blood taken and get my car inspected in the next two days. What happens if my costume fails inspection or I give blood to children at my front door? What if I drive my voting booth down to Motor Vehicles? What if my inspection sticker gets set behind? What if I vote for the candidate most likely to hit a vein on the first try? These are serious questions, and in this serious time, we need serious answers. That's why I'm casting my vote on Tuesday for the candidate who shows up at the correct time in the best Halloween costume. I hope you'll do the same.
Shackleton, Todo se va a la mierda.
This is the new Xmas events promotional video of Shackleton, one of the most creative agencies in Spain, also known for the campaign of the iJam. You can read more about the video in Brandlife.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Fantastic Infographic animation: Desktop Vacation
Just amazing what one can do with an infographic! We all knew about this release but this is very nice and relaxing. HybridWorks playing hard! This is Flash power, yes it is!
More details about it here.
The Wet Series
Explanation: Why would you play game five in the pouring rain??? Why???
There. That's my contribution to the blogosphere today. Stay tuned for another exciting post tomorrow here on Jeremy's Status Message.
Monday, October 27, 2008
12 different War Art
Longhorn Wallpaper Pack
I am back.........
Monday Summary
I'm having everyone tell me what they wanted me to tell the world about in our Sunday Summary.
I'll start with the picture. It's from tonight's Family Home Evening. The book Emma's holding was given to us a yearish ago and we haven't used it. Tonight we were drawing a blank and so we opened it up (it's called Family Home Evening Treats that Teach). We made these Marshmallow/Cornflake trees and talked about Enos praying in the forest. It took 40 minutes (including the shopping for cornflakes AND treat prep) and was a resounding success.
Ryan wanted me to mention his last soccer game at the season. He probably remembers it so well because he limped for a day and a half afterward. He says he loves it because it's a harder, more diverse workout than anything he does all week. I hope it's not because it's co-ed.
(Emma huddling up with last year's team)
Emma wanted me to mention that her basketball season has started up. She enjoyed playing last year, even though I don't think they won a single game. She gets to hang out with a friend from a different ward and school (Amanda Guinn) and is an endurance (she gets tired, seriously, last of all the girls) superstar.Gabe, after some reminding, remembered that he got ALL gung-ho about scouting, as soon as mom/den leader actually purchased him a book. He's passed off at least 15 achievements just this week and all because he's the one pushing the book in our faces. He and Ryan had fun with the tool section and using the tools to sand and prep a nightstand we're refinishing.
(Jane, on the first day of school...prior to the exciting activity of we-telling)
Jane wanted us to mention that last week in kindergarten "we telled a stowey". Me: "You want me to type that you told a story?" Jane: "No. Not told a story. We-telling a story. It's called WE-TELLING. It was about a boat race." Now, I'm assuming she's talking about Re-telling a story and we are SO glad we didn't skip over that in the Sunday Summary.Seth said "You shut the doh and I taked a nap. Um, I cwied and said 'Can I come out?' and went like this (insert random grunting noises)."
Huh? He's lying. Don't listen to him.
That never happened last week. What did happen last week is that he got to go to the firestation (I didn't go, so no pictures) and he enjoyed it so much, that tonight he prayed, "Bless I can go to the firestation again and again and again and again."
Thanks for joining us for another fascinating edition of What We Did Last Week. Hopefully next week's installment actually does includes Seth's random grunting noises, only in conjunction with pushing a baby out. Fingers crossed.
Una historia del tiempo
Miro hace casi diez años atrás y le puedo ver. Está sentado sobre la mesa y tiene los pies encima de la silla, es joven, es guapo, es alto y delgado pero lo que más sorprende es lo bien que lleva las camisetas del Pull&Bear. Habla alto, lo hace porque está lleno de energía y además, todo el mundo le escucha porque es insultántemente culto para su edad. Sabe de Ibsen, de Godard, lee un libro cada dos días, tiene una buena colección de rarezas de Sonic Youth y sabe algunas cosas sobre varios tipos de drogas. Es un tipo fantástico; es una pena que no podáis verle.
Ahora es la historia contraria y lo único que queda son las mismas camisetas del Pull&Bear, no todas porque algunas ya no le caben por culpa de los kilos que ha engordado. Lo demás son jaquecas por dormir poco, arrastrar los pies al despertar y llevar años sin leer a Ibsen. Si el chico guapo pudiera ver al chico feo, abriría el blog diez años antes, y si no pudiera hacerlo, quizá no lo abriría nunca.
Beat the Rush! Fall Behind Now!
Explanation: No, I did not leave at 4:45am, nor did I watch any television this morning.* This weekend began the exciting period where the government's change in Daylight Saving Time screws up devices that were "smartly" programmed to change automatically based on the old standard.
Yesterday, my mom was telling me about how half the clocks in her house were suddenly an hour off and I laughed at it, only later realizing that my TiVo showed 12:00 and 3:00 NFL games yesterday. Luckily, it thought the games were at 12:00 and 3:00, so other than the bad time, it still functions correctly.
*I actually left home for Poughkeepsie at 5:45am this morning. If you see me yawning today, it's not because you're boring me. Well, maybe it is, but at least I have a really good excuse.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
All Showered and Ready to Go!
Whatever. Parties and presents are fun.
Jessica and Meghann threw it for me and did a yellow and black theme (to go with the nursery...I'm almost done, hold your horses, pictures coming up). Here's me at nine months pregnant.
Did you know that in-utero babies really need you to gain a lot of weight in your face in order to arrive healthy? Well, they do...and I'm doing my part with the chipmunk cheeks and double chin.
There were yellow and black cupcakes, yellow and black baby dresses hanging on a line as decor, lots of yummy food and lots of fun presents.
I'm glad I let Emma and Jane come, because I wouldn't have wanted to open up the presents calmly and actually looked at the contents before they were thrown across the room. No, it was much more fun to do it Jane's spastic way. Plus, Jane modeled most outfits for us, and it was highly entertaining.
But the best part?
Jessica had the idea to have each guest write their addresses on the outside of the thank-you cards. It's so nice not to have to look the addresses up and have it all ready.
But if these are your friends:
A sampling:
Dear Jessica A.,
Thanks for giving me the best baby shower ever! Thank you for the cute outfits, too. It was kind of anti-climactic since I already knew what the outfit looked like. Oh well...Anyways, Thanks for being the most awesome friends ever! Love, Jessica R.
p.s. I still owe you $18 for the fabric you bought...I haven't forgotten.
Dear Cynthia,
Thank you for the amazing outfits. The only thing better than a friend like you is having a new baby to hold. I love how dependable you are as a visiting teacher, too! Lastly, I'm grateful you wrote this card, Cynthia, so I could spend more time relaxing with my good book.
Love, the wonderful Jessica
or (if you're into some slightly self-deprecating thank-you messages)
Dear Kerry,
Before you gave me that adorable snuggly Winnie the Pooh overcoat/blanket, I never thought that there was much sense in dressing my kids in warm outerwear. (Ed. note...I have a slight reputation for underdressing my kids in the winter. What? I hate hauling/losing coats all winter long) Now, I can't wait for the baby to come and the snow to fall so I can try this new way of life! You're the best!
Love, your friend, Jessica
Now. Wasn't that so thoughtful of them? I just stuff, lick and stamp and I have nothing more to say EVER to those three "friends". Talk about a time saver!
Anyway...despite (or maybe because of) the "self written" thank-you notes, I had a great time and am inexpressably grateful for the incredible friends I am blessed with here.
And, now, with drawers stuffed full of teeny, tiny pink items, we're all ready!
(You hear that baby?! YOU CAN COME NOW!)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thank You, Firewall
Explanation: I was backing up my hard drive yesterday with the intent of starting when I finished work and letting it run overnight. Before I went to bed, I noticed that it was hung, so I went ahead and hit "Cancel". Immediately after canceling, I noticed the Norton window in the background.* The reason the program hung was because it couldn't get through my stupid security software. One click of "Allow" and it would have been back in business. Curse you Norton!!!
From the irony department, I should also note that my Norton Internet Security license expired a couple of weeks ago and Norton has been telling me every day that my machine is unprotected against new threats. Luckily, it's still protected from the older, yet still extremely dangerous process of backing up my files. I feel so much safer knowing this.
For those of you who enjoyed my last Norton upgrade, have no fear - another upgrade is coming very soon.
*By the way, it took a half hour for the cancel to take effect, too.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Birthdays Today
Source: My subconcious. As far as I know, today is neither of their birthdays.
Explanation: Last night I had a dream where I was in a group headed for a coworker's birthday party. We came to where the party was supposed to be, only to find two large signs, one that said "Amy Winehouse Birthday Party" and one that said "Al Capone Birthday Party". Behind the signs were roads that curved around to the respective party locations. We knew our party was in the same area as the other two, but didn't know which road to pick. At that moment, I woke up very confused.
So, in preparation for election day, I ask you, my loyal readership, to choose the lesser of two evils: Which road do you pick? Al Capone or Amy Winehouse, and why?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Go Monkeys Go!
Explanation: Due to the huge stock market slump, I've reallocated my investments from stocks into an infinite army of monkeys. They're expensive to feed and you don't even want to know what my garage looks like right now, but they come up with brilliant status messages. Sure, given more time, my monkey army could have gotten the last word spelled right, but I'm on a timeline here. Plus, I have to set them forth on my more ambitious plan of creating the Infinite Monkeys reality show. It's like Survivor but with smarter characters and more poo-flinging action!
Interesting Fact: It only took seven of my monkeys 12 minutes to duplicate the most recent James Patterson novel.
Special Blog Bonus: Guess I'm not the only one to consider this subject matter...
NikeStore, new look
How would I do a RIA like this? I must say that here in Spain we don´t have yet the same internet speed as other places. So contents are slower.
Can we expect more from Nike? I think so! Why not?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Diario de un insomne
para que lleguen son tan despreciables que me dan igual. Me duelen los
ojos de intentar dormir y el cerebro de tanto pensar...
Es bueno que la vida gire y sorprenda, pero es una mierda cuando gira
a más velocidad de lo que lo hace tu cabeza en una noche de insomnio.
Esa es la raíz de los peores transtornos de sueño, todo lo demás
tiene solución.
Me voy a ver un Johnny To, que tampoco es lo mejor para buscar el
Coming to terms with it.
And that lady can really put together some great Halloween costumes. She is a great seamstress and really loves holidays so, as kids, we had the most darling costumes, homemade, every year.
A sampling:
They were peas and carrots. They looked really cute (though Emma kept pleading to take it off: "No no want it carrots, Mom!"), but were completely falling apart before the Snickers' wrappers did.
The next year, I scoured magazines and tried to decide how to live up to this Halloween-Costume-Ideal in my head. I gave up the idea of homemade. But, I figured the next best thing was matching costumes. Emma would be Belle (purchased dress, altered by my MOTHER of course) and Gabe (Beast, purchased lion costume, with Grandma-made prince attire over the top).
The next year, it all came to a head. I had three kids, no sewing skills, no mother close-by and children who seemed to think THEY should choose their own costumes (excuse me?). And that's when I discovered:
That's right. Grandma Target.
It took a few years to feel totally comfortable with it. (My mom is so nice, when I apologize/explain the lack of Love-Filled-Homemade Costumes: "Oh, honey. They're so much better made nowadays. I would buy them now, too, I promise.") I felt guilty every time I opened up that web page. I gazed wistfully/jealously at others' homemade works of art.
(the fateful first year of --gasp!--store bought costumes)
I'm over that.
There is great joy in our house, when I announce (with all the love, nurturing and warmth this Mommy has to offer): "Be thinking about your costumes, guys! It's family-crowd-around-the-computer-and-pick-out-your-costume-night tonight."
I'm pretty sure they still know their Momma loves them.
Today's Status is Just Ducky
The bartender responds, “What does he look like?”
Explanation: A duck. He looks like a duck. Need a better duck joke? How about this one:
So this guy walks into the doctor's office with this big white duck on his head.
The doctor looks up and says, "Yes, sir, can I help you?"
And the duck says,
"Yeah, can you get this guy off my butt?"
OK, just for good measure, here's a duck comic from See Mike Draw:
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hokie Hokie Hokie... Sigh
Explanation: I sat down in front of the Virginia Tech game at Boston College this weekend with minimal expectations. Regardless of Tech's 5-1 record, this is a rebuilding year. I don't know how good Boston College is, but I know Tech has a history of tough games against them, especially in Chestnut Hill.
I've spent many years watching my Hokies play, and I am generally pretty emotionally vested in their games... but not this year. On Boston College's first passing play of the game, Tech intercepted the ball and ran it back for a touchdown. Then B.C. fumbled the ensuing kickoff return. With 13:00 to go in the first quarter, the Tech offense took the field for the first time on the B.C. 30 yard line with a 7-0 lead. In past seasons, I would have been jumping up and down and cheering and laughing and loving life. This season, however, I just sat there on the couch, knowing that this game was far from over. The inept Tech offense took the field, went three and out, and settled for a field goal to make the score 10-0.
As the game went on, the pain continued. Tech has no passing game. The passing highlight of the day was a bomb to a wide open freshman receiver (they're all freshmen) that went through his hands and bounced off his face. The running game was nonexistant. Our best play is where Tyrod Taylor drops back to pass and then scrambles because none of the receivers is open. Our second best play is where Taylor drops back and then throws a bullet to a place where there isn't a receiver. Sure, it doesn't gain any yardage, but it doesn't lose any either.
B.C., meanwhile, continued to show signs of life on offense. They ran back a punt for a touchdown, partially blocked a punt, and had a few big passing plays. Tech, on the other hand, couldn't do anything on offense. The defense scored another touchdown, and generated enough field position for the offense to kick two more field goals. That's right. The defense scored 14 and the offense managed 9. If the special teams managed to score (or avoid giving up a score) Tech might have won.
With the score at 28-23 in Boston College's favor, Tech got the ball back with over a minute left. Was I on the edge of my seat? No. Was I excited? No. I just sat there, quietly curious as to what on earth we could possibly do with the ball. The answer? Run four plays without getting a first down. Game over. Go team!
Also, you might have missed it during ESPN's coverage, but former Boston College quarterback Matt Ryan was in attendance at the game.
I'm not totally sure, but I think ESPN cut to him between every play. Even Jessica Simpson doesn't get this kind of attention when she goes to Cowboys games.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Un cliffhanger y un hasta las pelotas
1) Aclaro algo el cliffhanger del anterior post, aunque no mucho, ya que lo de la clausula de confidencialidad no es ninguna tontería:
- No es un guión
- La charla en cuestión (mañana tengo otra) tuvo lugar en un despacho presidido por una foto de Tarantino y Eli Roth y por una cantidad bestial de premios.
2) Se cae otro proyecto, uno llamado "Kuushuur" al que quiero como a un hijo. Mientras lo salvamos (que lo haremos), solamente decir que empiezo a estar hasta los cojones de la gente que dice que va a dar dinero y luego se esconde.