Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Advertising on blogs

I suppose you have read about these news lastly:
upongo que habréis leído últimamente estas dos noticias:

- The online advertising 'is put under the magnifying glass of U.S. Congress
- Coto advertising on blogs

The first deals with the issue of control of Internet advertising. You know Google or other sites, they can store our data and preferences and advertise with them. This is a subject already past but occasionally comes to the fore.

The second is on the line of surreptitious advertising and sponsorship. In the USA if you have a blog and advertise something you must do so openly, not hidden "bloggers to publish a sponsorship must disclose what type of materials have connections with the seller of that product or service." If not, they face fines of up to 7,500 euros. "

Well, this is what is happening in America, but could come to Europe quickly. It's easy: I am the agency, I do not want to spend as much dough to make a media plan or go out in the most popular media sites (eg online newspapers), I'll pay blogs and bloggers either in cash or in kind. I get cheaper, and make noise about my product and it also creates good opinion of the product that I offer.

In Spain Waskmann did something with Vodafone and The Post Impossible. Well, this is not prohibited in Spain by any means, but I would class as "smart advertising". So watch out, your purchase could be induced my friend.

More info here

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