They have talked a lot about the possibility of making iPhone apps from the new upcoming FlashCS5. Good news!
Anyway, we can´t miss the point about designers moving to programming or just designers using Actionscript 3. So this is the question:
If you were a designer what would you like to have in the new Flash CS5?
For this the Code Snippets Panel is really a great answer. I am sure many designers have already used this kind of panels (Gaia Framework, Event Generator, Quesy Tools, Kuler). You just install an .mxp and all it´s done! Easy! With no code.
So, what should Flash CS5 have in Code snippets Panel to help designers?
This is my whish list:
- Preload: Instead of making it coding, a simple preload could be prepared for this
- FullScreen: Liquid Design configuration. I could be included a FullScreen Background image option, so when you change your browser width or height you would see it ok. As SWffit does
- Google Analytics: We´ve seen it as a .swc, a panel would be good also
- Gaia Framework: I think this panel is done for programmers, it should be even more easy. Just think you are a designer and you don´t know nothing about code
- Loading external swf
- Motion pannel: Somethin as Greensock does or editing the new possibilities of bones animations
- XML Load
- Sound Load
- Load BitMapData
- Forms, could be included the connection to a php, Email checking, etc.
- SWF Object and SWF Address integration
- A menu builder
- 3D integration (PaperVision, Away3d)
- Text Formatting (as panels in Photoshop do)
- Banner Creation: With things that designers need (Clicktag, invisible button, etc.)
- Image Gallery
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