Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rennid Sdrawkcab

Drawing on a time-honored tradition from Ryan’s childhood, we did the easiest Family Home Evening ever:


Start with inviting your kids to backwards dinner by putting on all of your clothes backwards and asking them to do the same:

Picture 031

Then, feed them dessert first.  Tell them they CANNOT have broccoli unless they eat their ice cream and fudge, first!:

Picture 034

Next, feed them the rest of their courses backwards (Main course, Salad Course, Bread Course):Picture 036

Encourage them to eat backwards as well, till you realize what a mess-making idea that is:

 Picture 035

Refer to them by their backwards names.  Here is Htes:

Picture 037

Try your best to speak in backward phrases:  “?here cute Faith Isn’t”

Picture 032

This takes about 5 extra minutes out of your evening (to change into your clothes), besides the dinner you were already planning on having, and your kids will think you are the funnest parents around.

…Until you tell them that they since the dishes and table didn’t obey the rules of backwards night by going from Dirty to Clean during Backwards Dinner…they still have to clear the table and load the dishwasher.

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