Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Britain's chickens coming home to roost

London Riots: Kids and Parents Need to Be Held Accountable - The Daily Beast:
There is an excuse for everything. If they behave appallingly, they are “hyper-active,” and if they learn nothing, they are either dyslexic or have attention-deficit disorder. If they are juvenile criminals, they may, in extremis, be subjected to ASBOS, “anti-social behavior orders,” rather as though they had farted, not mugged a 90-year-old for her pensioner’s purse. We have passed edgily by hooded teenage groups on street corners, even while David Cameron, then in opposition, urged us to “hug a hoodie.” Hug a hoodie? Try asking one of these 13-year-olds to pick up the spent can of extra-strength cider he has just chucked under your feet. There are sink schools where teachers count it as a really successful day when they got through roll call without a riot, and actually teaching is an optional extra. Teachers are told to work more closely with parents on children’s behavior, but as my teacher niece explodes, “Find me a parent, for starters! And then find me a parent who isn’t going to threaten to report me, or worse, for dissing her kid.”
This is the result of Britain's statism, enforced by a ruling class that opposes nothing but its own history, with "moral relativism clothed as cultural sensitivity." Britain's political class has simply surrendered everything meaningful about what used to make Britain, Britain. And the British people, trained through centuries of subjecthood rather than citizenship, let them, and looked on approvingly.

A comment at the article: "[W]what the author is missing is the fact that we punish the people who get up and go to work by giving them a life that is far more difficult than the one funded by the state."

Indeed. When indolence is literally more profitable than industry, something is eventually going to burn. In this case, it's London.

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