Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Paying for Armageddon

Get ready for Armageddon - Mark Steyn - Macleans.ca:
... within a decade the United States will be paying more in interest payments than it pays for the military—and that’s not because the Pentagon is such a great bargain. In 2009, the United States accounted for over 43 per cent of the world’s military expenditures. So America will be spending more on debt interest than China, Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, India, Italy, South Korea, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Spain, Turkey, and Israel spend on their militaries combined. The superpower will have evolved from a nation of aircraft carriers to a nation of debt carriers.
Steyn has already documented that,

By 2015, the People’s Liberation Army, which is the largest employer on the planet, bigger even than the US Department of Community-Organizer Grant Applications, will be entirely funded by US taxpayers. When the Commies take Taiwan, suburban families in Connecticut and small businesses in Idaho will have paid for it.
Unless we actually reduce the federal debt - not merely reduce the rate of its growth - these outcomes are unavoidable. We'll only be tinkering with when, not whether. But I frankly despair that we will ever shrink our expenditures in real terms. And so, the appropriateness of Steyn's book, After America.

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