Thursday, August 21, 2008


(Here she is, with the actual assessor/kidnapper)

Jane had her kindergarten assessment today. Rhyming ("hog, log, hip, dip, mouse, house--is that wight Mom?), counting ("I can't wememboh how much I could count.") and starting sounds ("I saw a Mouse picture and I said, "mmm, M, wight?"), she knew it all and apparently is assessed to be ready for kindergarten--which starts in 2 weeks.

Let's assess the mom. Let's assess if she is ready for Jane-in-kindergarten, shall we?

Enjoyment of said child: At an all-time high.

Really, aside from extra bouts of crying, the girl can do no wrong. All day long she just brings fun into my life.

Entertaining of Seth without said child: Poor.

Who else is going to get him in the bath, roll around on the ground with him and play the Mommy/Baby game (the fake one) with him, after Jane is gone.
Nappy-buddy needs: High.

I seriously started crying the other day, as I snuggled next to her yummy yummy skin and knew that within a few weeks this would be gone forever. (Actual tears currently welling).
Desire for child to spend more time OUT THERE than here: Uh, SUPER-LOW.

I know where this road leads (I've done it twice before, you know), and basically, it doesn't end back with me. They just get bigger and more independent and boo on that.
Relief that kindgarten is only a 4-hour a day thing: Very high.

I need to be weaned slowly from my Jane fix.

So, do they average our scores, or what?

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