In today's information age, people require communication to exchange information anywhere, anytime and with anyone. One of the communications system which is a mainstay for the implementation of the integration of the global telecommunications system is a wireless communication system (wireless), which functions as an antenna for wireless communication devices.
Given the increasing number of customers (clients) who want to share / connect / connected on a local computer network, to facilitate connectivity between client and server technology made
wireless, where the role of the antenna that operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz on the server side is very useful for integrated wireless communications, the frequency is already widely used around the world because of a frequency of 2.4 GHz is the standard protocol of IEEE 802.11 b / g for wireless- LANs. Wireless technologies are widely used by people who now have affordable prices and save money for the cost of withdrawal of the cable, besides this technology is very practical and efficient.
Speaking of wireless communication systems, the role of the antenna is very important to receive special attention. Antennas are also referred to as area, which is a device that serves to transmit or receive electromagnetic waves from the air or cable media to air contrary to the cable media. The syaratsyarat good antenna: Impedance Input the appropriate (matched) with pencatunya cable characteristic impedance (SWR <2), can memancarkankan and receive radio wave energy to the direction and polarization in accordance with the required application.
In this case as an adjusting device (matching device) between the transmitter system with air, when the antenna is functioning as a medium of radio wave radiation, and vice versa, as the device
adjustment of the air to the receiving system, if the antenna is functioning as a medium wave radio receiver. Or even keduakeduanya, serves as a medium and receiver radiation and radio waves.
In a radio communication system antenna is very important role, namely to radiate electromagnetic waves. With omnidirectional antennas, the signal can be emitted in all directions and applications required from the antenna, it can be used on the Access Point (AP) for data communications in Wireless-LAN network, the antenna is expected to bergunakan on the server side and can serve each client her in an area / region in accordance with standard protocols WiFi IEEE 802.11 b / g.