Monday, November 12, 2007

Our cool Veteran`s Day!!!!!!!! ByEmma R.

Hi! Um, I'm Emma. This is my little pouch that I carried the camera in. Today is Veteran's Day and I am taking pictures and I'm going to write about it. And I'm going to tell you what happened, right now.
Even though it was a holiday, we still had to do our normal jobs.
And if we didn't do our jobs, we'd be punished and go sit on the not-listening chair (which as you can see is the toilet--very boring).
This is AFTER we got finished with our jobs.

Our mom made us a REALLY good breakfast: German Pancakes.
Next, Mom had her long long Family Home Evening thing, which took up a lot of the day. The moms made a Family Home Evening lesson. The older kids that they brought stayed upstairs with me and Gabe and colored the pictures that they were coloring.
These are the kids that the moms brought. Downstairs in the basement they made a lot of racket. Jane was really happy they came.

After everyone had left, Jane and Mom went upstairs to take a nap. So did Seth. Seth and Jane weren't too happy about me and Gabe getting to go downstairs in the basement and watch TV.

After we all woke up, or so I might say, Mom, Jane and Seth...we got our wiggles out and me and Gabe went to piano practice, while Mom, Jane and Seth went to run errands.
On our way home, we got the awesome, exciting, have-been-waiting-for-for-two-days,
"Meet the Robinsons" movie for Family Home Evening.

Here's some pictures of Gabe and Jane doing their jobs quickly so they could eat dinner. And then go down and watch Meet the Robinsons.
At dinner, I might as well tell you this, I hate tomatoes. They are disgusting. And in our dinner, it had tomatoes in it. I didn't realize this, so I took a big bite, with a biiiiig tomatoe. Ewh!
Finally! It was there! The moment we had been waiting for! Meet the Robinsons movie slash Family Home Evening night. It was sooo fun.
I hope you enjoyed our fuuuun day. And a little suggestion, if you have kids, get Meet the's really fun.

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