Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday Summary

There is just not a lot to say this week...when you post every day, it's kind of all documented. Assuming (ha!) you haven't heard enough about us this week...

Emma and Gabe take piano lessons. They both seem to enjoy it, though I think mostly they like the 4 boys that live at that house, that they get to play with after piano lessons. Jane used to take gymnastics on Mondays, but she's quit. And she's proud of it...she thinks it's very interesting to inform everyone, "I'm a quitter of gymnastics." Mom's just glad she doesn't have to do the CRAZY drop off/pick up circle that she used to do on Mondays.
This is when Jane goes to preschool, which she loves. She talk about "Teachoh Lohwee and Teachoh Bawbwa" all the time. She was especially happy because she got to bring the snack swan to school on Thursday and wear her costume (8 girls in her class=3 Cinderellas, here're 2 of them):
Duh. Halloween.
Ryan flew to Utah and defended his master's thesis. He, of course, passed. Here's Mr. MSEE himself : He has one more thing to rewrite, but he should be done with that and signed off this week. He got to visit 93 year old Grandma Sue, while he was there, and enjoyed a fun dinner with 4 of his 6 siblings.
We've been playing a game (which we've apparently stolen from the Barnetts. They left it at our house on Saturday, and we have yet to return. Thanks, guys.) called Blokus. We did this for a while on Friday night, and I think I've won every game. Told you I was awesome, especially when I am playing against grade-schoolers.

Last soccer games, woo hoo! Birthday lunch for my clone, Jessica. (Her name's really Jessica and we are a lot a like. Ryan says if I die, he'll just go hang out at her house whenever he misses me.) Financial planning meeting with one of our friends. Dinner at the only good Asian place in Spokane and ice cream at Coldstone. Oh yeah, worst move of the day: watching Transformers. We were not fans.
Seth ripped our wallpaper while on the not-listening chair. Then he had to go sit in the not-listening crib. We are still mad at him.

It was also fast Sunday which resulted in: grouchiness and over-dessert making. (Does this ever happen to you? You are so hungry that you are sure one pan of cookie bars will not be enough, so you make sugar cookies as well?) It also resulted in some real answers to concerns that I have been having lately, and so despite the Mommy the Grouch and the extra calories, I am always grateful for the Law of the Fast.
The Daines are coming over for dessert (I had to find somewhere for ALL those cookies to go) so I will have to be done. Not too exciting of a week, but thanks for being part of it with us!

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