Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Growing Pains

So Faith is getting older and I’m really, very sad about it. (She turns 3 next week.  Boo.)


I’m so sad about it that I’ve seriously contemplated having another baby.  Which is saying a lot because I have been So Done With Having More Kids for at least 2 years now.  I’m NOT having another baby because I remember that being pregnant is hard and losing the weight is hard and nursing is hard and teaching a baby how to sleep is hard.  And then my friend talked about how she doesn’t like the feeding kids baby food stage and I remembered I don’t like that stage either.  And then I watched Parenthood and Christina just brought home her new baby and I remembered that leaky, sleepy, crying, hormonal, chubby, confused stage and I don’t want to do that anymore.


So I’m not having another baby.  Because you can’t just keep having babies because you are sad that your current “baby” is turning 3.  You have to have a Last One, right?!  And at some point just come to terms that your house will be baby-less at some point.

And that you have to figure out how to say goodbye to:

1.The lisping.

2. The sweet, yummy, perfect lips and cheeks.

3. The 36 inch person who thinks they know all of the stuff and are the boss of the house.

4. The buddy that, no matter how frustrating at time, also fills you with joy and laughter.

5.  The running and hugging and yelling when you walk in the door.

6.  The extreme expression of likes, dislikes, excitement (“Mom, I’m des so decited that my burtday is almost coming!”), happiness, etc. 

7-438.  Other really awesome things about having babies and toddler and pre-schoolers in your home.


So, I honestly am sitting down and reading to Faith a little more often than I used to.  I’m turning off the radio and listening to her hilariousness while we run errands.  I’m stopping and putting her on the counter by me and looking into her eyes and watching her face while she talks.  I’m climbing in her bed after we are done with the routine and smashing her a little while longer before I head to my other kids/book/TV show. 

And I’m really trying to remember this quote:


(Except I’m actually crying right now, so I have to keep working on this one.)

All I have to say is having little kids is a joy and I am fortunate to have gotten to have one in my life for 12 years now and I will miss having a 2 year old because it’s (mostly) fun.

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