Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Republicans: They Thirst for Death

The most perceptive summary of last night's Las Vegas fiasco was a call to Mark Steyn this afternoon: "The winner of the Republican debate was Barack Obama."

The three leading candidates, Romney, Perry and Cain, spent almost all their time shredding one another, forgetting that they are running against the present Oval Office occupant. By halfway into the debate, I had learned that Cain thinks the rest of the field is stupid ("they just don't understand my plan, so I will pedantically explain it again," or words to that effect) and that Romney has no integrity and his conservatism is just for political convenience (according to Perry).

Whomever winds the Republican nomination will have been so slashed and trashed by his own party that Obama's sound and film bites for his campaign will be written by Republicans.

What does it all evidence but this?

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