Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Republicans want you to die, part 3

Here is the video of Vice President Biden saying explicitly that rape, murder and burglaries will all rise because the Republicans won't let the federal government give $36 billion to the states. Note that in the video he first denies ever talking about rape, then repeats again the assertion he made that rapes will rise.

Finally, he walks away when asked whether it is appropriate for the vice president to be using such inflammatory language.

So what are we to conclude but that the Republicans just want you to die? And now they want you to die at the hands of a burglar who breaks into your house, rapes you and then murders you. It's a Biden hat trick!

Maybe Biden was thinking of this Republican operative:

Biden has asked for an investigation of whether the reporter in the video, Jason Mattera, broke Senate rules in his questioning of the VP.
Vice President Joe Biden is not happy about his exchange with a conservative journalist that went viral last week. In fact, The Hill reports he has voiced an official complaint to the Senate press gallery and is calling for an investigation into whether rules were broken when he was confronted about his comments about increasing rapes and murders if the president‘s jobs bill wasn’t passed.

Biden has since taken to the Senate press gallery to complain about the confrontation. The Hill reports that Biden aides have asked whether Senate rules were broken by the inquisitive reporter, and Biden’s office has also contacted the standing committee of correspondents, which over sees the gallery, to question if Mattera broke any rules.
So Mr. Mattera is getting the Full Alinsky. Meanwhile, the Washington Post's fact checker checked facts: "Biden’s absurd claims about rising rape and murder rates."
Interestingly, Flint Police Chief Lock has repeatedly asserted that cuts in staffing had little effect on the crime rate.

As the Flint Journal reported in May: “Officials said the fact that 46 police officers were laid off last year had little to do with the escalating crime. Most of the crimes were between people that knew each other. ‘No matter how many officers we have, we can't stop disputes between two people in their own homes,’ Lock said.”

Lock made a similar assertion in September, 2010, when FBI statistics were released showing violent crime in Flint had decreased in 2009. The Flint Journal reported: “A smaller police force doesn't automatically mean more crime, said Flint police chief Alven Lock. ‘There's been years when we had 300 officers and we still had more homicides,’ he said, referring to 1986, when he was in the homicide division and homicides hit an all-time high of 61.”
The WaPo's writer cites many more authorities showing pretty much no linkage between the number of police on duty and the number of murders or rapes, then concludes,

In any case, the vice president should know better than to spout off half-baked facts in service of a dubious argument. Even if one believes there is a link between crime and the number of police—which is debatable and subject to many caveats—there is no excuse to make the dramatic claim that more people will die or be raped without additional funds for police. When making such a breathtaking charge, you had better have your facts straight.

Four Pinocchios

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