Wednesday, October 12, 2011

One line summaries of last night's debate

My quick assessment: In the way the other candidates zeroed on Romney, it was evident that they all saw him as the one to beat. And they failed completely. They didn't even hole his sails. I am far from sold on Mitt Romney as president, but clearly he is the front-running candidate and last night's debate showed why. So my one-line summaries in alphabetical order:

Bachmann: Hey, is that spelled with one "n" or two, and one "l" or two in her first name? Nuff said. Oh, she was a federal tax attorney.

Cain: Bold! Simple! Transparent! What part of Nine Nine Nine don't you understand? (Other than the "Nine" part?)

Gingrich: "Don't know much about ee-con-o-mee, but I'll roll you flat in foreign pol-uh-see."

Huntsman: Let's have Chinese mayors meets with American mayors! And stuff like that. Fork. Stick. Done.

Paul: I hate the Fed. Really, I do. And that's my economic platform.

Perry: The best duh-bater at the table. Needed a homer last night or be grateful for a triple. Instead he swung for first and managed a walk.

Romney: Hit me with your best shot. Ha! Missed again!

Santorum: Well, bucko, you sure didn't ask the audience what they thought about your proposals, now didja? Heh! Chicken!

Update: Seems that Cain helped himself last night more than any other candidate: "Cain leads nationally."

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