Monday, October 24, 2011

Occupy Secessionists?

With the fragmented ideology and bureaucratic monstrosity that OWS has become, I have to wonder just how long it will be before the movement splinter and some of the squatters at Zuccotti Square decide to secede. Consider, "How Do You Like the Revolution Now, Comrade?"
Even in Zuccotti Park, greed is good.
Occupy Wall Street’s Finance Committee has nearly $500,000 in the bank, and donations continue to pour in—but its reluctance to share the wealth with other protesters is fraying tempers.

Some drummers—incensed they got no money to replace or safeguard their drums after a midnight vandal destroyed their instruments Wednesday—are threatening to splinter off.
Well, you see, the basic rule of socialist-communal movements was identified by George Orwell about 70 years ago: "Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others." It's a tossup whether OWS is more like Animal Farm or Lord of the Flies, or both.

Bryan Smith, head of Zuccotti Park's squatters comfort committee, complained that one day his group raised $2,000, kept $650 for committee operations and turned the rest over to the finance committee. But finance flat declined his later request for funding. "... I was told to fill out paperwork. Paperwork! Are they the government now?” Smith fumed, even as he cajoled the passing crowd for more cash."

So I am imagining this conversation will occur in the near future:

Finance Enforcer: Comrade Smith, I see you have raised a lot of money today.

Smith: Two thousand dollars.

Finance: The Finance Committee thanks you. Place the money in the bank bag and I will give you a receipt.

Smith: No, can't do that. It's our money, not yours.

Finance: All fundraising is done for the common good and all money is held by the Finance Committee!

Smith: For those people [gesturing toward the squatters' camp] but not for us. My group and I are not part of your movement anymore.

Finance: What? You can't do that!

Smith: Already have, tovarich. We are now an independent movement called the Comfort Committee Local 001. When you need soap or toothpaste or hygiene articles, come see us. Oh, cash and carry, no credit. We have found that socialism doesn't work, so now we are free-market capitalists. You have to pay to play.

Wouldn't it be nice?

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